Saturday, December 28, 2019
Models of Consumer Decision Making - 554 Words
How do consumers choose what products they are going to buy? Do they blindly walk in to a store and choose the first thing they see, or is there a science behind their behavior of buying? This is a question that has plagued researchers for years. Millions of products are bought worldwide every day, but what drives consumers to buy what they do? The book, Consumer Behavior, states that there are four views of consumer decision-making. These views are considered to be models of consumers (462). These models â€Å"refer[s] to a general view or perspective as to how (and why) individuals behave the way they do (462). The models are split into four different views of consumer behavior in the marketplace: an economic view, a passive view, an emotional view, and lastly, a cognitive view. This paper will focus solely on the cognitive view and the arguments that defend this way of consumer decision-making. In the cognitive view, consumers are seen as the thinking problem solver (â€Å"Menta l Processes Part 2†). The first criticism surrounding the cognitive view is that â€Å"consumers are either receptive to or actively searching for products and services to fulfill their needs and enrich their lives â€Å"(463). This means that consumers are constantly looking for products that have some purpose to them, and they tend to not buy items that do not provide some fulfillment or use. An example of this would be a man is aggravated because his dirty dishes are pilling up and he does not own a dishwasher. HeShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis of Consumer Decision-Making Process Model5350 Words  | 22 Pagescritically analyse 2 chosen consumer decision process models, the KBM model by Kotler, Bowen and Makens (2006) and the BEM model by Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2006) if they are vague or/ and all-encompassing in hospitality industry today with relevant industry examples. 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Engel, Blackwell and Miniard model The core of the EBM model is a decision process, which is augmented with inputs from information processing and other influencing factors. The model has four distinctive sections, namely Input, Information Processing, Decision Process and Variables influencing decision process. InformationRead MorePerceptions And Attitudes Of The Consumer Buying Process1000 Words  | 4 Pagesaffect consumer buying behavior therefore marketers are interested in them. Marketers can change the beliefs and attitudes of customers by launching special campaigns in this regard. To change the brand s marketing message or adjust its positioning in order to get consumers to change their brand perception. Stages of the Consumer Buying Process Six Stages to the Consumer Buying Decision Process (For complex decisions). Actual purchasing is only one stage of the process. Not all decision processesRead MoreConsumer Behaviour Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study: Consumer behaviour and holidays In this assignment I will be analysing the following; a case study presented on how holiday decision making varies from the traditional problem-solving model of consumer decision making. Q1 By analysing the traditional problem-solving of consumer decision making you can grasp that the market of holiday makers is more complex. The traditional method follows the concept that the consumers desire or needs creates a problem within the individual, which leads
Friday, December 20, 2019
4dep Essay example - 1255 Words
Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resources Practitioner 4DEP Foundation Mr Janis Tiesnieks 2016 Contents CIPD Profession Map 3 Behaviours 4 Bands 5 Role of HR 6 Effective communication 7 Communication methods 7 Effective service delivery 8 CIPD Profession Map The standards set out in the CIPD Profession Map, developed in collaboration with HR and Lamp;D professionals, senior business people, academics and their organisations across the world, aim to set the bar high, based on research for last five years. They determine what the best HR and Lamp;D professionals and organisations are doing, what they know and understand, to really make a difference and drive the performance of the organisation.†¦show more content†¦Behaviours are * Curious Is future-focused, inquisitive and open-minded; seeks out evolving and innovative ways to add value to the organization. * Decisive Thinker Demonstrates the ability to analyze and understand data and information quickly. Uses information, insights and knowledge in a structured way to identify options, make recommendations and make robust, defendable decisions * Skilled Influencer Demonstrates the ability to influence to gain the necessary commitment and support from diverse stakeholders in pursuit of organization value. * Personally credible Builds and delivers professionalism through combining commercial and HR expertise to bring value to the organization, stakeholders and peers. * Collaborative Works effectively and inclusively with a range of people, both within and outside of the organization. * Driven to deliver Demonstrates determination, resourcefulness and purpose to deliver the best results for the organization. * Courage to Challenge Shows courage and confidence to speak up skillfully, challenging others even when confronted with resistance or unfamiliar circumstances. * Role model Consistently leads by example. Acts with integrity, impartiality and independence, balancing personal, organization and legal parameters. Bands The Profession Map knowledge and activities in the ten professionalShow MoreRelated4dep601 Words  | 3 PagesTitle Developing yourself as an Effective Human Resources or Learning and Development Practitioner Introduction ------------------------------------------------- Word count from here. Approx 600 words. 1.1 HR Profession Map (HRPM) CIPD Profession Map identifies different professional areas within HR, different behaviour types associated with professions, and bands which determine the level an individual is at (e.g, Admin, Manager, Director etc). Members of the CIPD website canRead MoreAssessment 4Dep1178 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿CIPD Foundation CERTIFICATE in human resource LEVEL 3 4DEP ASSESSMENT 01 Activities 1 The Human Resource Professional Map (HPRM) Activity 01 Introduction: The Human Resource Map (HRPM) was developed by the CIPD it was created by generalists and specialists within the CIPD/HR environments to explain how HR add value to any organisation within the UK and around the world. The (HRMP) is a guideline/benchmarked on line tool which can help individuals and organisations identify immediate andRead More4dep1770 Words  | 8 Pages4DEP Assessment 1.1 - Explain the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be effective in an identified HR role. The CIPD professional map determines what HR professionals should know and understand to make a difference to their organisation. The map can be used in its form or in part or be incorporated into organisation’s existing competency structure. The map highlights ten professional areas with the centre of the map focusing on the two core areas which sit at the heart of theRead More4dep1708 Words  | 7 PagesHR PROFESSION MAP HR Profession Map is an online self-assessment tool for CIPD members. It can be used to assess your capability against the activities, knowledge and behaviours in the CIPD Profession Map and access recommendations for development. HRPM describes knowledge, activities, skills and behaviours that any HR professional needs to posses to be successful in their HR role. It consists of ten professional areas including two core areas which are Strategy, Insights and Solutions and LeadingRead More4dep747 Words  | 3 PagesActivity One This report intends to help in the understanding of the CIPD Human Resource Professional Map (HRPM). The HRPM was designed by the CIPD with the intention of helping the individual develop themselves as a successful Human Resource Practitioner, whilst providing a guideline to businesses, big and small. It highlights the professions and behaviours needed in order to progress successfully up the career ladder. It is broken down in to two central cores. * The first core is InsightRead More4dep912 Words  | 4 PagesWrite a report in which you: †¢Ã‚        briefly summarise the CIPD professional Map (i.e. the core areas, the professional areas, the bands and the behaviours) †¢Ã‚        comment on the activities and knowledge specified within any 1 professional area, at either band 1 or band 2, identifying those you consider most essential to your own (or other identified) HR role. The HR Professional Map is designed to identify the skills and behaviours all HR practioners should portray within their roleRead More4DEP Activity 1894 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Unit 4DEP (HR) Activity 1.1 Summary of the CIPD HR Profession Map The HRPM is a visual illustration of the activities, skills and behaviours required to be effective in an HR role. It based on information and best practice shared globally by HR professionals. Many organisations around the world now use it to benchmark their HR capability. The map is designed as follows: At the core of the HRPM are two crucial areas: Strategy, Insights Solutions Develop an understandingRead MoreCIPD 4DEP3320 Words  | 14 PagesActivity 1 The HR Profession Map shows in few steps how professionals could become a value within the organisation in which they work. It has been created by the CIPD for anyone who wants to upgrade and develop own career or for any other who wants to start working in the HR field. It describes what people need to do and to know and how they need to do it. For this reason the map covers all the professional areas within the HR field, giving the knowledge to become an effective and successful HRRead More4DEP Assignment 2389 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿4DEP Activity 1 1.1 HR Profession Map It is created by the profession for the profession, as a development tool to decipher the HR capabilities of individuals, teams and organisations. It can show areas that you need to improve or identify achievements to assist with development in your career path. It can identify skills needed, capabilities in the team and show where progress is needed. Core: Insights, Strategy and Solutions The heart of the map, is having the knowledge and understandingRead MoreCipd - 4dep-a Essay686 Words  | 3 PagesAssessment 4DEP – Activity A CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is a means of supporting people in the workplace to understand more about the environment in which they work, the job they do and how to do it better. As an initiative, CPD was largely unknown until at least the 1960s. Professional bodies only started to take systematic steps to ensure their members continue their development on an ongoing basis within the last ten to fifteen years of the twentieth century. Recognition
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Design of an Awareness Campaign The Diversity & Inclusion
Question: Give the literature review on awareness campaign This is where you will critically evaluate the area of diversity to inform your awareness campaign. Awareness Campaign Material: Supporting Material which can include: poster design, or flyers? Answer: Introduction The most widely recognized explanations behind meeting expectations late are workload weight, discovering time to do fitting work arranging and considering (54%) and working environment society and executive desires. Longer meeting expectations hours are connected with more elevated amounts of tension and lower levels of satisfaction. Just about a quarter of folks feel that work and family life are in the consistent clash while thirty-five percent of folks express that their work influences their home life in a negative manner. Less than a large portion of folks leave chip away at the time consistently while 44% say that they can escape just fifty percent of the time or less, with nine percent never leaving on time (Darcy et al., 2012). Right around a third thirty-one of folks report that there is no adaptable chipping away at offer where they work. While over a large portion of sixty-six of folks do work adaptable. More than 1 in 5 UK grown-ups have seen their work contrarily affected as an aftereffect of minding twenty tow percent with 2.3 million careers having stopped work and right around 3 million careers having lessened their working hours. The normal UK representative who drives now burns for 54.6 minutes every day venturing out to and from work (4 hrs 24 minutes every week) (Palmer, 2012). Equivalent Approach perceive the significance of work-life equalization and its something we continually screen inside our own workforce, we likewise bolster our customers to advance work-life adjust through a scope of administration devices and systems to bolster them to pull in, enlisted person and hold a differing workforce (Ramya Kannan, 2013). Literature Review: Work-Life Balance A typical confusion of work-life offset is that it is exclusively concentrated on folks and/or careers, which is essentially not the situation. Each of us put a great deal of time in our work - for those working in a "commonplace" full-time part, there are 227 working days every year. In the event that include longer meeting expectations hours, over the long run and checking messages and taking a shot at nighttimes/ weekends and days off, it's anything but difficult to perceive how function can assume control over individuals' lives. Work-live adjusts influences, and everybody one of us and organizations need to comprehend and perceive the significance of it (Darcy et al., 2012). Work-life parity means something other than what's expected to each of us, and how you decide to allot time to your 24 hours in a day, is close to home to you. Everybody has an obligation regarding dealing with their own particular vocations and a key piece of this is close to home wellbeing, which is straightforwardly related to what is regularly alluded to as 'work-life offset (Moen, 2015). The principal outcomes of not having the offset right can be groundbreaking - the advancement of medicinal conditions with long lasting ramifications and crumbling seeing someone are only two of various illustrations. One will know when you're reeling, when you can't allow your telephone or tablet to sit unbothered, when work is number one need over everything else, or when you overlook or move individual arrangements to clear a path for work. Neglect, the absence of efficiency, losing your edge are all recommendations you're your work-life equalization is out. It is not simply the weight which workaholic behavior puts on us our wellbeing and our wellbeing, and it is likewise the effect it has on our families and companions (Johnson, 2013). The UK has a repulsive propensity for measuring achievement and profitability by presenters, i.e. whoever is in the workplace the most, works the hardest. There is a supposition that the individuals who stay later are better at their employments, and this couldn't be all the more off-base. This kind of society has a contrary effect on profitability as individuals tackle more work than they can deal with, affecting their efficiency and their lives and wellbeing (Jang, Park Zippay, 2011). In Europe, it is seen as a contrary thing to stay late at work, and those individuals who do are seen as not being sorted out, or not buckling sufficiently down. In France, they have lawfully implemented a 35-hour working week, and there is currently new guidelines to keep workers from being committed to reacting to their manager's messages which are sent outside of working hours (Daly, 2012). My own perspective is that a reliable work-life offset is hopeful, and to have both in impeccable adjust the greater part of the time is unachievable. Both work and family/ different responsibilities are gigantically variable parts of lives and the measure of time we have to/ or have the capacity to commit to each are continually evolving. There are times in our lives when work-life offset is more troublesome, with one side taking need, for instance; when we have new increases to the family, when we have minding obligations, when we are in amazingly occupied periods at work, and it's those times when we truly need to take a seat and consider how we can make the vital moves to guarantee that we're ready to achieve a bargain (Bae, 2015). It's anything but difficult to invest a great deal of energy examining the work-life equalization point and much has been composed about it, however as I would like to think I have observed that in the event that we acknowledge that a ceaseless offset is unachievable and that there must be bargains, and then 50% of the weight is evacuated quickly, and desires are overseen. Consider it a solid eating regimen, one day you may treat yourself to something devious, yet the following you may eat truly beneficial to adjust, it is about discovering a trade-off between the two (Khan Agha, 2013). Work-life parity is incompletely the obligation of your Manager/ association, yet principally it is your obligation and its down to you how you deal with your time. In these 18 tips, I will give you inconspicuous, however, regular changes which you can execute straight away, which can have an immense effect on your wellbeing, your connections, your profitability and your general joy (Palmer, 2012). Better Work-Life Balance Program Tips 1. Be the First to Leave Tomorrow: Be enabled to be the first to leave your office tomorrow. Appreciate returning home at a sensible hour and take advantage of the warm night. Make a promise to leave on time in any event twice a week and do something useful with your additional time. 2. Directors - Be Realistic: When you are a compulsive worker or a night owl that is fine, yet don't be disillusioned if your colleagues don't impart your attitude - concur a code for 'business basic' messages or calls, so your group know it is vital to react promptly, however, utilize it sparingly, abuse makes it counterproductive. 3. Deal with Your Diary: Try not to let your journal get completely occupied, this not just gives you under added weight something to do level out constantly, yet it likewise confuses things if other individuals need to revamp. Plan every day with 2/3 need undertakings and plan to chip away at them amid your 'top execution time' - for a few this may be first thing in the morn ing before you get immersed with messages, others may work better and gather all the more toward the evening or even the nighttime. 4. Safeguard Your Energy: Be merciless with assignments, which take your vitality - Do you fear them? Is it true that they are key? Can they be done distinctively or all the more proficiently? Take a gander at these errands and talk about them with your Manager, and figure out how to quit applying your vitality pointlessly. 5. Reconsider Personal Chores: This isn't fundamentally the cleaning up and pressing, it is those little tasks like calling the service organization, or making therapeutic or dental arrangements - distribute one lunchtime every week or month to finishing these errands in one go, and make an individual schedule of them so you don't to stress over recollecting that them. 6. Exercise: This doesn't fundamentally mean immense workouts in the rec center consistently with a fitness coach, and this can be incorporating essential activity with your day. It can be as basic as awakening minutes prior and going a stroll before work, getting off the transport a stop early and strolling whatever is left of the way, taking the stairs rather than the lift and strolling to the grocery store for your sandwich at lunch as opposed to going in the auto. You ought to be going for 10,000 stages a day, which is more than you would, might suspect. Leave a couple of mentors in your work area and begin a 'mobile club' with associates to escape from the workplace for 20 minutes at lunch time, this is an awesome approach to get some activity and address partners you wouldn't ordinarily draw in with. Investigative exploration demonstrates the increment in efficiency and adequacy with only 10 minutes of activity, which can without much of a stretch be incorporated into any day (Tariq et al., 2012). 7. Unwind: The force of unwinding shouldn't be thought little of. It is vital, even in the most rushed of days, that you stop and require some serious energy to unwind, regardless of the fact that it is for just 10/15 minutes - this could be sitting in the auto with the radio on, perusing a book on a recreation center seat, or closing your office entryway and closing your eyes for 10 minutes. Exploration demonstrates a feline rest of 20 minutes a day can build efficiency drastically (Sirgy Wu, 2013). 8. Request Help: On the off chance that you workload is absolutely unmanageable in the time you are grinding away, you have to request help - this could mean you need to be expanded preparing and advancement, or it might be that the workload is absolutely impossible and unmanageable - whichever way convey and request help, engrossing such weight is not beneficial. 9. Evacuate "Impeccable" From Your Vocabulary: Try not to endeavor to idealize on each and every thing you do, arrange thos e zones you can't bargain on, and after that convey the rest to the best of your capacity (Shanafelt et al., 2012). 10. Maintain a strategic distance from Adrenalin Addiction: A few of us adore the adrenalin surge of being popular, and excessively occupied - this is fine short term, however, shouldn't turn into the standard - again this is unsustainable in the long haul (Trower, 2012). 11. Try not to be a Martyr: Office saints over-burden themselves with work, deny help or want the representative to associates to be perceived as their work. At that point groan about it! Working too hard can regularly hurt as opposed to upgrading your profession prospects. 12. Telecommute: Whilst this includes bunches of adaptability this can frequently bring about more meeting expectations hours and less movement. Telecommuting could include an extra meeting expectations day of time to your working week in the event that you drive into the workplace day after day, so you ought to utilize this additi onal time to issue you favorable element. At the point when working for home its essential to make a workspace that you need to endeavor to go to, whether that be a committed office, save room or shed. It's essential to make the refinement in the middle of home and work. Make clear to relatives or guests what telecommuting means, so you allay the anxiety of needing to the motion to individuals whilst you are on the telephone and so forth. At the point when telecommuting its anything but difficult to fall into the trap of never exchanging of, be restrained with innovation, kill your telephone or tablet at 8pm and put it far from where you are so you are not enticed to take a gander at it and speak this with your manager or group (Wang Verma, 2012). 13. Say No: Be practical there comes a point where you can't do everything for everybody. Know your cutoff points and figure out how to say NO. 14. Keep Days Off and Weekends Precious: Utilize your days off and weekends to revive your vitality levels, so you are back to your best when you come back to work. Dodge unnecessary work and arrangement exercises that will lessen stress. 15. Assume Liability for your own Wellbeing: Your wellbeing is your own obligation, so on the off chance that you discover you are creating issues make a move before they get to be more genuine. 16. Stop for Meals: There is nothing more awful (or more unhygienic) than having your lunch at your work area, and you are generally diverted, eat it rapidly and are taking a gander at the web whilst you do it. A short break to eat your dinner smoothly and gradually far from your ordinary work space can have tremendous profitability advantages. 17. Set aside a few minutes for a Holiday: On the chance that the considered wanting to take a week or two off fills you with fear you have to ponder your work-life parity, yet in the event that that is truly unreali stic, form in general long weekends toward the start of the year to issue you a pit stop and time to rest. Where conceivable tag an additional day or two onto every end of your vacation to take a percentage of the weight off and let you come back to work without plane slack (Palmer, 2012). 18. Get More Sleep: The ideal helpful time for slumber is 10pm - 6am in an obscured room. An absence of slumber influences profitability and has an emotional impact on your wellbeing and wellbeing, after just 72 hours of lack of sleep your psychological well-being is influenced (Zutshi, Pogrebnaya Fermelis, 2014). Conclusion Likewise with many aspects in life, balance is the main issues. Individuals who are continually fixed to their employments manage the manifestations of anxiety and burnout. Exhausted representatives are more prone to endure well-being issues, more like to be non-attendant and/or wiped out, less effective, less amiable, and general more hard to work with. It is to the greatest advantage of both the representative and business to maintain a strategic distance from these barriers via brilliant human asset administration. References Bae, J. (2015). The Impact of Social Capital on Men's Mental Health from the Perspective of Social Support Theory. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 24(1), 65-77. Daly, J. (2012). Human resource management in the public sector: Policies and practices. ME Sharpe. Darcy, C., McCarthy, A., Hill, J., Grady, G. (2012). Worklife balance: One size fits all? An exploratory analysis of the differential effects of career stage. European Management Journal, 30(2), 111-120. Jang, S. J., Park, R., Zippay, A. (2011). The interaction effects of scheduling control and worklife balance programs on job satisfaction and mental health. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(2), 135-143. Johnson, T. L. (2013). Supervisor Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Work-Life Balance Policies and Programs (Doctoral dissertation, WALDEN UNIVERSITY). Khan, S. A., Agha, K. (2013). Dynamics of the Work Life Balance at the Firm Level: Issues and Challenges. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 14(4), 103-114. Moen, P. (2015). An Institutional/Organizational Turn Getting to WorkLife Quality and Gender Equality. Work and Occupations, 42(2), 174-182. Palmer, S. (2012). Multimodal coaching and its application to workplace, life and health coaching. Coaching Psykologi-The Danish Journal of Coaching Psychology, 2(1), 91-98. Ramya, T., Kannan, A. C. (2013). Enhancing quality of work life through work-life balance. In Tenth AIMS International Conference on Management 2013 proceedings of the international conference in Bangalore, India (pp. 2977-2984). Shanafelt, T. D., Boone, S., Tan, L., Dyrbye, L. N., Sotile, W., Satele, D., ... Oreskovich, M. R (2012). Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance among US physicians relative to the general US population. Archives of internal medicine, 172(18), 1377-1385. Sirgy, M. J., Wu, J. (2013). The pleasant life, the engaged life, and the meaningful life: What about the balanced life?. In The exploration of happiness (pp. 175-191). Springer Netherlands. Tariq, A., Aslam, H. D., Siddique, A., Tanveer, A. (2012). Work-Life Balance as a Best Practice Model of Human Resource Management: A Win-Win Situational Tool for the Employees and Organizations. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 577-85. Trower, C. (2012). Gen x meets theory x: What new scholars want. Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy, (1), 11. Wang, J., Verma, A. (2012). Explaining organizational responsiveness to work life balance issues: The role of business strategy and high performance work systems. Human Resource Management, 51(3), 407-432. Zutshi, A., Pogrebnaya, M., Fermelis, J. (2014). Wellness Programs in Higher Education: An Australian Case. Handbook of Research on Higher Education in the MENA Region: Policy and Practice: Policy and Practice, 391.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Report about the Research in Accounting Practice
Question: Write a report about the issues faced by Strong Built Construction Company based upon financial accounting in simple form. Answer: Introduction This study deals with issues faced by Strong Built Construction Company based upon financial accounting in simple form. Strong Built Construction Company is Construction Company and maintains revenues at similar levels. Bill strong was the founding Director of Strong Built Construction Company (Spiceland, Thomas and Herrmann 2011). Strong Built Construction Company faced various issues that arise from profitability as well as compensation of executives. This particular construction company faced government interference in case of austerity measures. Bill has dynamic personality as well as high public figure in the construction industry. This study addresses issues for approaches to compensation. Typical elements of compensation packages of Strong Built Construction Company There are various primary elements of compensation for Executive officers including base salary, annual bonus in cash as well as long-term incentive award. It is mainly denominated in shares in case of company stock. Executive officers of Strong Built Construction Company get benefits as well as perquisites as intended part of competitive compensation packages. It includes health, retirement programs as well as welfare and savings (Scott 2012). Elements of Compensation of Strong Built Construction Company Pay Element Description and Purpose Target Pay Level Base Salary It mainly compensates depending upon day-to-day performance at executive level of responsibility. It is based upon executive skills, accomplishments as well as experience. Base salaries considers under fixed compensation in cash as well as short-term. It indulges approximately at or below median in case of peer group Annual Bonus It indulges in motivate as well as reward as current year results for three years. It aligned efforts in achieving specific measurable results. Bonus considers variable compensation based upon annual performance paid in cash It is combined with base salary as well as target bonus opportunity at or below median group. Employee Benefits It includes protecting against catastrophic expenses as well as loss of income. Health, disability as well as life insurance plans comes under employee benefits There are several features like savings as well as pension programs for preserving or restoring benefits as per IRS rules. Executives mostly participate in form of restoration features by other employees It is combined with value in or above median in case of general industry Long-term incentives It depends upon motivating reward long-term results for three years. It aligns efforts for achieving specified measurable results as well as increased market price of company stock. Long-term incentives considers as variable compensation based upon long-term company performance as paid in stock. It is combined with base salary as well as target bonus opportunity and target long-term incentives at or above median peer group. Post-termination compensation It helps in providing basis for rapid transition as fair to executive as well as temporary income in case of involuntary termination It is combined with value in or above median in case of general industry Perquisites It initiates assisting ways for attracting as well as retaining executives as talent in form of practical value for particular company It is combined with value in or above median in case of general industry Key assumptions of traditional agency theory and approaches to compensation of Strong Built Construction Company Agency Theory is a popular concept in economics, finance as well as law literatures. It mainly focuses on divergent interests as well as goals of stakeholders in an organization (Scott 2011). It reveals ways in case of employee compensation in alignment with interest as well as goals at the same time. Ownership as well as management separates from Modern Corporation by the same person. Most of the stockholders remove from day-to-day operations known as agency costs. These costs arise mainly from the interest of principals as well as owners as agents and managers. Agency costs mainly include management spending money especially on prerequisites like superfluous corporate jets. Agency theory considers as value in analysis as well as design by non-managers compensation (Schroeder, Clark and Cathey 2011). Divergence of interests exists between manages as well as employees at the same time. Difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in Strong Built Construction Company Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation The literal meaning of intrinsic is internal or inside of oneself The literal meaning of extrinsic is external or outside of oneself Person who are intrinsically motivated, they enjoy activity as well as skill satisfaction in developmental for satisfaction of learning. It strides inwardly activities for competent activities (Riahi-Belkaoui 2012). Extrinsic Motivation is used frequently in and within society throughout lifetime. There is no particular inducement in case of intrinsic motivation as key behaviour in final outcome It depends upon the motivating factors in achieving as well as learning in regard with outcome It is important to consider the fact that argument lies in the difference between intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation derives from self-concept, internal need as well as core beliefs and development in opposed to extrinsic motivators at the same time (Previts, Walton and Wolnizer 2011). Motives requires in additive in effective like motivating oneself in engaging towards behaviour. It continues as well as persists in a particular behaviour. Employees attitude to risk influence as their desired compensation package in Strong Built Construction Company Most of the organization continuously faces mounting competitive pressures as well as seeking ways for better quality assurance. Goals of organization are checking on sales volume, profits as well as innovation and quality for future employment growth. It takes substantial cuts for employment considerations (Libby, Libby and Short 2011). It accomplishes fewer employees calls in case of effective management of human resources. As far as employee compensation system, it focuses on managing human resources in better way. Employee compensation is one of the factors that play important role for employees as well as employers. Employees widely depend upon wages as well as salaries in the most appropriate way (Leung 2011). It provides large share in case of income as well as benefits in case of income and health security for the same. From the viewpoint of employers, compensation greatly influences cost of rendering business as well as ability in selling at competitive prices in product mar kets. Compensation decisions depend upon employee ability in competing for employees in the labour market. It depends upon the attitudes as well as behaviours by the employer (Kester 2012). Time period when employees receives financial benefit in Strong Built Construction Company Strong Built Construction Company engages in receiving financial benefits for employees working in the particular company. Employee benefits known as fringe benefits considers as indirect form of compensation (Horngren 2013). It provides healthy relationship between employers as well as employees. It requires competing with quality employees in global marketplace as well as rendering fair benefit packages on specified time. Employees receive compensation from Strong Built Construction Company in return of work performed on monthly basis. Compensation relates with all form of financial returns as well as tangible services and benefits as part of employment relationship in an overall manner (Hendriksen and Van Breda 2012). Financial returns depend widely on the base salary as well as short and long-term incentives. Strong Built Construction Company compensation practices have far-reaching effects especially on its competitive advantage. It requires developing competitive advantage in e ngaging in strategic plans as well as actions in desired form. Labour costs affects on competitive advantage in representing large portion of Strong Built Construction Company operation budget in the near future (Glautier, Morris and Underdown 2011). Role in fairness considerations in determining compensation Strong Built Construction Company should determine fair compensation packages for employees working in the particular business organization. This particular construction company perceives fairness of employee rewards for future analysis purpose (Freeman 2011). Idea of fairness determines for making extra effort in reaching towards organizational goals as well as objectives at the same time. It is important for Strong Built Construction Company in ensuring that their employees rewards rooted in case of principles of fairness. According to research, employees perception regarding fairness as well as equitable treatment drives towards core driver of retention. It directly relates with engagement as well as performance of employees in the particular construction company (Dyckman, Magee and Pfeiffer 2011). It requires creating climate of distrust as well as hostility. It erodes performance as well as employee commitment towards Strong Built Construction Company. It reduces willingness of employees in helping each other in need if unfair reorganization takes place in any form. It gives rise to increased unionizing activities as well as voluntary turnover and absenteeism. Employees working under Strong Built Construction Company should be given career development opportunities as well as healthy work atmosphere. Employees are liable in getting fair compensation plan as well as direction of organization. It should mitigate managers as well as supervisory conflicts in all possible forms (Duska, Duska and Ragatz 2011). Executive compensation committee in providing benefits in determining compensation Strong Built Construction Company establishes Executive Compensation Committee in determination of compensation. This particular committee is responsible in establishing as well as recommending to Board in compensation for Strong Built Construction Company (Devi and Hooper 2011). The main philosophy facts rely upon pay for performance. Committee needs to make compensation decisions on ad-hoc basis. Committee overarching compensation philosophy enables in assessing suitability as compensation program components in certain way. It ensures compensation for implementation for determination potential pay. Senior Executives requires paying at risk in comparison with lower level Executives at the same time. One of the important considerations includes incentives at short-term basis as well as longer-term in nature wise (Deegan and Unerman 2011). Structure of executive compensation in achieving best outcomes Strong Built Construction Company pays executive compensation and considers as complex as well as contentious subject. Hugh level of CEO involves in pay-setting process as well as related outcomes at the same time. It includes both managerial power as well as competitive market forces in an overall manner (Deegan and Unerman 2012). It explores on various characteristics in comparison with real-world compensation contracts in way of optimal contracting. It demonstrates compensation features based upon optimal contracting in the most appropriate way. Conclusion and Recommendations At the end of this part, it is concluded that Strong Built Construction Company requires checking on profit before taxes as presented in the financial statements. This report clearly points out elements of compensation packages used by Strong Built Construction Company in carrying out the business activities in desired form. It explains traditional agency theory in accordance to approaches to compensation as far as possible. This particular brings out real financial issues faced by Strong Built Construction Company for future analysis purpose. It explains differences between extrinsic as well as intrinsic motivation for the same. Conclusion At the end of the report, it is concluded that public appears ignorant in case of statute books as well as other document information. It is recommended in educating public on matters relating to duties as well as responsibilities of an auditor in improving the understanding of audit work. Standard auditor report expands disclaimer clauses for certifying guaranteed financial soundness of auditee at the same time. It is advisable in stating audit report in case of Compliance Officer. Auditors report ads up opinion as expressed by auditor and constructed guarantee of accuracy of financial statements. It includes users of financial statement like financial consultants, bankers as per gap in Ghana. Reference List Agyei, A., Aye, B.K. and Owusu-Yeboah, E., (2013). An assessment of audit expectation gap in Ghana.Int. J. Acad. Res. Account., Financ. Manage. Sci,3(4), pp.112-118. Albrecht, W., Stice, E., and Stice, J. (2011).Financial accounting. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. Deegan, C. and Unerman, J. (2011).Financial accounting theory. Maidenhead, Berkshire: McGraw Hill Education. Deegan, C. and Unerman, J. (2012).Financial accounting theory. Maidenhead, Berkshire: McGraw Hill Education. Devi, S. and Hooper, K. (2011).Accounting in Asia. Bingley: Emerald. Duska, R., Duska, B., and Ragatz, J. (2011).Accounting ethics. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. Dyckman, T., Magee, R., and Pfeiffer, G. (2011).Financial accounting. [Westmont, Ill.]: Cambridge Business Publishers. Freeman, R. (2011).Governmental and nonprofit accounting. Boston: Prentice Hall. Glautier, M., Morris, D., and Underdown, B. (2011).Accounting. Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall/Pearson. Gold, A., Gronewold, U. and Pott, C., (2012). The ISA 700 auditor's report and the audit expectation gapDo explanations matter?.International Journal of Auditing,16(3), pp.286-307. Hendriksen, E. and Van Breda, M. (2012).Accounting theory. Homewood, IL: Irwin. Horngren, C. (2013).Financial accounting. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia Group. Kester, R. (2012).Accounting theory and practice. New York: Ronald Press Co. Leung, D. (2011).Inside Accounting. Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower. Libby, R., Libby, P., and Short, D. (2011).Financial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Okafor, C.A. and Otalor, J.I., 2013. Narrowing the Expectation Gap in Auditing: The Role of the Auditing Profession.Research Journal of Finance and Accounting,4(2), pp.43-52. Previts, G., Walton, P., and Wolnizer, P. (2011).A global history of accounting, financial reporting and public policy. Bingley: Emerald. Riahi-Belkaoui, A. (2012).Accounting theory. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Schroeder, R., Clark, M., and Cathey, J. (2011).Financial accounting theory and analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Scott, W. (2011).Financial accounting theory. Toronto, Ont.: Pearson Canada. Scott, W. (2012).Financial accounting theory. Toronto, Ont.: Pearson Canada. Spiceland, J., Thomas, W., and Herrmann, D. (2011).Financial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
5 Instances When Interracial Dating Is a Problem
5 Instances When Interracial Dating Is a Problem Interracial dating isnt without its problems, but today interracial relationships enjoy more support in the United States than they have at any point in history. While two decades ago, fewer than half of Americans approved of interracial marriage, now 65 percent of all Americans support such relationships, and 85 percent of young people do. Attitudes toward interracial marriage are so progressive that some people prefer to exclusively date interracially. But are they doing so for the wrong reasons? There are a number of reasons not to date interracially, including for social status, because it’s trendy or to remedy a rocky love life. Dating interracially with misguided motives will inevitably lead to problems. To End the Losing Streak in Your Love Life You’ve dated a long line of losers- deadbeats, cheaters, manipulators. They all belonged to your racial group, so you figure you’ll have better luck dating someone of a different race. That’s because deadbeats, cheaters and manipulators only come in one color, right? If only things were that simple. The reality is that you’ll have to do much more than land a love interest with a different skin tone from yours to end destructive dating patterns. The answer to your romance problems isn’t crossing the color line but examining why you’re drawn to inappropriate partners. To Gain Status The idea of dating interracially to gain social status may seem peculiar. After all, interracial couples face discrimination that may lead to distinct disadvantages. Because the United States remains racially stratified, however, it’s considered advantageous for members of oppressed groups to pair up with those of more powerful groups. From the Antebellum Era on, such partnerships have allowed people of color to gain access to a quality of life that likely would’ve eluded them otherwise. Although today racial minorities can largely succeed in society on their own, some elite people of color may feel the need to score a spouse from another race to boost their image or better fit into the corporate landscape. As noted in the short story collection You Are Free, â€Å"The world out there insisted as soon as a black man made it, he should marry a white woman. As soon as a black woman made it, she should marry a white man.†No one should date interracially due to external pressures. If Barack Obama won his presidential campaign with a black woman at his side, it’s certainly not necessary for, say, a businessman to date interracially for the purpose of upward mobility. In an ideal world, people wouldn’t enter romantic relationships for what they stand to gain from their partners. This isn’t to say that every successful minority who dates or marries interracially does so with ulterior motives. But just as some high-powered men pursue trophy wives, some members of minority groups pursue mates from the dominant culture for status. Everyone Else Doing It Wherever you look, you see interracial couples. Your friends, colleagues and relatives are all dating interracially or have in the past. Given this, you decide to take the plunge as well. After all, you don’t want to be the odd one out or, even worse, the boring one. Soon, you’re visiting interracial dating websites, and prospective dates from a variety of racial groups lie at your fingertips. Why isn’t this a wise move? The race of your date shouldn’t be the main draw for you nor should your dating patterns be influenced by what’s trendy now. The common interests and chemistry you have with a person should be the driving force for your decision to pursue a relationship. Interracial couples face real challenges. The person who becomes part of such pair because it’s hip or trendy won’t be prepared to deal with them. Rebellion Many parents tell children outright which racial groups they approve of them dating and which racial groups they forbid them to date. Actress Diane Farr is a case in point. Now married to a Korean-American man, Farr had been told growing up that her boyfriends could only be German, Irish, French or Jewish. No blacks and no Puerto Ricans, though, or you are out of my house, Farr recalled her mother saying. Farr did go on to date black and Puerto Rican men, however, and her parents came around. Farr defied her parents’ dating rules because she formed genuine connections with men from minority backgrounds. Some people, in contrast, flout their parents’ wishes simply to rebel. No child should feel pressured to go along with their parents’ racist beliefs. At the same time, it’s irresponsible to seek out partners you know your parents would disapprove of just to rebel against them. The mates you seek out certainly won’t appreciate being used as fodder in the war with your parents. If you disagree with your parents’ views on race, challenge them directly by broaching discussions about the issue with them. And if you and your parents have other problems, don’t try to hurt them by dating interracially. You’ll only end up hurting your date and yourself for behaving so insensitively. You Feel Inferior It’s no secret that society fosters a sense of inferiority in certain racial groups. This leads some members of minority groups to experience self-hatred. Such people are not only ashamed of their culture but of the physical features they have that reflect that culture. If they could erase every trait that singles them out as belonging to their minority group, they would. Since that’s impossible, they settle for seemingly second best- coupling up with someone from a different race to make them feel better about themselves or to produce children without their telltale ethnic features. A person this insecure is unlikely to make a good partner. As the old saying goes, you can’t love someone until you love yourself. Rather than dating across ethnic lines for validation, such people need to learn how to feel better about who they are. Seeking therapy, reading up on their cultural background and surrounding themselves with positive images related to their ethnic group may help.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essays
Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essays Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essay Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essay Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource BY WLY3925 **Delegates from Singapore companies can now enjoy the benefits under the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme plus cash bonus under PIC Bonus! ** Please refer to terms and conditions below. Course Facilitator: Creating a Benchmark Quality Human Resources Organization Build a HR Organization That Is a Competitive Standard In The Market Through Assessments and Partnerships! Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ? 26th 27th August 2013 Mark Eichi Mark Eichinger hinger Founder International Human Resources Coaching and Consulting Awards Recognitions ? Westinghouse Electric Corporation: Golden Grid Award Best Communications Campaign Human Resources Award -Compensation Projects Testimonials Mark is an outstanding leader who can focus not Just on HR, but on the operation of the business at large, both domestically and internationally. Mark is able to look at both the business and HR strategically, and plan at that level, meanwhile can still ensure that his organization executes the details with excellence. ? Vice President Human Resources, SPX Corporation Mark, is a terrific senior human resources leader and has worked in developing and riving strategic talent programs across a diverse set of business environments. President Electrical Segment, Eaton Corporation Marks energy and enthusiasm. ? Senior Consultant, Hewitt Associate FREE TAKEAWAYS ? Process tools drive measurable improvement in your HR organization ? Assessment tools to evaluate and measure your departments position and progress ? Career tools that will create greater HR organization leverage in the organization ? Valuable website references for management and leadership Mark is able to navigate through challenging situations with his sincere interest in thers, his sense of humor/optimism, his pragmatic approach to issues, and his genuine passion a round talent and creating success for the business. ? Vice President APAC Regional Director, Consulting Solutions at PDI Ninth House Capitalize on the expert knowledge to gain maximum value on these vital issues: Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme All business in Singapore can enjoy up to 400% tax deduction for external training* provided by UNI Strategic Pte Ltd for up to $ 400,000 for year of assessment 2013. You can enjoy up to 68% of tax savings from attending our trainings which means you only need to pay 1/3 of the course ees Alternatively, businesses can opt for a nontaxable cash payout option of 60% of up to $100,000 for year of assessment 2013 meaning up to a maximum of $60,000 * This includes both trainings in Singapore and overseas * Both local and foreign employees are eligible * Course fees only PIC Bonus (as announced in Budget 2013) On top of the existing 400% tax deductions/ allowances and/or 60% cash payout (PIC cash businesses a dollar-for-dollar matching cash bonus for YAS 2013 to 201 5, subject to an overall cap of $15,000 for all 3 YAS combined. Businesses must incur at least $5,000 in PIC-qualifying expenditure uring the basis period for the YA in which a PIC Bonus is claimed. The PIC Bonus is taxable. Please refer to https://www. iras. gov. sg/irasHome/ page04. aspx? d=14566 for more info DEPLOY a renewable process that leads to continuous improvement OPEN avenues of communication LEVERAGE your management organization to increase your departments effectiveness BUILD valuable partnerships in your organization LEAD your department in a new direction building benchmark quality practices CHALLENGE your department to take a larger role in the organization MANAGED skillfully, the assessment process can leverage and build greater partnerships in your rganization, and benchmark quality practices. DEMONSTRATE a simple, compact, cost effective, and easy to administer assessment process UNI training courses are thoroughly researched and carefully structured to provide practical and exclusive training applicable to your organization. Benefits include: ? Thorough and customized programs to address current market concerns ? Illustrations of real life case studies ? Comprehensive course documentation ? Strictly limited numbers Proudly Organised by: DAY 1 | 26th August 2013 Workshop Overview Assessment processes can radically improve the value of Human Resources (HR) epartments. They can transform the function from staid and unresponsive organization units to partners on the leadership team, customer-oriented suppliers, and respected, productive, sought-after resources in the business. Assessments are pathways to benchmark quality. They can inspire pro-active and effective leadership and can provide a definitive, measurable return-on-investment on the resources the organization commits to them. When assessments are approached as a process, continuous improvement is the outcome. Over time, when fully implemented, assessments build and reinforce great organization cultures. Delivers valuable behavior and communications tools necessary to successfully drive continuous improvement from assessment results as well tools necessary for career path success A structured process which evaluates and analyzes the contribution of the HR departments work Produces a baseline point from which ongoing improvement can be measured Provides and supports a continuous management and leadership environment improvement WHO SHOULD ATTEND Directors, VPs, HODs and Senior Managers of: Human Resource Human Capital HR Strategic Planning HR Analyst HR Professionals INTRODUCTIONS AND ASSESSMENT OF DELEGATE EXPECTATIONS Understanding effective behaviors that are critical to teamwork Organize teams and review member roles for the weeks exercises Discussion of teams expectations to guide or adjust the weeks projects Learning the groups successes, issues for use going forward How HR Assessment fits in and interacts within the organization? COMMUNICATIONS, THE NERVE CENTER OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Communications role in the organization, so simple, so complex Assess and review the four major elements of effective communications Plan your communications to construct a successful project Analyze and critique communications structure through case tudies Comparing communications needs for generational differences IMPORTANCE OF CONSTRUCTING PROCESSES IN DELIVERING ASSESSMENTS improvement, metrics Relate process tools and their role in assessments Compare process structure, formats and flexibility Analyze a process used by Dragon Tea Enterprises Topical applications for HR Managers in assessment projects Mapping results and metrics for action planning and ASSESSOR TRAINING WHY YOU CANNOT MISS THIS EVENT If you have a desire to increase the leverage of your HR organization, if you would like to build great partnerships with leaders and anagers, if you are looking for measurable results and process techniques that drive improv ement with visible ROI, you should attend this event. Designing assessor structure and formats for effective assessments Learning the behaviors that drive successful assessments Mining data from assessment interviews The Right Questions Developing effective reports: Foundations for improvement Role play: Preparation for Day 2s inter-team assessment THE ASSESSMENT TOOL IMPLICATIONS AND ROLES Program Schedule (Day 1 Day 2 08:30 Impact of assessments on the broader organization Factors for success in organizing assessments in the organization Effectively using the assessment tool, preparing for interviews Creating a basis for improvement Outcomes and Result Registration og:oo Morning Session Begins 10:40 11:00 12:45 Luncheon 14:00 Afternoon Session begins In-House Training 1 5:30 15:50 Refreshments Networking Break 17:00 Course Ends Cost effective In-house courses, tailored specifically to your organisations needs, can be arranged at your preferred location and time. If you would like to discuss further, please contact our In-house division at [emailprotected] com. DAY 2 | 27th August 2013 ASSESSMENT ROLE PLAYS Simulating the assessment at a model company Key roles of, assessors and observers in the assessment process Application of assessment tools in a case study environment Organizing raw data into opportunities for improvement Effectively creating and delivering Customer feedback and report MANAGING ASSESSMENTS RESULTS FOR ORGANIZATION SUCCESS Behaviors are the overwhelming career and organization derailers Functional and Effectiveness Competencies: The keys to effectively deploying assessment results and improvements Comparing the use of competencies in organizations, relationships and careers Appraising competency use in management The 80/20 Manager Valuing the impact on customers (internal or external) and their attitudes BE A CUSTODIAN OR BE A PARTNER; DRIVING Defining, understanding the Managers Brand Relating brands to Assessment Outcomes and Success Integrating brands, assessment and HRS influence Developing brands HRS role Demonstrating brands The New Managers Message RECOGNIZING THE VALUE OF METRICS Create and build influence with metrics Metrics can differentiate your work; assess competitive positions Be creative, analytical Finding the data for charts and graphs Team Exercise: Analytical tools in use today; CEO Metrics Examples and applications sing metrics LAST BUT NOT LEAST ABOUT YOUR COURSE FACILITATOR Mark Eichinger is the owner of International Human Resources Coaching and Consulting, LLC (IHRCC). His passions are in Human Resource Assesment, Performance and Talent Management, Culture Management, Employee Development and Engagement, and Career Coaching for success. His experience as a trained business system examiner included conducting business assessments in Europe, Brazil, Canada, North America and Asia. Assessments included analysis of six areas of criteria: Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Measurement Analysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce Focus, Results. Human Resource Assessments were part of each of these criteria areas. He believes values need to be the foundation of all business and personal relationships. He prizes integrity, humility, diversity, innovation, compassion, humor, adaptability, balance and Judgment. Mark has more than 20 years of experience in global Human Resources management and leadership. Prior to starting IHRCC, he worked for two $98 manufacturing and service corporations holding positions in operations and corporate at the Vice President and Director levels to include Vice President Human Resources Operations and International and Vice President Human Resources Asia Pacific based in Shanghai China. In Asia Pacific he was the corporate US-Asia H. R. Liaison, established the Asia Pacific HR headquarters and operating location HR teams, the leader development programs, Chinas university relations program, and the Asia Pacific key leader and professional development processes. He is a trained Malcolm Baldrige based business system examiner, a graduate of Youngstown State University, certified in Lean Manufacturing by the University of Tennessees Thunderbird School of Global Management. Partial List of Companies that have benefited from Marks Expertize: PetroVietnam Oil Corporation Petroliam Nasional Berhad Chevron Unithai Shipyard and Engineering Ltd Cuel Ltd Thailand Exploration Production Ltd Apply your learning experience at work: Barriers and solutions Revisiting day 1 expectations; did we meet your expectations Delegate evaluation of learning experiences and resources Key Takeaways for success with assessments Website Resources Web sites references that delegates can use to assist them in their work and careers Bank of Ceylon United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company Ltd Maybank Bank Simpanan Nasional SMRT Corporation Ltd Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia TBK Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Mara Mars Corporation ABT Media PRE-COURSE QUESTIONNAIRE Westinghouse Corporation To ensure that you gain maximum value from this course, a detailed questionnaire will be forwarded to you upon registration to establish your exact training needs and issues of concern. Your completed questionnaire will be analysed by the course trainer prior to the event and addressed during the event. You will receive a comprehensive set of course documentation to enable you to digest the subject matter in your own time. Your Encore, Inc. In addition the client list above, he has experience working with company locations in Europe, Brazil, Canada, North America Creating a Benchmark Quality Human Resources Organization Venue and Date Sales Contract Please complete this form immediately and fax back to JACK (JLC): (65) 6825 9580 DELEGATES DETAILS Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Workshop 26th 27th August 2013 Workshop Fee Name: SGD 3,295 per delegate Position: SGD 3,095 per delegate if 2 or more delegates sign up Fee inclusive of course documentation, luncheons, refreshments and 15% services charge. The above amount payable is net withholding taxes or any other taxes, if any. Registration and Enquiries Email: *Company Details Organisation: 20 Science Park Road, #01-26/30, TeleTech park, Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117674 contact JACK (JLC) General Line: (65) 6825 9579 Ext: 356 General Fax: (65) 6825 9580 Email: Jack. [emailprotected] com Address: Payment Method Credit Card: Please debit my Town: State: Postcode: Card Ho lders Name: Tel: ( Card Number: Fax: ( Nature of Business: Company Size: *Finance Department Contact Details VISA MASTERCARD
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Emission Trading Schemes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Emission Trading Schemes - Essay Example [1]. Emissions' trading has emerged over the last two decades as the preferred environmental policy tool. The key advantage of emissions trading is that firms can flexibly choose to meet their targets, rather than use predetermined technologies or standards - i.e., command-and-control policies. Emissions sources with low-cost reduction opportunities can over comply and sell their additional allowances to sources where reductions would be more difficult and costly. This leads to the lowest overall cost, or most economically efficient solution. Emissions' trading is particularly relevant to climate change mitigation as carbon dioxide (CO2) and other green-house gases (GHGs) have the same effect wherever they are emitted and compliance costs differ dramatically across sources. Hence there is considerable scope for trading, and opportunity for considerable gains from these trades. Experience in the United States and other countries have shown that well-designed emissions trading programs can reduce environmental policy costs by as much as 50%. [1]. The origins of the EU-ETS date back to 1992 when 180 countries signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Following negotiations under this agreement, the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997, committing the industrialized nations to an averaged 5.2% reduction from 1990 levels by the first commitment period in 2008-2012. The EU-ETS officially began on January 1, 2005 and consists of a "warm-up" phase from 2005-2007 and then successive 5-year periods, with the second phase from 2008-2012 set to coincide with the Kyoto compliance period. Six key industrial sectors are covered, notably electricity and heat production plants greater than 20MW capacity. Other included sectors (with specific facility size thresholds) are oil refineries, coke ovens, metal ore and steel installations, cement kilns, glass manufacturing, ceramics manufacturing, and paper, pulp and board mills. These sectors are likely to account for around 12,000 installations (depending on the final details of the specification process), and represent close to half of the total CO2 emissions from the EU-25 countries. Participating companies are allocated allowances, each allowance representing a ton of the relevant emission, in this case carbon dioxide equivalent. Emissions' trading allows companies to emit in excess of their allocation of a llowances by purchasing allowances from the market. Similarly, a company that emits less than its allocation of allowances can sell its surplus allowances. [1]. Monitoring and reporting of an installation's emissions are carried out based on binding EU-wide guidelines mainly through fuel purchases and use of emissions factors, although continuous monitoring and third party verification are allowed. All self-reported emissions must be verified by an independent third party (similar to an auditor reviewing a firm's financial accounts). [2].Methodologies are under development to allow inclusion of additional sources, greenhouse gases and emissions factors. Hefty fines exists for non-compliance (40 Euro/TCO2 from 2005-2007, then 100Euro/TCO2 from 2008 onwards), levels that are considerably higher than most predictions of allowance prices. [3]. Even though the EU ETS will ultimately be judged on the basis of its effectiveness as a tool to reduce GHG emissions, the underlying rationale for choosing emissions trading was based on economic
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Womens Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Organization Essay
Womens Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Organization - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Haven and Anselma were functioning independently up until 2001 when they merged to form the present Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region (WCSWR). This also resulted in the integration of the board of directors and the creation of the post of the executive director who has the responsibility of managing the two facilities. The adoption of a dragonfly as its logo reflects the organizations’ literal shift from violence against women and children. The tagline â€Å"Moving beyond violence†is an enhancement of the message that achievement of equality is determined by human courage and initiative to propagate human values and leave violence against women in the past. Among its services is the residential program that serves women above the age of 16 either with or without children. These women include those who are being abused intimately or experiencing problems in a domestic relationship. The organization also has the outreach and ed ucation services that work closely with the process of transitioning women to independence, and also those seeking assistance from their current abusive situations. The education program functions to provide the community and professionals with the required information on healthy relationships. Therefore, they are guided by the fact that there should be synergistic efforts towards achieving a better world without violence against women with a mission of providing shelter, education and public sensitization to all the abused women and children. Therefore, it has grown to become the subsequent vision that any form of aggression against women and children will not be tolerated by society. The organization’s central contributions lie in the empowerment of women against this vice in the advent of calls for equality among males and females. This organization is also playing a fundamental part in refining the community regarding the costs of domestic violence and the benefits of avo iding it. It is also playing a significant role in creating conflict resolutions and ways to avoid the emergence of these conflicts. In another word, it means that the organization is working on the creation, sustainability and dissemination of peace in homes hence alleviating this problem of violence that is directed by men towards women.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Report on apple and INTO giving Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Report on apple and INTO giving - Assignment Example It raises funds through various activities such as the 2009 event when they drove three second hand vehicles across many countries to raise money for charity in Gambia (Finkle and Mallin, 2010). Apple is a corporation and a profit making organization, it is owned by different shareholders (Dediu, 2013). On contrary, INTO Giving is a non-profit making organization. It is owned by INTO university partnership with the aim of facilitating education access to the less fortunate children in the world. The fact that the ownership is different, it’s suitable since the owners have different interests in the organization. Apple`s owners are profit driven while INTO Giving`s owners aim at helping the needy. INTO Giving has an organization structure that comprises the following, the board chairman, director and Treasurer, operations director and the fundraising and communications manager. The members of this organization`s manages the organization to meet the charity work which is its main. On the other hand, apple has an organization structure that comprises the following, the board chairman, senior vice presidents from various departments, vice presidents and the employees (Dediu, 2013; Yang, 2013). The structure of the two organizations differs because of their goals of operation resulting to omission of some departments. (Polidoro, 2012) It is the beliefs, values, norms, languages, way of doing things and habits in an organization (Ravasi and Schultz, 2006). Apple’s culture is collaborative and the company is organized like a start-up. The company recognizes performance and awarding its best employees (Yang, 2013). The Company also insists on accountability for all its employees, a culture it has maintained to date. On the other hand, INTO Giving has maintained a culture of monitoring the performance of its employees across the many countries it offers its charity services. INTO Giving mission states,
Friday, November 15, 2019
World War Ii In Southeast Asia History Essay
World War Ii In Southeast Asia History Essay Japanese occupation in Indochina. The Japanese Invasion of French Indochina, also known as the Vietnam Expedition, was a move of Japanese Empire in September 1940, during the Second Sino-Japanese War, to prevent China from importing arms and fuel through French Indochina, especially through Sino-Vietnam border. With the outbreak of World War II, France was force to withdraw its best troops from Indochina in order to help their force in the war in Europe. Thus, it was a wide open opportunity to the Japanese. Japan saw that French Indochina would need to be protected so that other foreign powers couldnt seek to take advantage of Frances plight. Earlier, Japan demanded the French colonial to close the Hanoi-Kunming railway in order to abandon the shipments of war-related goods from Vietnam to China. Later, the Japanese sought to gain control over the Haiphong-Yunnan railroad so that it could attack the main supply based of Chiang Kai-shek. After the fall of France during World War II, t hat the Japanese seized power from French and occupied the entire Indochina. However, the colony was still administered by Vichy France, but was under the Japanese supervision until a brief period of complete Japanese control between March and August 1945. In Cambodia and Laos, in the short term at least, despite the fact that the French continued to administer these states and to support the traditional rulers, so that there was a limited growth of nationalist feeling compared to other states in the region. In Cambodia, politicization just began during World War II. By the 1940s, Khmer intellectuals had begun to form three institutions including the scholar Buddhist Institute, Cambodias sole French-language high school, and Khmer newspaper Nagara Varta (Angkor Wat). Cambodian feelings were outraged in 1940 after getting back some territories of the north-western provinces from Thailand under the Japanese support. However, the nationalistic movements in Cambodia were slickly under French control. The French and Japanese agreed to let French continued to occupy the Indochina, but Japanese forces could move freely in Indochina. French role was variegated in the growth of Cambodian nationalism. In order to reduce Japanese popular fascination in the country, French began to provide a quasi-nationalist movement to young Cambodians. Simultaneously, French glorified Khmers past and its future in partnership with France. Moreover, French also promoted the status and salary of Cambodians in the g overnment service. Unconsciously, in 1943 they pushed the strong nationalism feelings further by launching a program to replace Khmer traditional writing with a roman alphabet. The Buddhist sangha and intellectuals protested against this program because they considered that this was an attack on Khmer traditional learning and cultural heritage. The feeling of anti-French continued until the Japanese seized control of government in March 1945, and the Romanization was cancelled. In April 1945, the Japanese provide independent to Cambodia, but after the surrender of Japan in August 1945, there was no next step for Cambodia independent. Furthermore, there was still no anti-colonial movement in Cambodia such as national movements emerged in Vietnam and Indonesia in 1945. In June 1940, after the Fall of France, Laos was controlled by the Axis-puppet Vichy France government which was under the supervision of the Japanese. Most of Laos stayed under the control of French supervision until March 1945. Before March 1945, French had brought significant changes to Laos. A National renovation movement was assembled; schools and other amenities were built; Lao music, dance and literature were promoted. Moreover, First Lao newspaper was also emerged at that time. The nationalistic movement arose as well, especially in the Lao lowlanders. On 9 March, 1945, Japanese occupied Laos, so Laos stayed under the administration of French along with Japanese supervision. During the Japanese occupation of Laos, enormous amount of French officials were imprisoned. At the same time, King Sisavang Vong, who tried to declare independence of Laos and accepted Laos under the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere, were put into the prison as well. Japan continued to rule Laos de spite constant civil unrest against it until it was force to withdraw from Indochina after the Japanese surrender in August 1945. The Japanese occupied Vietnam from September 1940 until the end of World War II. Japan came to Vietnam with the policy Asia for Asians and Japanese forces took only a week to control Vietnam. However, Japan still left the French colonial government there, because Japan could not provide enough men to occupy the entire of Vietnam. Japan left the French in charge and developed Vietnam as its client state. The French continued to colonize Indochina, but ultimate political and military power was not in their hands. Japanese demanded for resources and had priority over French policies. Thus, Japanese troops could freely access to Vietnams roads, rail network and ports, so that the Japanese could conquer Thailand and Burma easily. During the Japanese occupation, the Vietnamese were told that the Japanese were not conquerors, but liberators Japan would drive away the white imperialists out of Asia. Simultaneously, Japanese language course were introduced; Japanese films, literature and poe try were translate into local language as well. However, Vietminh considered Japanese as number one enemy. It was notable that the Vietnamese Communists rose up in the 1930s, before the arrival of Japanese. However, the arrival of Japan made Vietnamese Communists felt that there was no hope for them to demand for getting any power. Their numbers remained small and the French was trying to eliminate the political force that was considered as a threat to their role in Vietnam as well. As the war advanced and the altered of the political environment, it was an opportunity for the Vietnamese Communist-Nationalists. The Vietnamese was trying to develop its force in order to seize the power at the end of the war. By June 1945, Ho Chi Minh felt strong enough to create a Viet Minh-controlled area in north-western Vietnam. By August, Viet Minh forces seized the control of Japanese-held villages and towns. In early August, the Japanese forces prepared to leave after the Japanese surrender in World War II. Within days, Vietminh forces took control of most of northern and central Vietnam and declared Vietnams independence On 2 September 1945 in Hanoi. Exceptional case: Thailand Thailand was the most interesting country among Southeast Asian nations during the colonial period as well as the period of World War II because it was the only state in the region that was not under the foreign colonization. At the beginning of World War II, Thailand was under the control of an authoritarian government which was led by Prime Minister Phibun. In that regime, the government supported the restoration of the territories in Cambodia and Laos, and they rose up anti-French sentiment in the country as well. Phibun was trying to keep closer relations with Japan in order to seek support against France. In October 1940, a conflict between Thai and French forces broke out along Thailands eastern border. Then, it was a good opportunity for Japan to intervene to mediate the conflict. Japan used its influence with the Vichy regime in France to gain concessions for Thailand. As a result, France agreed to give away western part of Laos and most of Cambodian Battambang province to Th ailand. The restoration of Thai lost territory increased Phibuns reputation in Thailand. However, Japan wanted to maintain the relationship with Vichy, so that Thailand was forced to get only a quarter of its demanded land. In addition, they had to pay six millions piasters as a concession to the French. Relations between Japan and Thailand became tense; then Phibun turned to courting the British and Americans instead. In December 1941, Japan moved its troops into Thailand and demanded the rights to access through Thailand to invade British Burma and Malaya. Thai troops resisted but later the Phibuns government called for ceasefire. After that, a mutual offensive-defensive alliance pact between Thailand and Japan was signed and Thai entered a military alliance with Japan. Japanese troops were allowed to move freely in Thailand; however, Thailand still controlled its own armed forces as well as internal affairs. In January 1942, Thais declared war on Britain and the United States bec ause of the Japan pressure. Meanwhile, Japan had put its troops in Thailand and built the infamous Death Railway by using many Asian labour forces as well as allied prisoners of war. According to M. Walsh (2005), the Japanese engineers predicted that Death Railway would be completed in five years. However, the Japanese army forced the prisoners to finish this railway in only sixteen months. The causalities in the construction were very high there were about 12,400 deaths among the total 61, 700 labour forces. In 1943, there was tense situation between Japan and Thailand, and many Thai people began to against Japan. Because of the war, Thailand had experienced the economic disruption as well. In July 1944, Phibun resigned from office and left Thailand with the problem of preparing Thailand for an Allied victory. Thai politicians were under the controlled of Japanese until August 1945 Japanese surrender in World War II.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Emersons Friendship Essays -- essays papers
Emersons Friendship I believe that in his essay, â€Å"Friendship†, Emerson’s main point is that people should not be afraid to expand their friendly horizons. They should more try to open up and be honest with people. The essay investigates simply how to be more open with others and gives tips on differentiating between true friends and those whom we just refer to as friends. There are many people whom we speak to and meet on an everyday basis. In everyday conversations we show others that they are favored â€Å"from the highest degree of passionate love, to the lowest degree of good-will, they make the sweetness of life.†It is believed by many that our intellectual powers increase accordingly with our affection. In order for someone to take on another person as their friend there are certain things that one can search for. Suppose a stranger comes up to you and you are beginning a marvelous conversation, one in which you begin to suspect that he may be your new best friend, during this conversation or meeting you must think and observe him carefully. Once he b...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Life in the Trenches Essay
World War One, also known as the Great War, was a war that would change all wars. Never in the history of humanity had there been a war fought in such a manor, and it would change the way all wars that followed it were fought. World War I was expected to be a relatively short war, as those in the past had been, and a war of great battles and movement. However WWI was typified by its lack of movement, years of stalemates and â€Å"great battles†that turned out to be massive slaughters where hundreds of thousands of men died for a very small gain in territory. The most important aspect of WWI that made it so unique was its use of a new tactic of digging a series of connecting trenches that carved up the landscape of the Western and Eastern fronts. This use of trenches by both the Allies and the Germans was one of the primary reasons that WWI lasted as long as it did. Life in the trenches was a horrifying experience for any man who served in the Great War. The terrible conditions in the trenches would only be fully known by the public after the war was over in late 1918. The armies of the Allies had strict rules against the public gaining knowledge of the details of the war and used many methods to prevent them knowing the truth. After the Battle of the Marne in September 1914, the German army was forced to retreat. They had failed in their objective to force France into and early surrender and rather than give up the land that they had gained they dug into the ground to secure their position and protect themselves from the Allie fire. Because the Germans were at an advantage of being able to fire at the Allies from below ground level because of this the Allies could not break the German trench line. It was apparent that the Germans would not be removed the Allies followed the German example and dug their own trenches. It was this event that halted movement on both sides and changed the style of warfare forever. Trenches soon stretched across the countryside and spread from the North Sea to Switzerland. Trench life soon became as mentally and physically taxing on soldiers as the actual fighting element of the war. Disease, rats, lice, and boredom became a part of daily life for a soldier in the trenches. After the war was over there were many accounts from soldiers of the appalling conditions and the amount of death that occurred in the trenches. It was estimated that up to one third of Allied casualties on the Western Front were actually sustained in the trenches . Aside from injuries caused by the enemy, disease accounted for a large amount of that total. Many accounts from soldiers of their time spent in the trenches are dominated by an emphasis on the amount of mud. Living in the trenches soldiers were rarely clean and when they were they did not stay that way for very long. Because of the lack of sanitary conditions in the trenches men suffered from many pests such as rats and frogs as well as more harmful things like lice and diseases like trench foot and shell shock. The rats in the trenches became a problem for the soldiers because there was no way to avoid them or get rid of them. A single pair of rats could produce almost 900 offspring in a year so the infestation continued throughout the war. Rats in the trenches were rumoured to have grown as large as cats on occasion, from eating or stealing scraps and feeding off the corpses of dead soldiers. Because the rats became so fearless the men in the trenches came to loathe them and often spent free time killing them and setting traps . Yet another annoying pest was the lice that continually plagued the men. Soldiers could spend up to an hour a day burning the lice off their bodies and clothes in an attempt to rid themselves of the pests; but the effort was all in vain because they would only be re-infested the next day. Occasionally the men were sent to clean themselves in large baths while their clothes were being put through delousing machines. Unfortunately, this rarely worked; a fair proportion of the eggs remained in the clothes and within two or three hours of the clothes being put on again a man’s body heat had hatched them out. Because of the continuously muddy conditions the men often walked around in mud and water sometimes covering as far up as their knees or waists. During the early part of the war over 20,000 men were treated for a condition that became known as trench foot. This was an infection of the feet caused by cold, wet and unsanitary conditions. Without being able to remove wet socks or boots the feet would gradually go numb and the skin would turn red or blue. If untreated, trench foot could turn gangrenous and result in amputation. The only remedy for trench foot was for the soldiers to dry their feet and change their socks several times a day. By the end of 1915 British soldiers in the trenches had to have three pairs of socks with them and were under orders to change their socks at least twice a day. As well as drying their feet, soldiers were told to cover their feet with grease made from whale oil. The Allies needed to make sure that there would be no additional factors that would affect the morale at home; news of the conditions that the soldiers were forced to live in and the continuing stalemates would surely do that. If confidence in the war effort was diminished and the truth about the trenches was known there would be fewer new recruits and the Allies would be challenged to keep up with the Germans numbers. Most soldiers during the war chose to conceal the horrors of the trench warfare not wishing to expose their families to it. But those who wished to confide in family members and try to share with them their experiences were prevented from doing so by new laws that were put into place. The House of Commons passed the Defence of the Realm Act on August 8th 1914 without debate . The Act gave the government executive power to suppress criticism, imprison without trial and commandeer economic resources for the war effort. As a result all letters that the men wrote were read and censored by the junior officers. Although soldiers were encouraged to write letters to friends and family, the contents of the letters were monitored strictly by the junior officers in accordance with the new laws guidelines. Anything that disclosed information about military action would be removed to ensure that the Allies plans could not get to the Germans. The junior officers were also instructed to remove anything from the letters that discussed the conditions of the trenches or insinuated that the soldiers did not have faith in the actions that were being taken by the army. The members of parliament believed that if family members were to receive letters of that nature the morale in Britain would be effected which would affect the war effort all together. Britain and France also had problems deciding what to do about journalists who were reporting the war. Originally under the Defence of the Realm Act Britain put strict limitations on all reporters often preventing their articles from making it back to Britain from France. After complaints from the USA on how the British government was treating the situation a cabinet meeting was held to change the policy and to allow selected journalists to report the war. The British government appointed five men to be accredited war correspondents in January of 1915. These men were to remain on the Western Front but to be permitted to do so these journalists had to accept government control over what they wrote. As a result of government interference even the disastrous first day of the Battle of the Somme was reported as a victory. Although some defended their actions saying that they were attempting to â€Å"spare the feelings of men and women, who, have sons and husbands fighting in France†; most of the journalists admitted that they were deeply ashamed of what they had written. After the war most of the accredited war correspondents were offered knighthoods by George V. Some agreed to accept the offer but others like Hamilton Fyfe refused seeing the knighthood as a bribe to keep quiet about the inefficiency and corruption he had witnessed during the war. Fyfe would later become a member of the Union of Democratic Control after the war, and would speak out as a strong critic of the Versailles Peace Treaty . There were a few other instances of the British government preventing criticism of the war from being published. In 1916 the Clyde Workers Committee journal, called The Worker, was brought to court under the Defence of the Realm Act for an article that criticized the war. The two editors of the journal were found guilty and sent to prison, one for six months and the other for a year . Critical novels that were written during the war were prevented from being published or banned if they did make it to publication. A.T. Fitzroy’s Despised and Rejected, about conscientious objectors during WWI, was published in April 1918. A thousand copies were sold before the book was banned and the publisher prosecuted under the Defence of the Realm Act. Another novel, What Not: A Prophetic Comedy by Rose Macaulay, which ridiculed wartime bureaucracy, was prevented from being published near the end of 1918. Instead it was not published until after the Armistice. So although the conditions for the men who fought in the First World War were horrific, the public did not realize the sacrifices that had been made for their freedom on a daily basis. The suppression of the truth by the British government is a controversial topic that is still debated today. Whether or not the British were justified in preventing the public from knowing the truth it was inevitably disclosed after the wars conclusion. The images seen and the conditions endured plagued on many men’s minds after the war was over. The Great War, a war that was to be one of heroic battles and great movement, turned into a war remembered for its lack of movement, its number of casualties and the conditions that had to be endured. World War One changed the way all wars after it were fought, but not for the better.
Friday, November 8, 2019
We All Have the Right to Die in Dignity
We All Have the Right to Die in Dignity Do You Believe Euthanasia (Assisted Suicide) is Right? Life is quite good to some people. People all over the world every day become healthy, wealthy and wise and live very long lives with their spouses, full of experience and adventure. All in all, they live a life with little suffering, if any at all. But for some people, life is quite cruel, strife with a disease, heartbreak, hardship, bankruptcy and premature death. It’s terrible to see, hoping it would never happen to us. Not to be too depressive, but it happens too often. But don’t worry: no one makes it out alive anyway. Nonetheless, to steer the conversation forward, every single person has the right to Euthanasia – or an assisted suicide: the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. It is a very controversial issue, as it is illegal in many American states. However, a single person alive deserves to die with dignity. First of all, Euthanasia should be legalized across the board, internationally, because no one should have the right to decide if and when another person can end their life. It is up to that individual considering Euthanasia to decide. They own their life, so they’re responsible for it. And if they wish to end it, because of illness, suffering, hardship or other dire reasons, they can. Why should anyone be concerned if another wants to end their own being? It’s none of anyone else’s business. It’s Existentialism at its finest: a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will. If a person’s will is to end their existence, through Euthanasia, they are born with the power to decide this fate – and if they need a doctor’s assistance for this, a doctor could legally be allowed to take a patient’s life, with the patient permitting, of course Secondly, some instances truly call for an end to the suffering, so people certainly have the right to Euthanasia. They have a right to die with dignity because living in dignity is not exactly an option for them. Picture an active 41-year-old person woman. She loves to jet ski and canoe and boat on the water, being outside in the fine weather and with family to share a holiday and fine meal. The spice of life is peppered with her waking moments, and she loves it. Then one day she is diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), a motor neuron disease. It affects one’s motor skills and bodily functions and ultimately corrodes the body and its usefulness. The famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. But now, like Hawking, this woman cannot move, nor can she take care of cleaning herself, using the bathroom and eating. For years she has been in terrible anguish, feeling like she is a burden to every around her. She is despondent – but where she lives, in Virginia, Euthanasia is illegal. Though she wants to, she cannot end her life of suffering, even if it is her wish and will to do so. She is therefore stuck in a life that will have sourly for her, one that ended more like a living hell than a life at all. She certainly deserves assisted suicide, don’t you think? Lastly – and thankfully to conclude this argument, which is painful to expound on at length – it’s a horrendous feeling to imagine if this person were you. Would you want the power to have a doctor inject you with something to suddenly end your life, painlessly and with dignity? Why should a person be made to wait until they are pathetically decrepit, a wasted piece of humanity, to wither away like a dead flower? Every person deserves a proud, classy, peaceful and clean way to die – and they should never be forced to waiver this inalienable right. A human being deserves a humane death, and Euthanasia should never be considered a crime. If anything it’s more a beautiful, selfless gift to someone who needs an urgent end to the pain. It’s their way out of the suffering, and only the patient has the right to end their physical being and transcends this reality. Though this argument will continue for many years to come, it’s important to ha ve empathy and be active in teaching others about Euthanasia.
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