Saturday, August 31, 2019
Harris Bergeron & by the Waters of Babylon Essay
In the story, Harrison Bergeron, one learns that the author, Kurt Vonnegut, does not like the way society is. He does not like how people judge one another because one is not as attractive, or smarter, or funnier. He portrays this idea into the story by creating a society full of people that are equal. For example, in the beginning one gets to know that George is actually really intelligent as was all Hazel, but not as much as George. George cannot be smarter than Hazel or anyone, so to control the way he thinks he has to wear a mental handicap that receives different sounds to scatter his thoughts (Vonnegut, p. 34). Although, many people are fine with the way this society is being ran, in one section George explains to Hazel what would happen if he took his handicaps off then he will not be equal with everyone else, it is not fair to Hazel either because she has to keep wearing hers, â€Å"And pretty soon we’d be right back to the dark ages again†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Vonnegut, p. 3 7). However, Harrison Bergeron, a 14 year-old boy, does not agree with this. â€Å"Now watch me come what I can become!†(Vonnegut, p. 39). He believes people should not be equal and be able to use the skills others do not have. On page 39, Harrison storms in and announces he is the emperor, and then he chooses his Empress and removes the handicaps from her and himself. Harrison does not want to be ruled by someone but rule himself; he wants to change the way things are being ran in this town. In the story By the Waters of Babylon, John, a son of a priest and becomes a priest himself, lives in a society where the people have many different believes. For example, many things are forbidden like going east, going into a Dead Place, unless one is a priest or a son of a priest and to search for metal, cross the river and look at the place that was once the â€Å"Place of Gods.†On page 292, John’s father is reviewing all of the forbidden places. â€Å"All these things are forbidden,†I said, but it was my voice that spoke but not my spirit,†(Benet, p. 292). â€Å"My heart was troubled about going east, yet I knew that I must go.†(Benet, p. 293). John knows going to these places is a sin, but for some reason he seems to knot agree with this. As the story progresses, John is now a man and goes off into his journey. He searches for signs; his first sign was an eagle that went east. John knows it is a sin to go east, but his gut is telling him he should go. However, he believes this was a bad spirit trying to convince him to the wrong thing. His next sign were three deers, as well as a white fawn, another sin. Then he sees a black panther which attacks the white fawn. This represents a ying and a yang, good and evil. John says it is better to die than loose his spirit (Benet, p. 294). At the John decides he will travel to the Place of Gods, even though he might die he wants to know the truth. Once John arrived he realizes all those stories he was told as a boy were false. â€Å"†¦ the tales say, that the ground burned forever, for I have been there†¦.. It is not true either, what some of our priests say, that the island covered with fogs and enchantments.†(Benet, p. 296). John then explains that the Place of Gods is a regular dead place, with cracked roads, damaged buildings and high towers. The knowledge John has gained burned in him, he said on page 296. At the end of his journey he realizes that the god s were regular men that lived before him. He explains to his father there were never any real ‘gods’. John wants to share this knowledge with the people of his town; however his father says it is better to tell the knowledge little by little because if one ate too much truth at once, one may die of the truth. (Benet, p. 301). John says he learned that being a priest, ate knowledge too fast. (Benet, p. 301).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Employment and Natalie Essay
Natalie Attired worked at Biddy’s for one year when she was fired for getting a sleeve tattoo on her upper right arm. Natalie was fired because Ms. Biddy claimed that she her appearance was disturbing the clients while they were trying to eat. There is no employee manual or written policy about employee conduct. Natalie while for unemployment in July 2010 but was denied because she was terminated for â€Å"misconduct.†Biddy’s has been in for over 20 years and is run by Biddy Baker, age 60. Biddy evaluates her waitress’ performance every three months. Questions Presented: Was Natalie’s tattoo in fact a distraction to the customers in the restaurant? Were there any guidelines in place that would in fact tell Natalie that she was in violation of the dress code? Did Ms. Biddy talk to her employee about how she wants there to present themselves while at work? Brief Answers: Two customers complained that Natalie’s tattoo was distracting. There were not any guidelines or employee handbook that stated was acceptable or not acceptable. Ms. Biddy did evaluate her employees every 3 months but in the evaluations she did not state how she wanted her employees to present themselves. Rules that Apply: According to the New Mexico Statutes Annotated,  § 51-1-7  § 51-1-7. Disqualification for benefits A. An individual shall be disqualified for and shall not be eligible to receive benefits: (1) if it is determined by the division that the individual left employment voluntarily without good cause in connection with the employment. However, a person shall not be denied benefits under this paragraph: (2) if it is determined by the division that the individual has been discharged for misconduct connected with the individual’s employment. Also in 555 P.2d 696 Supreme Court of New Mexico. Zelma M. MITCHELL, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. LOVINGTON GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER, INC., Defendant-Appellant. No. 10847.Oct. 27, 1976. ‘misconduct’ . . . is limited to conduct evincing such willful or wanton disregard of an employer’s interests as is found in deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior which the employer has the right to expect of his employee, or in carelessness or negligence of such degree or recurrence as to manifest equal culpability, wrongful intent or evil design or to show an intentional and substantial disregard of the employer’s interests or of the employee’s duties and obligations to his employer. On the other hand mere inefficiency, unsatisfactory conduct, failure in good performance as the result of inability or incapacit y, inadvertencies or ordinary negligence in isolated instances, or good faith errors in judgment or discretion are not to be deemed ‘misconduct’ within the meaning of the statute. Analysis: According to the definition of misconduct as stated above Ms. Attried did not in fact get fired for misconduct she did in fact get fired because Ms. Biddy felt her tattoo was a hinder to her business. In Natalie’s evaluations she was evaluated as a good employee who just needed to learn a few things to get her job skills up to par. Nowhere is it stated that she did anything to make her employer have to take negative action against her. She was always on time for work, she was pleasant with the customers, and she usually gets all the orders. Conclusion: Natalie was wrongly denied her unemployment benefits because she does not fit the criteria to be denied because of misconduct. She did perform her job to the best or her knowledge and there was no handbook to ensure that she was wrong about getting the tattoo. If Ms. Biddy wants her employees to conduct themselves a certain way she should provide guideline to ensure that they in fact know what is expected of them. Natalie should be able to receive her benefits and should have them backtracked to her original file date of unemployment.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Labor Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Labor Relations - Essay Example Otherwise, if they could not be regarded as such commodities within the free labor market, they (employees) could have been dismissed in a procedural manner where they are informed of their terms of dismissal and if they do not agree with same, they can take legal resolutions. There were numerous forms of exploitation of the Americans especially in line with value of independence and liberty in the fight of the freedom of the unions in the early 1900s. There was poor labor relation and laws, and the employees were under the grace of the employers. Some of the factors that led to these exploited included the wide labor market and the fact that employees in the blue collar jobs were slaves or Africans and this created a disparity in the labor market (Dewhirst and Rausch, 2007). The employees’ voices were irrelevant since the unions were never considered powerful by the then government that saw them as antigovernment movements. Therefore, since the government wanted to depress them, employers took the opportunity to maximize on their returns by offering low wedges and imposing cost control, flexibility, and quality on the products. Additionally, employers made employee to work for longer time without extra payments. There are different form of employment relationship bargains including mandatory, permissive, and illegal bargaining items. The illegal bargaining subjects are usually included in collective agreement and it is usually unenforceable. For instance, if a contract denote that employees are to work three times per week. This does not mean that these employees are to snort cocaine for the rest of the month. Notably, snorting cocaine is an illegal activity (Dewhirst and Rausch, 2007); thus, the company and union are never allowed to involve themselves in such bargains. The permissive bargaining subjects are bargains that
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International marketing - Essay Example However, globalization has not diminished social and cultural differences across markets which suggest that marketing communication strategy needs to address these differences when communicating across cultures. Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture are the most widely applied theory in understanding national and international markets. This paper argues that the concepts of self, personality and identity differ across culture which in turn influences advertising strategy across different markets. However, advertising strategy cannot solely be based on Hofstede’s dimensions of culture. Other factors and variables could also influence the advertising appeals. It is essential to understand how advertising works in different cultures and to understand this, the advertising value has to be perceived in the right manner. Consumers and Cultural dimensions Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people fr om another (Hofstede, 1990). National culture differentiates one nation from another but within the national culture several subcultures may exist. Consumers differ not only in their lifestyle, beliefs, attitudes and buying habits and at the root of all these, is the difference in culture. Cultural values actually represent the core beliefs of the society. It also includes education, religion and the physical environment. Attitudes develop over time and can change with age and education. In personal communication verbal and body language both can difference across cultures. Understanding cultural differences is a prerequisite for international advertising as a culture’s values are reflected in its advertising (Aillaud & Hahnel, 2006; Chang et al, 2009; Alozie, 2010). Culture and advertising Culture and advertising are inherently related and beliefs towards advertising differ across cultures (Liu et al, 2011). Advertising represents a special type of mass media discourse where verbal and non-verbal messages are unified into a single entity (Ustinova, 2008). Advertising merges the voices of authority and intimacy as they are constrained by the need to fulfill the wishes of their clients. Advertising is closely related to culture and must be adapted to meet the consumer’s needs. Tastes and desires may have become homogenous; values and needs have not become universal (Cemalovic, 2009). Cultural differences continue to exist in language, customs, and habits which heighten the importance of localizing the marketing strategy. Cultural values are an integral part of the consumer’s self. Therefore, for advertisements to be effective, they should be centered on the customer. Mental and social processes also make a difference in how advertisements are perceived (Mooij & Hofstede, 2010). Mental processes are internal – how people learn, perceive and process messages. Social processes include motivation and emotions. Both these processes affect mass communication and interpersonal communication which in turn impact the advertising appeals and advertising style. Advertising appeal and culture While designing advertisements the consumers must be focused upon. Culture influences various elements of consumer behavior and each of these have to be considered by the marketers when designing advertisements. Consumers differ in how they process information and perceive the message. Advertising appeals are specific approaches that marketers use to communicate
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Risks and Rewards of Internationalization Essay
Risks and Rewards of Internationalization - Essay Example They have to compete with local as well as foreign firms. Many firms are founding new investment opportunities and new avenues of profit by going international. Internationalization also brings along with it its fair share of challenges. Firms have to adapt quickly in order to survive in the new world order. Internationalization has now become an important part of a firm’s strategy. It has become important to realize which strategies can be transferred abroad and what strategies are to be imported .Different markets pose different challenges, some of them may be solved by using global means whereas others need to be tackled through local strategies. In view of this; glocalisation is the new term which has been developed by researchers. Ohame (1994) has claimed that glocalisation means thinking global and acting local. (Hagiu, 2009) Although Internationalization has presented firms with numerous growth opportunities it also has presented various challenges such as an uncertain cultural, political and legal climate. The emerging markets such as India and China have unstable political and legal frameworks. It is difficult for firms to adjust to them and May sometime lead to collapse of the internal organization. Consequently firms have to find the best possible alternative when going for internationalization. They have to decide whether they want to go alone or venture into a partnership. This paper will analyse all such issues and the possible risks and rewards associated with internationalization. Internationalization: Definition Internationalization in simple terms can be defined as the process through which firms identify the international markets which are lucrative for them and try to enter it. Internationalization as a strategy can be adopted by firms by either acting alone or by acting in collaboration with other firms. (Cavusgil, 2009) Firms which act alone usually set up subsidiaries in the market which they want to enter or they may even buy up f irms which are already present in that market. An example of this technique can be seen when Vodafone entered the Indian market it bought a majority stake in the company Hutch which already had a presence in the Indian market. Most firms are wary to go alone in a new market and that too market of an emerging economy. So they prefer to partner with other firms and make a strategic alliance with one or more than one partners. These partners may be local business firms or multinational corporations who have been present in that market for a long time. E.g. – Honda ventured in the Indian market by tying up with Hero – the local Indian partner. (Ferná, et al., 2005) Ways to Penetrate New Markets Different methods can be used by firms looking for internationalization of their business. Some of them will be discussed here - Export Method This is the simplest method of entering an international market. This was the method utilized by firms in the times before globalization . Export method is also very relevant today if the international market is not promising enough and the sales number do not explain setting up shop in the country. The advantage of this method is that the firm does not have to build up infrastructure nor does it have to partner with clients. (Jones, 2009)The firm simple pays the custom duty and its products enter the market. However if the firm is looking to capture the market of the country; export method is not a viable option unless you have an advantage which cannot be removed. Cases in point here
Monday, August 26, 2019
Engaging Communication Technologies of the 1950s Assignment - 1
Engaging Communication Technologies of the 1950s - Assignment Example Moreover, the advent of digital media has brought the conditions of the old technologies into relief, making the world more conscious of the media environment (Winston, P. 12). This paper explores the technological advances in the media industry across the world in the 1950s. In particular, the paper discusses how technological changes affected the lives and perceptions of people in different regions of the world, comparing how technology was used then and its modern use. Among the decades of the second half of the 20th Century, perhaps the 1950s was regarded as the most conservative. Nevertheless, it is during the same period that different regions of the world experienced many advances and changes in technologies and their uses. In this regard, a lot changed in the way people carried out their routine activities as work became easier to do. Given that World War II had just ended less than a decade ago and the world had come to appreciate the use of machinery and technology during the war, different governments and individual scientists embarked on developing new technologies in addition to improving on the existing ones (Winston, P. 31). The technologies that people merely anticipated during and before World War II began to become a reality for many of the people, more so in the Western World and some regions of Asia. Among the sectors that benefitted most from the technological developments of the 1950s was the communication and transport sector, particularly the media industry. It is therefore not be realistic and proper to label the 1950s a sleepy or a conservative decade. As far as media technology is concerned, the 1950s was one of the most productive and revolutionary decades. For example, a rapid change was recorded in both television and radio technology and content. In addition, there were developments in the technologies related to newspaper
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 2 Essay
Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 2 - Essay Example I worked for a few months in the year 2011, before the store closed in 2012. All the sales representatives reported to the sales manager. He is one of the best examples I have on leaders with some of the most effective skills. He would encourage all sales staff members to meet their set goals and related to most of us on a personal level. He would join us on strategy planning meetings and accept decisions that we reached based on consensus. Behavioral models are a set of theories on leadership used to explain leadership in terms of conduct of an administrator and his subordinates. It is an approach that lays emphasis on how a leader gets their subordinates to achieve goals and tasks in an organization (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2014). This approach also studies how employees in an organization are also able to attain personal goals while also accomplishing tasks allocated to them by their leaders. The behavioral approach is thus an approach based on initiation of structures and subordinates welfare considerations. Leaders who are keen on these two concepts are effective leaders (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2014). The behavioral approach originated from the Ohio and Michigan research studies on effective leadership. The Ohio research studies concluded that there is effective leadership in an organization if the organization’s leaders put structures in place and they also have high consideration of employees. The Michigan research studies divided supervisory behavior into production oriented and employee oriented approaches. The sales manager at Best Buy was very concerned with the welfare of all employees under his department. He was also not dictator when it came to making decisions. His effective leadership skills were also reflected in the productivity levels of sales representatives. In my opinion the leadership style employed by the sales manager was effective for the sales department. The leadership style used by the sales
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Industrial Espionage in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Industrial Espionage in America - Essay Example d nations and businesses vulnerable as information can be stolen from electronic storage media and transmitted in seconds without even physically removing the data. The paper attempts to examine and understand the challenge of espionage to industries and businesses in America. However, in doing so, it shall also look at the historical development of espionage and examines how the advances in technology in the recent years have facilitated the act of espionage, and also the measures that may prove useful in controlling industrial espionage. As a prelude to the research, it may be worthwhile to understand how industrial espionage is defined, its nature and implications. The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines industrial espionage as â€Å"an individual or private business entity sponsorship or coordination of intelligence activity conducted for the purpose of enhancing their advantage in the marketplace.†[Cited Boni and Kovacich, 2000; p. 48] While the definition may imply industrial espionage to be more or less the same as business or competitive intelligence, John F Quinn explains the essential difference between the two – while business intelligence is generally under private sponsorship using an â€Å"open†methodology, espionage may be either government or privately sponsored and clandestine. [Cited Boni and Kovacich, 2000; p. 47] In the highly competitive and globalized business environment, proprietary intellectual property and economic information is considered the most valuable commodity by all nations, particularly the advanced ones. Businesses and/or governments involve in espionage activities for the purpose of unlawfully or clandestinely obtaining sensitive financial, trade or economic policy information, proprietary/sensitive economic information; or critical technologies including but not limited to data, plans, tools, mechanisms, compounds, designs, formulae, processes, procedures, programs, codes or commercial strategies, whether tangible or
PersuasiveControvserial paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
PersuasiveControvserial paper - Essay Example Thesis Abortion is not an immoral act but the only possible way for many women to avoid undesired pregnancy and protect their future. Within the pro-choice movement, arguments come from the field of legal philosophy, specifically natural law, claiming that the right-to-life is a fundamental human right which should be protected by law. Again, from the legal perspective, pro-choice encompasses those advocating a right of every woman to control her life. This lobby advocates for female's right to choose abortion. Moderates believes that abortion should be a last resort and justified in case the pregnant woman cannot raise the child or give it up for adoption, or "if the pregnancy risks pose a danger for the life and health of the woman" (Hull et al 98). It also has to do with partisan affiliation: many Democrats are radical pro-choice, while the Republicans are mostly pro-choice moderates. The problem is that it is impossible to accept the law and develop a single ethical rule suitable for all the cases. Every specific case should be discussed separately in accordance with the circumstances and patients' health cond itions. Most Americans suppose that it is unethical to use people as a mean but its more unethical to deprive other babies of a chance to survive because of speculative ethical arguments created by a group of people. The vivid example of ethical dimensions of abortion is Roe v. Wade which became a landmark event in the history of abortion in America. The woman claimed that she had become pregnant by rape and therefore was seeking an abortion. Norma and her defendant though that abortion ban violated the right of women under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Norma McCorvey had already given birth by the time the case was brought before the Court in December 1971. (Hull et al 93). Claiming that abortion is immoral and comparing it to killing, pro-life advocates forget about such problems poverty and hunger, lack of money and cloths. It is easy to state that 'fetus is a human'. It is possible to say that most of these people do not know hardship and poverty speaking about the God and high moral values. For many women, abortion becomes the only possible way to protect their families from poverty and hardship. For instance, some African-American and Latino families have 7 or more children, and one more children will be a real burden for them. So, banning abortions without any exceptions is a cruel and unjustifiable practice Abortion is also very bad for the morality of society as a whole. Abortion is an easy way out, so it encourages promiscuity and unprotected sex. The very notion of abortion is immoral because it ruins the whole concept of responsible parenthood. The society has the duty to protect the life of its citizens. "The right to life has been the found ation of the civilized society" (Wetstein 54). Still, there is no consensus among the scholars, politicians and members of general public as to what attitude to abortion is justified. Nor is there a consensus in the world community, since the practice of different states in this sphere varies a lot. "Whilst abortion has been accepted by the American state since the land-mark Roe vs. Wade case in the early 1970s, this is by no means a reflection of universal agreement - either international or within
Friday, August 23, 2019
Cultural Artifacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cultural Artifacts - Essay Example All these and many other aspects altogether represent our culture and its evolution over time. To prove my point I will concentrate on architecture how it is reflective of the culture. It not only represents the present but also has traces of the past. By observing architecture of any society over the years you can observe the evolution of their culture. It shows our values and beliefs. Architecture actually encompasses all three eras, traces of our past, needs of our present and aspirations of our future. Archeology In order to fully understand evolutionary process of architecture we need to develop sound understanding of archeology and dating methods. Crucially understanding of the past depends on the efficiency of the chronological dating methods employed. Indus civilization As we all know Indus civilization is one the oldest civilizations of the world. Some of the things found in excavations dates back to as early as 2800 BCE (McIntosh). A good understanding of their culture was developed through the literature found in some of the writings, pottery and remains of the buildings. The Indus civilization is distinctive in its indigenous development from the cotemporary civilizations. Its architecture does not bear any sign of warfare of that time. They had elaborate drainage system and well planned urban layout. Although scarcity of any building was observed, which could be identified as temple or monument? Architecture and Sculpture History According to historians large wooden houses, palaces and barns were being built in India from around 1700 BC. Although it does not have much creativity and durability was also questionable. (Subcontinent) Some stone architecture and sculpture started in India in 300 BC under the influence of Greeks and Persians. Artifacts are a good source of studying the economic and cultural conditions of any time. It was well reflected in the buildings of that era also. In fact the understanding we have developed about the older civiliz ations and their evolution and growth was achieved by studying the artifacts of those times. Indians moved from traditional wooden architecture to stone architecture and fine masonry work under the influence of foreigners. But the artifacts they produced had the Indian touch and were reflective of their culture. Rock Architecture History of Rock architecture in India dates back to eighth century. There are remains of a temple in Ellora in central Asia. (William J. Duiker) It was named after the holy mountains and it is beautifully carved out of a hill side. Traces of this form of architecture were also found in Africa. It is reflective of the technological advancement of that time because carving a mountain needed a lot of skill and equipment. It is also reflective of the religious beliefs of the time. Most of the religious architecture of that time consisted of Buddhist cave temples and monasteries. The next millennium witnessed impressive sculptures and paintings. Religious archit ecture evolved from caves to monumental structures. They were even decorated with ceilings, door frames, relevant paintings and other accessories which marked the welfare of the civilization. Islamic Architecture When India was conquered by Mughals Indian architecture took a large leap forward. Mughals were found of architecture. Magnificent buildings all over India are a proof of their taste and love for
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Renaissance Notes Essay Example for Free
Renaissance Notes Essay The 15th century artistic developments in Italy matured during the 16th century. The 15th century is thus designated the â€Å"Early Renaissance†and the 16th century the â€Å"High Renaissance†. Although there is no single style that defines the period, there is a distinct level of technical and artistic mastery that does. This is the age of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Titian, artists whose works exhibit such authority, that later generations of artists relied on these works for instruction. These exemplary artistic creations further elevated the prestige of artists. Artists could claim divine inspiration, thereby raising visual art to a status formerly only given to poetry. Painters, sculptors, and architects were elevated to a new level and they claimed for their work a high position among the fine arts. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 1519) was born in the small town of Vinci, near Florence. He trained in the studio of Andrea del Verrocchio. He was brilliant man with many interests. His directions foreshadowed those that art and science would take in the future. A discussion of his many interests enhances our understanding of his artistic production. Those interests are seen in his Romulus sketchbooks filled with drawings and notes from his studies of the human body and natural world. He explored optics in-depth, allowing him to understand perspective, light, and color. His scientific drawings are artworks themselves. Leonardo’s ambition in painting, as well as science, was to discover the laws underlying the processes and flux of nature. Leonardo believed that reality in its absolute sense is inaccessible, and that humans can only know it through its changing images. He considered the eyes the most vital organs and sight the most essential function. In his notes, he repeatedly stated that all his scientific investigations made him a better painter. Around 1481, Leonardo left Florence, offering his services to Ludovico Sforza, duke of Milan. In his offer he highlighted his competence as a military engineer, mentioning his artistic abilities only at the end. This provided Leonardo with increased financial security and highlights the period’s instability. During his first trip to Milan Leonardo painted Virgin on the Rocks as a central panel of an altarpiece for the chapel of the confraternity of the Immaculate Conception in San Francesco Grande. The painting builds on Masaccio’s understanding and usage of Chiaroscuro. Modeling with light and shadow and expressing emotional states were, for Leonardo, the heart of painting. A good painting has two chief objects to paint man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard, for it must be expressed by gestures and the movement of the limbs A painting will only be wonderful for the beholder by making that which is not so appear raised and detached from the wall. Leonardo presented the figures in Virgin of the Rocks in a pyramidal grouping and more notably, as sharing the same environment. This groundbreaking achievement the unified representation of objects in an atmospheric setting was a manifestation of scientific curiosity about the invisible substance surrounding things. The Madonna, Christ Child, infant John the Baptist, and angel emerge through nuances of light and shade from the half light of the cavernous visionary landscape. Light veils and reveals the forms, immersing them in a layer of atmosphere that exists between them and the viewer. Atmospheric perspective is in full view. The figures actions unite them; prayer, pointing, and blessing. The angel points to the infant John. His outward glance involves spectators out of view, perhaps the viewers of the painting. John prays to the Christ Child and is blessed in return. The Virgin herself completes the series of interlocking gestures, her left hand resting protectively on John’s shoulder. The mood of tenderness, enhanced by caressing light, suffuses the entire composition. Leonardo succeeded in expressing â€Å"the intention of his soul.†For the refectory of the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Leonardo painted Last Supper. Despite its ruined state (in part from Leonardo’s unfortunate experiments with his materials) and although it has often been restored ineptly, the painting is Leonardo’s most formally and emotionally impressive work. Christ and his twelve disciples are seated at a long table set parallel to the picture plane in a simple, spacious room. Leonardo amplified the drama by placing it in an austere room. Christ with outstretched hands, has just said, â€Å"one of you is about to betray me†Matt 26:21. A wave of intense excitement passes through the group as each disciple asks himself or his neighbor, â€Å"Is it I?†In the center, Christ appears isolated from the disciples and in perfect repose, while emotion swirls around him. The central window in the back frames Christ and has a curving pediment above it. The arc serves as a diffused halo. Christ’s head is the location of the single vanishing point on which the orthogonals converge, further emphasizing Christ. Leonardo presented the agitated disciples in four groups of three, united among and within themselves by the figures’ gestures and postures. The artist sacrificed traditional iconography to pictorial and dramatic consistency by placing Judas on the same side of the table as Jesus and the other disciples. His face in shadow, Judas clutches a money bag in his right hand and reaches his left forward to fulfill the Master’s declaration†:But yeah behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is on the table†Luke 22:21. The two disciples on the end contain the action by their quiet composure. Leonardo’s, Mona Lisa is the world’s most famous portrait. The sitter’s identity is not certain, but Vasari asserted that she is Lisa di Antonio Maria Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy Florentine hence, â€Å"Mona (an Italian contraction of ma donna, â€Å"my lady†) Lisa.†It is notable because it is a convincing representation of an individual, rather than serving as an icon of status. The ambiguity of the famous â€Å"smile†is really the consequence of Leonardo’s fascination and skill with chiaroscuro and atmospheric perspective. Her they serve to disguise rather than reveal a human psyche. The artist subtly adjusted the light and blurred precise planes Leonardo’s famous smokey sfumato (misty haziness) rendering the facial expression hard to determine. The lingering appeal of Mona Lisa derives in large part from Leonardo’s decision to set his subject against the backdrop of a mysterious uninhabited landscape. Originally Leonardo represented Mona Lisa in a loggia with columns. The painting was cropped later on (not by Leonardo) and the columns were eliminated. The remains of the column bases may still be seen to the left and right of Mona’s shoulders. Leonardo completed very few paintings; his perfectionism, relentless experimentation, and far ranging curiosity diffused his efforts. The drawings in his notebooks preserve an extensive record of his ideas. His interests focused increasingly on science in his later years, and he embraced knowledge of all facets of the natural world. One example is The Fetus and Lining of the Uterus, although not up to 20th century standards for accuracy, it was an astounding achievement in its day. Though not the first scientist, Leonardo certainly originated a method of scientific illustration, especially cutaway and exploded views. Scholars have long recognized the importance of these drawings for the development of anatomy as a science, especially in an age predating photographic methods such a X rays. Leonardo was well known as an architect and sculptor in his lifetime, but no existing building or sculptures can be attributed to him. From his drawings he was interested in the central style plan of buildings. Leonardo left numerous drawings of monumental equestrian statues of which one was made into a full scale model for a monument to Francesco Sforza (Ludovico’s). The French used it for a target and shot it to pieces when they occupied Milan in 1499. Due to the French, Leonardo left Milan and served for a while as a military engineer for Caesar Borgia, who, with the support of his father, Pope Alexander VI, who tried to conquer the cities of the Romagna region in North Central Italy and create a Borgia duchy. At a later date, Leonardo returned to Milan in the service of the French. At the invitation of King Francis I, he then went to France, where he died at the Chateau of Cloux in 1519. Julius II: The Warrior Pope Pope Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere (1503 1513), was an individual whose interests and activities effected the course of the High Renaissance. Julius II was a very ambitious man who indulged his enthusiasm for battle in a supposed quest to expand the church and the Kingdom of Heaven by worldly means. This earned him a designation as the â€Å"warrior pope†. He selected his name Julius after Julius Caesar, and he ran the papacy using the Roman Empire as his model. Julius II’s papacy was notable for his contributions to the arts. He was an avid art patron and understood well the propagandistic value of visual imagery. After his election as pope, he immediately commissioned artworks that would present an authoritative image of his rule and reinforce the primacy of the Catholic Church. He commissioned a new design for Saint Peter’s basilica, the construction of his tomb, the painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, and the decoration of the papal apartments. These large scale projects clearly required considerable finances. Because of this need, Julius sanctioned the huge increase in the selling of indulgences as a way to raise the revenue needed to fund the art, architecture, and the lavish papal lifestyle. This perception prompted disgruntlement among the faithful. Despite his exceptional artistic legacy, Julius II’s patronage contributed to the rise of the Reformation. Saint Peter’s Old Saint Peter’s had fallen into considerable disrepair and did not fit Julius II’s taste for the large, colossal, and glorious. He wanted control over all Italy and make the Rome of the Pope’s as glorious as or greater than that of the Caesars. This important commission was awarded to Donato D’Angelo Bramante (1444 1514). Bramante was trained as a painter. He went to Milan in 1481 and stayed till the French arrived in 1499. In Milan he abandoned painting and went on to become the most renowned architect of his generation. Influenced by Brunelleschi, Alberti, and perhaps Leonardo, who favored antiquity, Bramante developed the High Renaissance form of the central plan church. Bramante originally conceived the new Saint Peter’s to consist of a cross with arms of equal length, each terminated by an apse. Julius II intended the new building to serve as a martyrium to mark Saint Peter’s grave and also hoped to have his own tomb in it. A large dome would have covered the crossing, and smaller domes over the subsidiary chapels would have covered the diagonal axes of the roughly squared plan. The ambitious plan called for a boldly sculptural treatment of the walls and piers under the dome. His design for the interior space was complex in the extreme, with the intricate symmetries of a crystal. It is possible to detect in the plan nine interlocking crosses, five of them supporting domes. The scale was so titanic that, according to sources, Bramante boasted he would place the dome of the Pantheon over the Basilica Nova. During Bramante’s lifetime, the actual construction on the new Saint Peter’s basilica did not advance beyond the building of the crossing piers and the lower choir walls. After his death, the work passed on to other architects and finally to Michelangelo, whom Pope Paul III appointed in 1546 to complete the building. Not until the 17th century did the Church oversee the completion. An earlier building completed by Bramante is considered the perfect prototype of classical domed architecture for the Renaissance and after. The building is called Tempietto â€Å"Little Temple†because to contemporaries it had the look of a Roman pagan temple. The lower story was directly inspired by the round temples of Roman Italy that Bramante would have know in Rome. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain commissioned the Tempietto to mark the conjectural location of Saint Peter’s crucifixion. Available information suggests the project was commissioned in 1502, but there is dispute over the date. Bramante relied on the composition of volumes and masses and on a sculptural handling of solids and voids to set apart this building, all but devoid of ornament, from the structures built in the preceding century. Standing inside the cloister along side the church of San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, and the Tempietto resembles a sculptured reliquary and would have looked even more like one inside the circular colonnaded courtyard Bramante planned for it but never executed. At first glance, the structure seems severely rational with its circular stylobate and Tuscan style colonnade. Wonderful harmony is achieved in the relationship of the parts (dome, drum, and base) to one another and to the whole. Conceived as a tall domed cylinder projecting from a wider lower cylinder of the colonnade, this building incorporates all the qualities of a sculpted monument. There is a wonderful rhythmic play of light and shadow on the form. Although the Tempietto may superficially resemble a Greek tholos, the combination of parts and details was new and original. If one of the main differences between Early and High Renaissance styles of architecture was the former’s emphasis on detailing flat wall surfaces versus the latter’s sculptural handling of architectural masses, then Tempietto certainly broke new ground and stood at the beginning of the High Renaissance. The architect Andrea Palladio credited Bramante as the â€Å"first to bring back to light the good and beautiful architecture from antiquity to that time had been hidden.†Round in plan, it is elevated on a base that isolates it from its surroundings. Michelangelo The artist whom Pope Julius II deemed best able to convey his message was Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 1564), who received some of the most coveted commissions. Though a man of many talents, architect, sculptor, painter, poet, and engineer, he thought of himself first as a sculptor. He regarded sculptor as a superior calling to painter because the sculptor shares in something like the divine power to â€Å"make man.†Drawing a conceptual parallel to Plato’s ideas, Michelangelo believed that the image produced by the artists hand must come from the idea in the artist’s mind. The idea, then, is the reality that the artist’s genius has brought forth. But artists are not the creators of the ideas they conceive. Rather they find their ideas in the natural world, reflecting the absolute idea, which, for the artist, is beauty. One of Michelangelo’s best known observations about sculpture is that the artist must proceed by finding the idea the image locked in the stone, as it were. Thus, by removing the excess stone, the artist extricates the ideas, like Pygmalion bringing forth the living form. Michelangelo felt that the artist works through many years at this unceasing process of revelation and â€Å"arrives late at novel and lofty things.†Michelangelo sharply broke from his predecessors in a very important respect. He mistrusted the application of mathematical methods as guarantees of beauty in proportion. Measure and proportion, he believed, should be â€Å"kept in the eyes.†Vasari quotes Michelangelo as declaring that â€Å"it was necessary to have the compasses in the eyes and not in the hand, because the hands work and the eye judges.†Thus Michelangelo went against Vitruvius, Alberti, Leonardo, and others by asserting that the artist’s inspired judgment could identify other pleasing proportions. He believed that the artist must not be bound, except by the demands made by realizing the idea. This insistence on the artist’s own authority was typical of Michelangelo and anticipated the modern concept of the right of self expression of talent limited only by the artist’s own judgment. The artistic license to aspire far beyond the â€Å"rules†was, in part, a manifestation of the pursuit of fame and success that humanism fostered. In this context, Michelangelo designed architecture and created paintings that departed from High Renaissance regularity. He put in its stead a style of vast, expressive strength conveyed through complex, eccentric, and often titanic forms that loom before the viewer in tragic grandeur. Michelangelo’s self imposed isolation, creative furies, proud independence, and daring innovations led Italians to speak of the dominating quality of the man and his work in one word -terribilita, the sublime shadowed by the awesome and the fearful. David In 1501, the Florence Cathedral building committee asked Michelangelo to work a great block of marble left over from an earlier aborted commission. From this stone, Michelangelo crafted David, which assured his reputation then and now as an extraordinary talent. The form and its references to classical antiquity appealed to Julius II who associated himself with the humanists and Roman emperors. This sculpture and the acclaim that accompanied its completion lead to Michelangelo’s papal commissions. Like other David sculptures, Michelangelo’s had a political dimension. With the political instability of the time, Florentines viewed David as the symbolic defiant hero of the Florentine republic, especially given the statue’s placement near the west door of the Palazzo della Signoria. Forty years after David’s completion, Vasari extolled the political value of David claiming that â€Å"without a doubt the figure has put in the shade every other statue, ancient or modern, Greek or Roman this was intended as a symbol of liberty for the palace, signifying that just as David protected his people and governed them justly, so whoever ruled Florence should vigorously defend the city and govern it with justice.†Michelangelo depicted David, not in victory, but turning his head sternly watching the approaching foe. His whole body and face is tense with gathering power. This energy in reserve is characteristic of Michelangelo’s later figures. The Roman sculptor’s skill in precise rendering of heroic physique impressed Michelangelo. In David, without strictly imitating the antique style, Michelangelo captured the Lysippan athletes and the emotionalism of Hellenistic statuary. This David differs from Donatello’s and Verrocchio’s as Hellenistic statues depart from classical ones. Michelangelo abandoned the self contained compositions of the 15th century David statues by giving David’s head the abrupt turn toward Goliath. Michelangelo’s David is compositionally and emotionally connected to an unseen presence beyond the statue; a quality in Hellenistic sculpture. As early as David, Michelangelo invested his efforts in presenting towering pent up emotion rather than calm ideal beauty. Julius II’s Tomb The first project Julius II commissioned from Michelangelo in 1505 was the pontiffs own tomb. The original design called for a freestanding two story structure with some 28 statues. This colossal monument would have given Michelangelo the latitude to sculpt numerous human statues while providing the pope with a grandiose memorial which Julius intended to be in St. Peter’s. Shortly after the project began, it was interrupted, possibly because funds had to be diverted to Bramante’s building of St. Peters. After Julius II’s death in 1513, Michelangelo was forced to reduce the scale of the project step by step until, it became a simple wall tomb with one third of the originally planned figures. The tomb was completed in 1545 and was placed in San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, where Julius at one time had been a cardinal. It is with surety that the ambitious Julius II would have been bitterly disappointed. The spirit of the tomb may be summed up in the figure of Moses, which Michelangelo had completed in 1513, during a sporadic resumption of work. It was meant to be seen from below and to be balanced with seven other massive forms related to it in spirit. The position of Moses now in his rather paltry setting’ does not have its original impact. Michelangelo depicted the Old Testament prophet seated, the Tablets of the Law under one arm and his hands gathering his voluminous beard. The horns were a recognizable convention to identify Moses. Michelangelo used the turned head, which concentrates the expression of awful wrath that stirs in Moses’ powerful frame and eyes. The muscles bulge, the veins swell, and the great legs seem to begin slowly to move with pent up energy. Originally 20 sculptures of slaves in various attitudes of revolt and exhaustion, appear on the tomb. Bound Slave is one of those sculptures. Scholars question whether this sculpture and three other slave sculptures should have been part of Julius’s tomb. Many scholars also reject their identification as â€Å"slaves†or â€Å"captives.†What ever their intended purpose they are definitive. The figures do not represent an abstract concept, as in medieval allegory, but embody powerful emotional states associated with oppression. Michelangelo based his whole art on his conviction that whatever can be said greatly through sculpture and painting must be said through the human figure. The Sistine Chapel With the suspension of the tomb project, Julius gave the bitter and reluctant Michelangelo the commission to paint the Sistine Chapel in 1508. Michelangelo gave in hoping that the tomb commission would be revived. He faced enormous difficulties in painting the Sistine ceiling. He was inexperienced in fresco painting. The ceiling was some 5,800 square feet of surface to be covered and it was 70 feet above the ground. The vault’s height and curve created complicated perspective problems. Yet, in less than four years, Michelangelo produced an unprecedented work a monumental fresco incorporating the patron’s agenda, Church doctrine, and the artist’s interests. The theme of the creation, the fall, and the redemption of humanity weave together more than 300 figures. A long sequence of narrative panels describing the Creation as recorded in Genesis, runs along the crown of the vault. The Hebrew prophets and pagan sibyls who foretold the coming of Christ appear seated in large thrones on both sides of the central row of scenes from Genesis where the vault curves down. In the four corner pendentives are placed four Old Testament scenes with David, Judith, Haman, and Moses and the Brazen Serpent. Scores of lesser figures also appear. The ancestors of Christ fill the triangular compartments above the windows, nude youths punctuate the corners of the central panels and small pairs of putti (cherub little boys) support the painted cornice surrounding the entire central corridor. The overall concept a sweeping chronology of Christianity was keeping with Renaissance ideas about Christian history. Such ideas include interest in the conflict between good and evil and between the energy of youth and the wisdom of age. The conception of the entire ceiling was astounding in itself, and the articulation of it in its thousand details was a superhuman achievement. One of the ceilings central panels, the Creation of Adam, is also one of the most famous. Michelangelo created a bold, entirely humanistic interpretation of the momentous event. God and Adam confront each other in a primordial unformed landscape of which Adam is still a material part. The Lord transcends the earth, wrapped in a billowing cloud of drapery and borne up by his powers. Life leaps to Adam like a spark from the extended hand of God. The communication between Gods and man was common in myth and the connection here is clear. It emphasizes how High Renaissance thought joined classical and Christian traditions. Beneath the Lord’s sheltering arm is a female figure comprehensive but uncreated. Scholars traditionally have believed this to be Eve, but recent scholarship suggests that it may be the Virgin Mary with the Christ Child at her knee. If this is true, Michelangelo incorporated into the fresco the basic tenets of the Christian faith. Raphael While Michelangelo was working on the Sistine Ceiling, Pope Julius II commissioned Raphael (1483 1520) to decorate the papal apartments in 1508. Raphael painted the Stanza della Segnatura (Room of the Signature the papal library) and the Stanza d’Eliodoro (Room of Heliodorus). His pupils completed the other rooms, following his sketches. On the Four walls in the Stanza della Segnatura, under the headings of Theology (Disputa), Law (Justice), Poetry (Parnassus), and Philosophy (School of Athens), Raphael presented images that symbolize and sum up Western learning as Renaissance society understood it. The frescos refer to the four branches of human knowledge and wisdom while pointing out the virtues and learning appropriate to a pope. Given Julius II’s desire for recognition as both a spiritual and temporal leader, it is appropriate that the Theology and Philosophy frescos face each other. The two images present a balanced picture of the pope as a cultured, knowledgeable, individual, on the one hand, and as a wise, divinely ordained religious authority on the other. The Philosophy mural (the so called School of Athens) is the setting not of a school but a congregation of the great philosophers and scientists of the ancient world. Raphael depicted these luminaries rediscovered by Renaissance thinkers conversing and explaining their various theories and ideas. In a vast hall covered by massive barrel vaults that recall Roman architecture (and approximate the appearance of the new Saint Peter’s in 1509 when the painting was executed), colossal statues of Apollo and Athena, patron gods of the arts and of wisdom, oversee the interactions. Plato and Aristotle serve as the central figures around whom Raphael carefully arranged others. Plato holds his book Timaeus and points to heaven, the source of his inspiration, while Aristotle carries his book Nichomachean Ethics and gestures toward the earth, from which his observations of reality sprang. On Plato’s side are the ancient philosophers, men concerned with the ultimate mysteries that transcend this world. On Aristotle’s side are the philosophers and scientists concerned with the nature of human affairs. At the lower left, Pythagoras writes as a servant holds up the harmonic scale. In the foreground, Heraclitus (probably a portrait of Michelangelo) broods alone. Diogenes sprawls on the steps. At the right, students are around Euclid, who demonstrates a theorem. This group is especially interesting; Euclid may be the portrait of the aging Bramante. At the extreme right, just to the right of the astronomers Zoroaster and Ptolemy, both holding globes, Raphael included his own portrait. The figures’ self assurance and natural dignity convey the very nature of calm reason that balance and measure the great Renaissance minds so admired as the heart of philosophy. In this work Raphael placed himself among the mathematicians and scientists. His convincing depiction of a vast perspective space on a two dimensional surface was the consequence of the union of mathematics, with pictorial space, here mastered completely. All the characters in the School of Athens, communicate moods that reflect their beliefs, and the artist’s placement of each figure tied these moods together. From the center, Raphael arranged groups of figures in an elliptical movement around Plato and Aristotle. It seems to swing forward, looping around the two foreground groups on both sides and then back again to the center. Moving through the wide opening in the foreground around the floor’s perspective pattern, the viewer’s eye penetrates the assembly of philosophers and continues, by way of the reclining Diogenes, up to the here reconciled leaders of the two great opposing camps of Renaissance philosophy. The perspective’s vanishing point falls on Plato’s left hand, drawing the viewer’s attention to Timaeus. In the works in the Stanza della Segnatura, Raphael reconciled and harmonized not only the Platonists and Aristotelians but also paganism and Christianity, surely a major factor in his appeal to Julius II. Galatea Pope Leo X (Giovanni de Medici, 1513 1521), the son of Lorenzo de Medici, succeeded Julius II as Raphael’s patron. Leo was a worldly, pleasure loving prince who spent huge amounts on the arts. Raphael moved in the highest circles of the papal court, the star of a brilliant society. He was young, handsome, wealthy, and adulated, not only by his followers, but also by Rome and all Italy. Genial, even tempered, generous, and high minded. Raphaels personality contrasted with the mysterious and aloof Leonardo, or the tormented and obstinate Michelangelo. The Pope was not Raphael’s only patron. His friend Agostino Chigi, an immensely wealthy banker who managed the papal state’s financial affairs, commissioned Raphael to decorate his palace, the Villa Farnesina, on the Tiber with scenes from classical mythology. Outstanding among the frescos was Galatea, which Raphael based on Metamorphoses, by the ancient Roman poet Ovid. In Raphael’s fresco, Galatea flees from her uncouth lover, the Cyclops Polyphemus, on a shell drawn by leaping dolphins. Sea creatures and playful cupids surround her. The painting erupts in unrestrained pagan joy and exuberance, an exultant song in praise of human beauty and zestful love. Raphael enhanced the liveliness of the composition by placing the sturdy figures around Galatea in bounding and dashing movements that always return to her energetic center. The cupids, skillfully foreshortened, repeat the circling motion. Raphael conceived his figures sculpturally. Galatea’s body is strong and vigorous in motion suggesting the spiraling motion of Hellenistic statuary, and contrasting with Botticelli’s, almost dematerialized Venus. Pagan myth presented in monumental form, in vivacious movement, and a spirit of passionate delight resurrects the naturalistic art and poetry of the classical world. Pope Paul III Pope Paul III maintained the lavish lifestyle of previous popes and was a great patron of the arts. He commissioned a palace for himself while he was still Cardinal Farnese. The Palazzo Farnese in Rome was designed by Antonio Da Sangallo the Younger (1483 1546) who established himself as the favorite architect of Pope Paul II and received many commissions that might have otherwise gone to Michelangelo. Antonio was from a family of architects and was an assistant and draftsman for Bramante. Antonio built fortifications for almost the entire papal state and received more commissions for military than for civilian architecture. The Palazzo Farnese set the standard for the High Renaissance palazzo and fully expresses the classical order, regularity, simplicity, and dignity of the High Renaissance. It was finished by Michelangelo after Antonio’s death in 1546. The Last Judgment Many of Pope Paul III’s commissions were part of an orchestrated campaign to restore the prominence of the Catholic Church in wake of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation was the result of widespread dissatisfaction with the leadership and practices of the Catholic Church. Led by Clerics such as Martin Luther (1483 1546) and John Calvin (1509 1564) the Reformation directly challenged papal authority. The disgruntled Catholics voiced concerns about the sale of indulgences, nepotism, and high Church officials pursuing personal wealth. This reform movement resulted in the establishment of Protestantism, with sub groups such as Lutheranism and Calvinism. Central to Protestantism is a belief in personal faith rather than adherence to decreed Church practices and doctrines. This personal relationship between an individual and God, in essence eliminated the need for Church intercession central to Catholicism.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Political Communication Strategies
Political Communication Strategies Political Culture in Comparative Perspective DERYA CIHAN Core Topics and Findings of the Research on Political Cultures Introduction In today’s world when we refer the term political culture which has recently become a very popular concept in political science, has remarkable constructs and theories in terms of political science. In fact, it is hard to reach a consensus in the sense of definitions, theories, methods and paradigms of political culture. Political culture of a society needs to take place within the political community, as well as other political formations such as the state, the parliament, political parties, the government, associations, public administrations trade unions, political power, democracy, election, constitution and etc. In the modern era, debates on culture role in politics have an incontrovertible significance in different states that has been discussed by many scholars. In this paper, I will try to clarify one of the core topics of political culture in political communication, and make an attempt the importance of the major changes of political culture in different societies. We will see the importance of one of the core topics of political culture and how it effects the political communication. Political Communication First of all, when we handle the term ‘communication’, we should say that during the last decades it is the basis of social relations through the developments of technologies of communication. Actually, the basis of the term political communication refers to the methods of communication which are put forth by political actors or organisational structures and convey to the mass through media systems. Franklin gives one of the broadest definitions of political communication in these words; ‘The field of political communication studies the interactions between media and political systems, locally, nationally, and internationally’’ (Gibson and Rà ¶mmele, 2008; p.475). As we sketchy see that the definitions of political communication, which is not only related with media and political systems, but also mostly the impact and the role of political systems to media and the meaning of media in terms of political communication, has indisputable importance in t erms of the fundamental interactions between governments, media and societies in general terms. Actually political communication is defined in terms of comparative politics that political communication is related with society, media and politicians through its interdependency and connection. In fact, the actors of political communication are seen in the central with the following phases; voters, the media and politics. It should be clearly remarked that these actors induce each other and if something changes or develops in one of these actors, the others are affected by nature (Ibid, p.475). We should need to indicate that the role of the media at governmental processes is one of the most attracting parts within the relationships among main actors of political communication. On the other side, Street refers that the modern political communications is related with the political marketing and it is different kind of business, show-business. It is seen that it is all related with how politicians make much of their appearance and their voices, because of that politicians are associated with celebrity and fame. In the article of ‘Political Style and Popular Culture’, Street emphasizes that political communication should be comprehended as ‘marketing’ moreover it is kind of buying reputations and power, selling performances and policies. Two criticisms are constructed for stressing on political communication. The first one is correlated with venturing political marketing and the second criticism is importance on political communication. Street emphasizes two analyses under the conception of selling performances and buying reputations (Street, 2003; pp. 86-91). It should be taken into consideration that political marketing as we know, is made before the electoral campaign in order to increase the chance to stand for election of candidates. In these circumstances, political marketing is creating a certain kind of political actors. Research on Communication in Four Phases Research on communication in politics has significant occurrences in term of how media influences public opinion, voters. Research on communication is a very broad topic in order to comprehend in detail. In the article of Gibson and Rà ¶mmele, the research on communication is distinguished in four stages and it is brought with historical perspective. The first phase covers 19th and 20th centuries till the 1930s, and in this stage, the media has a significant effect (direct and decisive) on citizens. Moreover, the media was used to form habits of life, belief and thought of societies. It was used as propaganda by the World War I propagandists and dictatorial states between the years of World War I and World War II. Besides that it was also used by the new revolutionary regime of Russia in order to promote its new political systems. It should be taken into consideration that in the conception of media, political actors have a great impact and a kind of powerful event at governmental p rocesses. As we see above that public opinion is formed by the mass media which has a direct and decisive effect upon choices of voting. In the second phase, the time period consists from the 1930s to the 1960s, which has rather sophisticated empirical studies. In this period, interpersonal communication has the greatest impact and investigations of empirical studies were about media effects and content in different classifications, having minimal effects in terms of the media is another point of this time period. The research results about the above mentioned investigations proposed a much more modest function for media in term of effecting unintended and planned effects. Joseph Klapper put in an appearance a useful summarization of research phase in these words; â€Å"mass communication does not ordinarily serve as a necessary or sufficient cause of audience effects, but rather functions through a nexus of mediating factors†(Gibson and Rà ¶mmele, 2008; p.477) Following thi s, Lang and Lang debate about conclusion of ‘minimal effect’ with this perspective; â€Å"The evidence available by the end of the 1950s, even when balanced against some of the negative findings, gives no justification for an overall verdict of â€Å"media impotence†’(Ibid, p.477). Media effects in the third phase, built actually around the emergence of television in the period of 1950s and 1960s. The third period has the greatest importance around the appreciated influence of television. It should be mentioned that the third phase of media effects was the most powerful period which affected social life more than any other type of media systems. The fourth phase of media effects based on agenda setting and priming. It is different than above-mentioned phases and it is generally related with long-term changes, revolving around cognitions and collective phenomena, for instance; delimitations of social reality and ideologies, climates of thoughts and structures of belief. It should be taken into consideration that agenda setting is the basis of this phase. It is not only related about ‘what to think’, but also saying ‘what to think about’ to direct public opinion; hereby it is seen that agenda setting is for society and the theory concent rates on the quantity of coverage not actually its content or tone (Ibid, pp.477-478). It should be taken into account in these circumstances that, media effects in four phases have different influence in each other, but mostly when we consider today’s media effects, television still has significance in terms of affecting social life, besides that social media has obtained much more importance when we compare it with its emerging period. Political Parties, Electoral Campaigns and Communication As we see above that how media influences public opinion in terms of research on communication in four different periods. In this part, we will see the relationship between political parties and communication. Political communication is inquired into from a party research perspective without any doubt. It should be taken into account that political parties make suitable for the demands of change of the society and media, due to this reason party headquarters have been reinforced in order to be able to match new demands. In the paper of Gibson and Rà ¶mmele, the new campaign process influences the parties as well as the character of the parties in the new campaign process. Empirical research evidences illustrate that there are many distinctions within party systems in the course of time and on the step of their professionalization level at political communication in general and professionalized campaigning in particular. For the sake of example, in the US, the Republicans were profes sionalized their campaign functioning approximately a decade before the Democrats and they used political communication techniques more than before. On the other side, in the UK, Conservatives sustained it before Labour with the new style of campaigning in the late 1970s. In Germany, a new kind of professionalized campaigning appeared although the 1998 campaign occur by the Social Democratic Party (SPD). In the process of professionalizing, political communication can be more active when considering above-mentioned arguments (Ibid, pp.478-479). Actually, in the USA, before the presidential elections, the internet is used intensively at the electoral campaigns. In the USA, it should be taken into consideration that innovations and improvements related with actors of political communication play an important role. Because of that reason, it can be said that the USA stays one step ahead of other countries. On the other hand, it can be said that under favour of the research findings of political party, the party headquarters’ significance would be increased day by day in such a way that the candidate acquires more significance, due to the increasing appropriateness of television. Political parties make suitable their organizational dynamics besides that their strategies of communication. On the other hand, John Street remarks about party issue that a party’s conduct could be influenced by the particular orientations of the part. Two different-based parties are mentioned, these are; product-oriented party and sales-oriented party. The aim of a sales-oriented party is; persuading. Utilizing ‘the latest advertising and communication techniques to persuade voters that it is right’, whereas a product-oriented party occurs its ideas and its product; whatsoever happens to its electoral results, a product-oriented party would not be adapted or sacrificed. It is specif ied in the paper ‘The Celebrity Politician’ by John Street that political marketing in these circumstances not only describing viewpoint of the party practice but also it interprets how parties perform (Street, 2003; p.90). When we turn to the paper, ‘Political Communication’, scholars identify two different steps for the political campaigns which are comparative and historical perspectives. Firstly, in the new campaign communication, there are three phases which are measured by scholars. These historical phases are; the pre-modern campaign consists between mid-nineteenth century and 1950s, and the modern phase consists between early 1960s and late 1980s, lastly professionalized campaign phase occurs after 1990s. The third phase of campaign communication-professionalized- is defined by many scholars as modernization and Americanization. It is described as a US campaign model and is claimed that campaigning in most democracies change more Americanized. On th e other hand, when handling modernization term in terms of third phase of communication; it is quiet broader perspective and there is a reduction in party identification and an increase in electoral campaigns, therefore there are two models in these circumstances; an adoption model and a shopping model. For the example of US election campaigns could be shopping model which is related with accepted techniques in the campaigns (Gibson and Rà ¶mmele, 2008; pp. 480-483). On the other side, according to the scholars the two general phases in political campaigning are; in the pre-modern era, the strength of the local organization and face-to-face contact was significant in terms of political communication which is based on these factors. In the second phase of campaigning, party organization and face-to-face contact changed with mass media communication between citizens-voters- and parties in the second general phase of political campaigning. Citizens do not obtain information about part y programs from rallies and party meetings in the second phase. They certainly receive information through the mass media. Besides that the message of the party makes an overwhelmingly impression through the mass media. On the other hand, there is a new campaign era which is mentioned early 1990s and new challenges have the significance in terms of Americanized style of campaigning and it is called like a professionalized campaigning, a post-modern phase 3 or a post-Fordism. It has the historical and developmental characteristics besides that, parties enlarge the efforts of this phase in order to reach out individual citizens-voters- through telemarketing, direct mail or internet (Ibid, pp.480-481). However, referring the media systems, there are different styles in political communication which are mentioned by Hallin and Mancini. Three key models of media systems are pluralist or Mediterranean model, the democratic corporatist model and lastly liberal or the North Atlantic model. In the pluralist model which is most effective in Southern Europe, electronic media has the higher impress rather than newspaper spread. In the democratic corporatist model, commercial media and the relationships between civil, political groups and media can be seen very strong. Lastly the liberal model of media system has a greatest occurrence in commercial broadcasting. Furthermore, the media is independent from social groups and political parties (Ibid, pp.481-483). In these circumstances, the relationship among political parties- electoral campaigns and voters with the perspective of political communication, I want to mention about the case of Turkey. The ruling party in Turkey applies the methods and practises of political communication not only from one election, they fasten political communication practises every day and it can be seen that among the other parties in Turkey, AKP (the party in power) manipulates the practises of political communication effectively that is seen in the last electoral campaign which is resulted by 44.19 %[1] in AKP votes. On the other hand, when we compare it with other parties- vote rate- after AKP in electoral campaigns, it can be seen that these parties attach importance to political communication in recent years and they receive support from professionals in this field. However, when we consider the close relationship between political communication and democracies, it should be taken into consideration that , although AKP takes cognizance of practices of political communication mostly, democracy issue is still one of the most disputable arguments in Turkey. Based on this, how we could be of one mind about the effectiveness of the practises of political communication which is put account by ruling party in Turkey. On the other hand, when we consider the relationship between voters and electoral campaigns in Turkey that the results of elections in Turkey shows that the large part of the voters do not have the consciousness of political culture. For instance, Cem Uzan, who is the founder of The Young Party (Genà § Parti), gained 7.25%[2] vote rate in 2002, in a short time period while wandering from town to town with some concerts and dinner, the party reached different groups of masses through incompatible practices and techniques of political communication, discourses and techniques of political culture, however the success of the GP could not be maintained. It should be taken into con sideration in these circumstances that the success of political communication directly contributes to the political success. Conclusion As we see above that political communication is a very broad topic which is defined in the first years of the term as a relationship between governmental processes and its citizens which we mean here voters. We familiarized with the main actors of political communication which are media, political actors and voters. It should be taken into consideration that these political actors influence each other and in order to make the political communication effectively and successfully, the relationship among these actors is very significant issue. On the other hand, we referred integrity of both political communication and political culture. We saw the relationship among the actors of political communication such as political parties, governments, local governments, pressure groups, non-governmental organizations, the voters, the media, and etc. Furthermore, we clarified how media effects to the political communication referring to the comparative and historical perspectives of media systems. Furthermore, we saw that the practises of political communication contribute freewill, right of election and political information which voters need. The relationship between media and political parties has an incontrovertible impact in terms of political communication, as we remarked. It should be said that, in order to make political communication more effective in near future, it has to be sprawled more and should not be restricted with electoral campaigns, lastly applying the practises of political communication in everyday life will bring a new dimension to political communication. Bibliography 1-Gibson K. Rachel, Rà ¶mmele, 2008: â€Å"Political Communication†, within â€Å"Comparative Politics†, edited by Caramani D.Oxford Publications, 2-Street, J. , 2003: â€Å"Political Style and Popular Culture†, within â€Å"Media and the Restyling of Politics†, edited by Corner J. and Pels D. Online-accessed 1 [1] [2]
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Awareness of Pharmacist Health Care Systems
Awareness of Pharmacist Health Care Systems Abstract:- The aim of the study was to investigate the awareness of local population of Islamabad region regarding the pharmacists and their supplementary/independent prescribing in a primary health care system, and further to identify the importance and need of pharmacist’s independent prescribing. Also to prove that the introduction of pharmacist’s prescribing has the potential to minimize fragmentation within the primary health care system, optimize management of medication, and improve patient care and access to medication. We performed an observational study on patients who visited the pharmacies for medication, and took their views and suggestions through a calibrated questionnaire to evaluate the importance and need of pharmacist independent prescribing. After the consent from the patient, complete medical history was noted and Physical Examination were performed to diagnose the disease and need of the patient. Appropriate prescribing and Interventions were done. After one week telephone calls were made to record the response of patients. Majority of population was in the favor of pharmacist independent prescribing. Introduction: From the last few decades the health care got a tremendous change which make it more accessible to the common person. Pharmacist who is an important part of healthcare team, now his roles have extended from the traditional job of dispensing medicines and elementary medication counseling to working with other health-care professionals at patient bed site and in community (Nkansah, Mostovetsky et al. 2010). Pharmacists are among the most easily available health-care providers. They have roles in medication review, health promotion, and disease management, with in-depth knowledge of pharmacology, clinical Pharmacotheraputics, and patient care skills that are currently underused. Prescribing is not an easy task; it involves significant expertise to apply drug therapy skills, but that is a type of skill that pharmacists can improve. Independent prescribers are responsible for the evaluation of the patients with diagnosed or un-diagnosed disorders, and for decisions about the clinical mana gement required and drawing up a treatment plan. The independent prescriber also has the authority to prescribe the medicines required as part of the plan. United Kingdom was the leading country which introduced new role i.e., Pharmacist independent Prescriber (Avery and Pringle 2005).In United States 38 states were allowed for Collaborative drug therapy management in 2003, however Florida was pioneered in Independent Pharmacist Prescribing (Tonna, Stewart et al. 2008). Method and Materials: Design of this study was based on observational method. A survey was done in order to make findings about independent prescribing of pharmacist in the region of Islamabad. Customers of different pharmacies are being asked questions about prescribing manners in the form of questionnaire. By using this method, full medication history from the patient was available to assess the patient compliance, their understanding of the disease, treatment and related issues. Three Pharmacies of Islamabad Region were selected to accomplish the purposes of this study. Twenty nine patients were randomly selected from these pharmacies who visited the pharmacies with some general diseases and asked the pharmacist for medication. The selected population of twenty nine patients was informed and made clear about the objectives and purposes of the research study and a permission was taken from each of the patient involved in this study through the consent form. The Pharmacists at the pharmacies were provided with a case history sheet to take history of the patients so that effective medication with minimum interactions could be provided. The history sheet included patient’s name, age, sex, chief complaint, history of present illness, the diagnosis made etc. Each of the twenty nine patients visiting the pharmacies was asked about their medication histories and the history sheets were filled to keep the record. After the review of patient history, diagnosis was made and prescription was given to the patient. The therapy outcomes and patient satisfaction was evaluated by telephonic interviews from each of the patient. For this purpose a questionnaire was designed, which contained validated questions to evaluate patient satisfaction with the therapy outcomes and patients were asked for their views and suggestions about independent prescribing by the pharmacist. This questionnaire contained open ended, close ended and choice questions that helped to assess the need of pharmacist in primary health care system as independent prescriber. Results:- The first question which was asked to the patients was whether they know about the pharmacist. This question helped to evaluate how much population of Islamabad region is familiar with pharmacist. 93.1% of population in this study was knew about pharmacist. Discussion:- This study has considered the views of patients about pharmacist independent prescribing. The patients involved in this study were all supportive of pharmacist independent prescribing. Patients were satisfied majorly due to the cost effective medications prescribed by the pharmacist and reduced/minimal hospital visits that contributed to save the fee of physician. As when there is a pharmacist available in a community, the burden on the shoulders of a physician is much reduced, patients do not need to take appointments from the physician, hence, it’s time saving for the patients to visit the pharmacist for the medication. Some patients suggested for a separate independent setup for the pharmacist. These were the patients who were fully satisfied with the independent prescribing of a pharmacist. Some of the patients suggested that pharmacist has more knowledge about medicines, their interactions, contraindications, ADRs so they can prescribe independently. In this study majority of the patients were satisfied with the therapeutic outcome of the Pharmacist Prescribing. Similar studies was conducted in UK and it was found that the participants highly appreciated the extending scope of practice for pharmacist (Latter, Blenkinsopp et al. 2010). Another study, Pharmacists were evaluated for their independent prescribing and it was found that patients were satisfied with the pharmacist knowledge and their prescription (Stewart, MacLure et al. 2011). Recently a survey was conducted regarding patients experience and perception of care provided by the pharmacist independent prescriber, most of the patients were satisfied with the pharmacist prescribing. In comparison with Physician prescribing, most of the patients stated no difference in their practice of care provided (Tinelli, Blenkinsopp et al. 2013). Conclusion:- All patients in this study were supportive of pharmacist independent prescribing in primary health care system. There should be an independent setup for the pharmacist to practice diagnosis and prescribe rationalized treatment. Pharmacists are good in general diseases but need practice in broader area of major diseases.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Writing to About My English Classes Essay -- Writing About Writing
I am writing to you to tell you more about the English class I am taking at State University. You know how I always have troubles in English essays? Well, today I am delighted to tell you that my writing has improved significantly after taking the English 101 class conducted by Professor Rob Geis. I enjoyed this class very much and I would like to share with the both of you how I have learnt to use writing and reading for inquiry, thinking, and communicating in English. The ten weeks of English class has been interesting and fruitful, I have learnt a lot of writing and reading skills that have indeed helped me in improving my English. For our Project One, we were required to write about an experience of how we successfully persuaded another person. Before I started writing, my teacher, Professor Geis taught the class how to write rhetorical compositions, she gave us many articles that are of good examples. We were taught in class the rhetorical strategies for persuasive compositions- the ethos, pathos and logos. I learnt that ethos means the characters in the composition, pathos means the emotions expressed by the composition and lastly logos means logic of the composition. In addition, Professor Geis discussed with us the words that people sometimes misused, for example some people would confuse the word advice and advise. In particular, I have learnt that in order to write a good essay on persuasion, I have to include the process of persuasi on in the essay in order for the audience to understand. Moreover, professor has kindly shared with us a few model essays from other students. In my Project One essay, I wrote about the process of how I successfully persuaded mum to allow me to change my major and also to study... ...ave learnt to use exploratory writing to present my research findings and rhetorical analysis to explain my research question and purpose. Overall, I have learnt to become a better research paper writer through Project Two. The ten weeks of English 101 classes have been rewarding for me, I am now better at communicating with my audiences in writing and using writings and readings to support my thoughts and ideas. Looking back at my two projects, I think I have done well in constructing my ideas and organizing the ideas into the essays. Areas I need to improve on are sentence structures and creative writing skills, which are things I definitely hope to be able to learn in ENGL 102. That is all for what I am going to write today. Hope you are happy to hear about my improvements in English. Write me back when you are free. Hope to talk to you again soon.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Job - Character Analysis :: essays research papers
Job was a man who was perfect (not sinless) and upright, one that feared God and turned away from evil. Job is a perfect example of universal suffering, why those are good suffer along with the individuals who are called bad. Job was a man who God had allowed to obtain riches and fame. He had all of the finer things in life. Satan knew this, and wanted to bring sorrow and pain into Job’s life for the main purpose of showing God that these were the reasons Job was so faithful. Satan was wrong as always. Job understood that it is the Lord that gives and takes away, for Job said, â€Å"blessed be the Lord.†The book of Job was written to instruct us, to rebuke and correct us, and perhaps to prepare us to handle the hardships of life, the experiences of bereavement, loss, and grief at a level that man could never hope to achieve. Job is a book about a man who believed in God, a believer who was badly advised by three friends who were ill equipped to counsel, and had no grasp of the spiritual realities that God teaches. God permits suffering in the life of the believer in order to strengthen his faith. It is precisely when the hedges are moved from around us that we find ourselves depending upon God. The more we are deprived of the temporal supports for our earthly happiness, the more we are driven to the Lord for our comfort. This is why Job was chosen. Because of his completely undeserved suffering, his steadfastness in faith, and his complete submission to God, Job received the honor of becoming a chief figure in the Bible (Psalm 23, Hebrews 12:11, James 5:11). God’s ways are often beyond our understanding because we view the issues of life from a limited earthly perspective. God’s viewpoint is from above, he sees all things from the standpoint of
Of Mice And Men: Burdens Of Responsibility :: essays research papers
Of Mice and Men: Burdens of Responsibility "OF MICE AND MEN IS A NOVEL WHICH EXPLORES THE BURDENS OF RESPONSIBILITY AS MUCH AS ITS REWARDS." By evaluating the novel of mice and men carefully I have found that every character in the novel has a facet of life that consists of burdens and responsibilities. The characters in the novel basically have three options in which they can live their lives. They can knuckle down, work hard, keep a positive frame of mind and try earnestly to improve their standard of living. An example of this is would be George Milton and Lennie Small. The other option is to walk around with a chip on their shoulder, not bother to improve oneself but eradicate those around him or her that serve as a frustration or nuisance. An ideal example of this would be Curley when he decides to target Lennie as a'frustration' and subsequently attacks him with no real valid reason apart from jealousy and spite. The last option concerns Candy and Crooks to an extent. They live a fairly meaningless life void of love and affection. They have few friendships and cling to anyone who shows them sincere attention. An example of this is when Lennie has a conversation with Crooks and he expresses his feelings of loneliness. Another example is when Carlson shoots Candy's dog. Candy becomes very eager to attach himself to George and lennie and purchase a house with them as a result of the loss of his only real love in his life. The responsibilities of aspiration and hope play a major role in the structure of George, Lennie and Curley's wife's character. To an extent their aspirations protect them from reality for short stints and acts like a recharge to their motivational batteries. This is a good thing more often than not. Examples of these instances are when Lennie and George are sitting on the bank of a pool of the Salinas river in the last chapter. George is in the process of telling Lennie how together they are "gonna get a little place." He does this because he knows it makes Lennie happy and he wants Lennie's last thoughts to be of his ideal world not terror. George then shoots Lennie in the back of the head doing whats best for everyone, and Lennie dies in a state of utopia, his reward. An example of Curley's wife's hopes is when she finally finds a person around the ranch who sees her not as an object of lust but someone to talk to. This person
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Outline the course of US intervention in mexico from 1910 to 1940
Before 1910, Mexico was under Diaz's dictatorship. Diaz supported USA Business in Mexico, for example in oil and railways, for many years, and they also bought products from them, however, Diaz started supporting British business in Mexico, and as a consequence of this USA allows Madero to foment revolution and to declare the Plan of San Luis Potosi in USA territory. Then, Madero started receiving answers with uprisings in Mexico. In that way we can say that USA contribution with Madero gave start to the revolution. Then, in 1911, Madero became president. He took away USA trade privileges, and these cause a very bad relation between both countries. USA was discontent with this too, so the allowed Huerta to kill Madero, and the possibly gave him support to do it. Huerta takes over in 1913. Huerta made deals with the British over trade. The USA were not satisfied with Huerta's regime, and so president Wilson turned the British against the Huerta regime. They also stopped a shipment of arms from getting to Huerta sent by Germany. Later, they found a Mexican cruiser, the dolphin, landed in a restricted area in USA, so they ask for the arrest of the sailors, an apology, and a 21 gun salute to the American flag. Huerta refuses. USA sends troops to Mexico and forces him to flee. They then take over Veracruz. All this creates an anti-USA feeling because by them taking Huerta out of power, no definite leader was left, and consequently there was a need to struggle. Later, in 1914, USA left Veracruz. Carranza takes over. The USA offers to recognize his regime if they gave him complete control and more power, however Carranza refused. Then USA makes an attempt to capture Villa, however it does not work, and almost ended in war. Later, Obregon appeared. He was against Carranza, and as USA was not very happy with him, consequently they helped Obregon with the counter revolution against him. USA also gets involved with the constitution of 1917, where Carranza was intending to support independency from USA. USA supports Obregon, and he takes over in 1924., and during his government there were little interventions, which include political involvements of USA in Mexico, such as the interference with the constitution in 1917 where they allowed the church to be expropriated from its power, and also encouraged to give more rights to the workers, and to allow foreign investment, but without the companies to ask for the aid of their government. Finally, in 1924 Calles takes over. In 1938, Calles announced that there would be no more trade with Britain or USA. This affected USA's economy and so they were very angry and unhappy with these new law. To conclude I would like to say that the USA intervention between 1910 and 1940 was very important, and that it was basically the USA who really made possible the start of the revolution, by giving support to Madero to foment it. Also USA interfered politically and economically, but interventions varied within the different Mexican presidents, depending on their policy. As we have seen, it was Diaz who gave the more support to USA investment in Mexico, and all the other presidents were mostly against USA involvements, and so USA interference with Mexico decreased with time.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Case Analysis of Deere and Company Essay
Deere & Company, founded in 1837, is a word leading manufacturer, distributor, and financier of equipment for agriculture, construction, forestry, and commercial and consumer applications, today does business in more than 160 countries, manufactures products in 10 countries and employs more than 34,000 people worldwide. Deere & Company or also known as John Deere has been the free world’s largest producer of agricultural equipment since 1963, and is a leading producer of construction and forestry equipment. The company markets North America’s broadest line of lawn and grounds care equipment, and is a major producer of diesel engines and parts. Since 1837, John Deere has seen a great many changes in its business, its products, and its services. Change always comes with opportunity. And Deere has always been ready and willing to embrace it. Yet, through it all, John Deere is still dedicated to those who are linked to the land – farmers and ranchers, landowners, builders. And Deere has never outgrown, nor forgotten, its founder’s original core values: integrity, quality, commitment and innovation. Those values determine the way they work, the quality they offer, and the unsurpassed treatment you get as a customer, investor, and employee. Deere’s objective has consistently been to be the low-cost producer in the markets it serves. However, it seeks to do so while maintaining an image of quality and customer focus. Its company values are quality, innovation, integrity, and commitment. Because of the company close ties to the agricultural industry, corporate performance in both sales and profits was highly variable over the last several decades due to cycles of low process and oversupplies of many agricultural products. During that period, the company made various adjustments in its product mix and manufacturing processes to enable it to better compete and survive in the global environment. PROBLEMS OF THE STUDY The fundamental challenge was to continue to improve their financial performance with an increased focus on growth without sacrificing profitability. Although improving profitability was hard to implement, the approach was well understood – lower cost, reduce assets or increase asset utilization, increase sales, and improve price realization by reducing discounts and similar price cutting programs. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION Capabilities and capacities that may be beyond the current skill set of Deere & Company, a more intimate knowledge of potential new customers which may not be the focal point of the current sales/marketing organization. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION To achieve exceptional operating performance, disciplined growth and do it through high performance aligned team work. Operational performance has been improving through the classic approaches of cost reductions, improved asset utilization and margin enhancing/ value pricing, and metrics and reward systems that enable the organization to reach new levels. Generate more profits. They can also generate new sales because they do not compete with Deere current products (and in many cases are add-ons to current products), and can serve to attract new customers. CONCLUTIONS Deere & Company can maintain its focus on delivering quality products that customers valued. Financial performance was cyclical and Deere typically earned a competitive return on capital. RECOMMENDATIONS Accelerated Innovation Process must implement at Deere to evaluate new product/service initiatives more systematically and quickly. Improving the performance and/or lowering the cost of current product/service offerings to current customers. Maintain high quality products that provide reliable and consistent services/experiences for their customers.
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