Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Advice From Parents College Admissions Financing
HomeFinanceAdvice From Parents: College Admissions FinancingThis page may contain affiliate links.Aug 17, 2018 When it comes to the difficult, complex parts of life, there’s nothing like getting advice from someone who’s been there. That’s why we love our Facebook group, Paying for College 101. Our community share advice and tips with each other every single day. No matter where a family is in the process, there’s something to learn and something to share! Here’s some recent advice that came out of our Facebook group. We’d love to have you in our community as well – join today! Choosing Where to Apply Financially One of the things parents talk about in our group often is how to set their student’s expectations for where they can attend school. Many times students – especially those who excel – assume they can go anywhere they want. What they don’t realize is that highly selective schools don’t offer merit aid. As a result, unless they have significant financial need, the university will not help them pay for school. One parent said, â€Å"When my son was looking for a college to attend, the first thing I would do was look at cost. If it was cost prohibitive (more than 35K including housing) I wouldnt even let him apply. That narrowed our pool greatly. We couldnt get our hopes up for that one scholarship that might come in because we wanted to be able to do it without the scholarship money. He ended up at a college out of state and ended up with the Presidential Scholarship which was icing on the cake!†Another parent helpfully pointed out, â€Å"You are NOT where you attend!†Don’t let naysayers hold your student back from a reasonable school. Ultimately, it’s your child’s and your family’s future at stake! Get the Help You Need Some high schools have great guidance counselors that help families tremendously when it comes to college admission. Unfortunately, many others do not. Because counselors see so many students and have to help so many families, they have a hard time being familiar with the specifics of your situation. One parent pointed out, â€Å"Counselors have very limited information to assist your child in knowing what may or may not be financially feasible for your child. In some schools, counselors are barely keeping their head above water doing day-to-day stuff beyond creating a personalized plan of action for every senior they see.†If you have access to classes that help students and parents learn about the realities of the college process, take them! Sometimes there’s an information night, or there may be a multi-week class. Attend and take your student with you! You can’t start your research too early. If it’s already senior year, you’ve probably missed some valuable opportunities. You can start moving the process forward during the freshman year, and take steps each year afterward. Know the Reality of Merit Aid Many of the parents in our group said they were surprised by the lack of merit aid for their hard-working student. One parent said, â€Å"Mine had an amazing resume, GPA, scores and certified EMT at the same time during senior year with multiple AP and DE classes. Worked, volunteered etc. No merit aid anywhere.†Before you get discouraged, keep in mind that the most competitive private schools do NOT offer merit aid. Many times these hardworking students are shooting for the most elite schools – and they will not get merit aid there! Instead, consider having your student apply at a school where they will be among the top applicants. You can see the average test scores and GPAs of the last freshman class on most school websites. If your student would be in the top tier at that college, they are more likely to be offered merit aid. Understand the Return on Investment For the College Major It’s hard to insist that an 18-year-old know what they want to do with their lives, but it’s vital to choose a degree that will give them the ability to pay off any student loans. Someone who is uncertain can get a general business degree, but often students know what they want to do. From being a veterinarian to being a nurse to being a teacher, there are dozens and dozens of programs available. Sometimes a school choice will be limited by the major. There may only be a few schools around you with strong electrical engineering programs, for instance. That’s an important factor in choosing where to apply. Many times an educational exchange can help. Be aware which dream jobs require advanced education because this will require additional funds. One parent shared, â€Å"My oldest loved her time out of state but her job choice (audiologist) requires a doctorate. So she’s applying now to a graduate/doctorate programs and is realizing she should’ve stayed in state for her bachelors. Or even done two years of community college. Oh well. Lesson learned.†Our parents are happy to share their experiences – good and bad – with other members of the group. There’s nothing like getting advice from someone who’s been there. We’re grateful to have these great families in our online community! Are you looking for help paying for college? We’re here for you. Check out our scholarship toolkit today!
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Holocaust Essay example - 2625 Words
It was in December 1948, when it was approved unanimous the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide at France which became the 260th resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations. What made the leaders of the 41 States create and sign this document in which the term Genocide was legally defined? This document serves as a permanent reminder of the actions made by the Nazis and their leader Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust where more than five million of European Jews were killed. In summary I will explain what were the events that leaded the ordinary Germans kill more than six million Jews in less than five years. To achieve this goal, I will base my arguments on the Double Spiral Degeneration Model†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Jews had made this richness cheating, lying and robbing.†The Germans were also saying that the Jews who remained in the ghettos were because they wanted to, because that was in his nature to be surrounded by such poverty as their wealth increases. In Germany, like most countries of Europe, the Anti-Semitism acquired more followers during the late 1880’s the first anti-Semite was elected for the parliament. The 1890’s was a time of social and economic problems in Germany; the most affected was the lower middle class. Many people used the nationalism and anti-Semitism as the answer to most of the problems in Germany. Authors/Saviors (with a diagnosis plan) Among the authors with a diagnosis plan we can mention: 1. Adolf Hitler; he gained support by promoting, anti-Semitism and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and propaganda. He transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism. He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as head of state as â€Å"Fà ¼hrer und Reichskanzler†from 1934 to 1945. Hitler promised to defy the treaty of Versailles and he also intended to rebuild the military. His intentions were to unite all Germans into a greater Germany, including the ethnic Germans who lived in Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia andShow MoreRelatedHolocaust : Holocaust And Holocaust1247 Words  | 5 Pages History of holocaust Holocaust Term Paper Jewish people were tortured, abused, and subjected through horrific unfathomable situations by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. Despite all of the unpragmatic hardships Jews all over Europe faced, many stayed true to their faith and religion. There are numerous stories in which Jewish people tried to keep the roots of their religion well knowing the risk of torture and death. The never ending fear of Jewish people living in the Ghettos and trying to surviveRead MoreHolocaust : The Holocaust And Holocaust1247 Words  | 5 PagesWe all know the horrific experience, the Jews faced during the Holocaust and after it. Even after some survived the holocaust physically, they will always be tormented and haunted by those gruesome memories from those inhumane actions that were directed towards them. After, all they went through it is obvious the holocaust affected the survivor s drastically, but how about the future generations of Jews. In which I believe the holocaust did in fact affect the second generation, but the third generationRead MoreThe Holocaust : A Holocaust930 Words  | 4 PagesThe Holocaust is one of the most well known genocides that have taken place. It had destroyed millions of Jewish lives and has caused a historical pain to these people that cannot be taken away till this day. The Holocaust can be seen from Goldhagen’s perspective of eliminationism. It did have all of the five steps and yet there was uniqueness about the Holocaust. The first one that can be looked at is the concentration camp itself. The history of the camp and the stories are still being unfoldedRead MoreHolocaust : The Holocaust And Holocaust1328 Words  | 6 PagesThe Holocaust The holocaust is a term originally referred to a religious rite in which an offering is incinerated. But today, has another meaning; is any human disaster of great magnitude and importance, mainly refers to the extermination of the Jews who lived in Europe conducted by the Germany government. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Jewish community was improving their situation and their rights equalized to those of other citizens in most European countries. But despite this, these peopleRead MoreHolocaust : An Examination Of The Holocaust1117 Words  | 5 Pages In the summer of 1944 the soviets freed the Jewish from the concentration camps like Belzec, Treblinka and the most infamous killing camp Auschwitz. In an examination of the holocaust I will converse the effects of the holocaust and their worlds response, to its victims and perpetrators. The aftermath of the holocaust shows the mass Genocide people found, as Germany cures itself it showed civilization that we should not let someone manipulate us, and let them change our ideals and beliefs. I willRead MoreThe Holocaust Of The Jewish Holocaust858 Words  | 4 PagesThe Jewish Holocaust is often described as the largest, most gruesome holocaust in history. It began in 1933 with the rise of Adolf Hitler and lasted nearly twelve years until the Nazi Party were defeated by the Allied powers in 1945. The expression â€Å"Holocaust†originated from Greece which is translated to â€Å"sacrifice by fire†. This is a very proper name considering the slaughter and carnage of Jewi sh people inflicted by the Nazis. In addition to the Jewish, Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexualRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Causes Of The Holocaust804 Words  | 4 PagesAfter WW2, there was a thing called the holocaust. There were many concentration camps all over Germany where many Jews were killed in different ways. It happened between WW1 and WW2, 1933-1945. My position on why this happened is that Germany was going through a rough time, so Hitler wanted their country to resemble power. Read on to learn more about the causes and ways the Holocaust could have been avoided. The Holocaust was a mass slaying of groups of people which that Germany saw as inferiorRead MoreThe holocaust959 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Year 10 Humanities 2013 Unit 2: World War 2 Task 2 The Holocaust The Causes of the Holocaust The Process of the Holocaust In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Most European Jews lived in countries that Germany would occupy during World War II. By 1945, the Germans killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the Final Solution, the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe. Although Jews, whom the Nazis deemed a priority danger toRead MoreThe Holocaust971 Words  | 4 Pagesof the Holocaust The Holocaust was one of the most horrible and dreaded events in history. Millions of Jews were killed, leaving many families devastated and hopeless. With the goal of racial purity, Adolf Hitler- along with many other Germans believed the Jews caused the defeat of their country, and led the Nazis to the elimination of Jews. For this reason, â€Å"Even in the early 21st century, the legacy of the Holocaust endures†¦as many as 12,000 Jews were killed every day†(The Holocaust). LaterRead MoreHolocaust Final Draft : Holocaust1495 Words  | 6 PagesAnthony Harmon Holocaust Final draft World History The holocaust started when Adolf Hitler became Germany’s dictator, and they started the organization called the Nazis. They started by terrorizing the Jewish community in Germany, then eventually put them all into concentration camps. In one of the bigger camps, they experimented and took newborn babies away from the nursing mothers and they were seeing how long they would survive without feeding. Between 1945 and 1985, about 5,000 Nazi
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Aims and Methods of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King...
The Aims and Methods of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King The civil rights movement saw many leaders and campaigning groups but it is fair to say the two most significant leaders were Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Although over the horizon the same objective was clear in both of their minds, their methods were contrasting and their views were different. Martin Luther King, for a black man was born into a fairly rich family and raised in a loving environment his dad being a Baptist preacher. King wanted to follow his father and studied at university and became a preacher. King aimed to achieve total integration and equality in the U.S.A, and for all to live in a loving environment. He†¦show more content†¦Pressures built on King as a new wave of black graduates were impatient and did not take the gradualist approach. The organisation that worked so closely with King previously, the SNCC took a more radical approach as non-violence was taking a long time and blacks were becoming fed up. No change was seen in the eyes of many, and labelled campaigners like King ‘Uncle Toms’, s new ideology came across advocated by Malcolm X, this was known as Black Power. The upbringing of both campaigners illustrates the paths they took, Malcolm X, unlike King had a quite dreadful childhood, his family fell foul to ongoing racial abuse and his father was murdered in 1931 when Malcolm was only 6 years old. Not only this but his mother was also mentally ill and was sent to a metal institute. A big change that occurred in Malcolm’s life wa s his move to Harlem, he was tangled in drugs, drink and gambling, this triggered his imprisonment. It was in prison that Malcolm discovered Islam, he generated new ideas and felt that Blacks were the first on the planet and mentally detained by whites. As soon as Malcolm was released from prison he began to work as a preacher for the nation ofShow MoreRelatedThe Differing Methods And Aims Of Malcolm X And Martin Luther King602 Words  | 3 PagesThe Differing Methods And Aims Of Malcolm X And Martin Luther King The methods of Malcolm X and martin Luther King were very different but they shared the same basic aim, to improve the lives of black Americans. Possibly these differences in both aims and methods comes from the differences in the way they were raised, Malcolm X was born Marcus Little in Omah, Nebr. Malcolm Xs father was a follower of Marcus Garvey (Garvey believed that Black Americans should go back to Read MoreA Research on The Civil Rights Movement1448 Words  | 6 PagesMovement (Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malcolm X) and will be focusing on two important icons that have an important part of African American History. I am going to further discuss in this research paper, â€Å"What were the views of Martin Luther King. Jr and Malcolm X during the Civil Rights movement? What were their goals and methods to achieve equality and peace?†Both leaders wanted to unite the black race with the white race and achieve equal rights. Martin Luther King. Jr and Malcolm X were both veryRead MoreMartin Luther King and Malcom X: Construing the Courageous668 Words  | 3 PagesMLK and X: Construing the Courageous Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X are equally categorized as courageous individuals; however the thoughts, actions, and beliefs as evidenced in their writings demonstrate that each chose a path opposite the other in exhibiting courageous actions. Through Martin Luther King Jr.’ speech, I’ve Been to the Mountain Top and Malcom X’s By any Means Necessary, we observe the steps that each of these Black Activist Leaders took in order to grasp the attention ofRead MoreMartin Luther King Essay1440 Words  | 6 PagesWas Martin Luther King the King of the Civil Rights Movement? Martin Luther King was an African-American Civil Rights activist, whose aim was to obtain equality between the races. He believed that this was best done using non-violence (inspired by Gandhi), and so he preached peace. Although he is widely recognised as the main face of the Civil Rights Movement, there were others who contributed in a crucial fashion to the progression of this movement. Rosa Parks, for example, ignited the match whichRead MoreEssay about The Situation of Blacks in the 1960s774 Words  | 4 Pagesgain more civil rights. Dr. Martin Luther King started to find himself in a position where he no longer had the control that he used to over the black’s civil rights movement and also found that his idea of bringing the changes peacefully falling away beneath his feet. This was due to new black activist groups called â€Å"Black Nationalists†. These groups developed in the North from the ghettos and other working class black groups. It was led by Malcolm X and also Elijah Mohammad Read MoreMartin Luther King and Malcolm X1715 Words  | 7 Pagesautomatically come to their minds, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. While both these men had very different views and ideas, they also shared similarities. Part of the reason for their different views was because one was in the South and the other was in the North. Martin saw a Dream that could be fulfilled in the South and Malcolm saw a Nightmare, which would never end in the North. Martin and Malcolm were raised in very different homes. Martin Luther King Jr. grew up in Atlanta; his familyRead More Martin Luther King and Malcom X Essay1666 Words  | 7 Pagesautomatically come to their minds, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. While both these men had very different views and ideas, they also shared similarities. Part of the reason for their different views was because one was in the South and the other was in the North. Martin saw a Dream that could be fulfilled in the South and Malcolm saw a Nightmare, which would never end in the North. Martin and Malcolm were raised in very different homes. Martin Luther King Jr. grew up in Atlanta; his familyRead MoreThe Backgrounds Of Uplifting Speeches1844 Words  | 8 Pagescountry, nation, and world are often the ones who do. Civil rights activists Martin Luther King Jr., and human rights activist and an American Muslim, Malcolm X are two great examples of people who thought they could make a difference in the world, and eventually did. This two great activists wanted to change the status quo, but in different ways. Martin Luther King Jr. used peaceful protests to accomplish his goal; Malcolm X believed in meeting violence with violence. Both of this great leaders wantedRead MoreSocial Justice and Civil Equality: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X3546 Words  | 15 Pagesand civil rights, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Stokely Carmichael, sought to amend a flawed system. To accomplish this task, these men entered the armory and chose to wield nonviolence as their weapon. Their goal: to combat violence with nonviolence, to figh t hate with love, and to spread equality through peace. In the end they succeeded. Violence breeds violence, hate breeds hate, it is an ineffective approach and an archaic mean to resolving societies issues. Malcolm X and Carmichael wereRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1399 Words  | 6 Pagesunoppressed. Martin Luther King Jr. s, Letter from Birmingham Jail illustrates how a seemingly innocent attempt at gaining one s rights can be seen as controversial and wrong by others. King was put into jail because of the peaceful protests he led. To those who shared King s method of thought, nonviolence would have been the way to maximize the gains in society by allowing people to gain their rights and doing their best to ensure that little to no people got harmed in the process. King s argument
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ghasiram Kotwal Essay Sample free essay sample
Ghashiram Kotwal is a Marathi drama written by dramatist Vijay Tendulkar in 1972 as a response to the rise of a local political party. Shiv Sena. in Maharashta. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] The drama is a political sarcasm. written as historical play. Based on the life of Nana Phadnavis ( 1741–1800 ) . one of the outstanding curates in the tribunal of the Peshwa of Pune. Its subject is how work forces in power give rise to political orientations to function their intents. and subsequently destruct them when they become useless. It was foremost performed on 16 December 1972. by the Progressive Drama Association. Pune. OutlineThe drama begins with an supplication to lord Ganesha. Then the Brahmins of Pune introduce themselves and we can see the morally corrupt province of personal businesss in Pune. Nana Phadnavis who is the Diwan ( Chief Secretary ) of Pune is besides corrupt and visits the lavani terpsichorean. Ghashiram is working with the lavani terpsichorean. Ghashiram being a Brahmin goes to roll up alms at the Peshwa’s festival the following twenty-four hours. However he is abused at that place and is charged with pick-pocketing and imprisoned for the offense. He so decides to take retaliation. Ghashiram barters his ain girl to acquire the station of Kotwal ( police head ) of Pune from Nana. Having got the station he begins to implement rigorous regulations in the metropolis. He starts inquiring for licenses for everything and starts throwing people in gaol for the smallest offenses. In the average clip. Ghashiram’s girl is impregnated by Nana. and dies during childbearing. The state of affairs goes out of manus when a few people in the gaol die out of asphyxiation. The Brahmins so complain to the Peshwa. The Peshwa biddings Nana who orders Ghashiram to be killed in the most derogative manner possible. Vijay Dhondo Tendulkar was an high Marathi dramatist. screenplay author and a journalist. He began composing in the 1950ss but his signature manner began to develop clearly with his association with the experimental theater motion which was a beginning of modernism in Marathi literature. His dramas like ‘Maanus Navache Bet’ . ’Shantata tribunal chalu ahe’ and ‘Kavlyanchi Shala’ gained him celebrity. But the drama that brought him the much awaited awards was Ghashiram Kotwal. Ghashiram Kotwal a drama by Tendulkar showcased the corruptness in the society during the Peshwa regime. His character of Ghashiram is a word picture of the working category in Pune and how the Brahmin domination prevalent so lead to the subjugation of the lower categories. Tendulkar has subtly shown what power does to work forces and how they become cold and avaricious merely to accomplish that. The drama so made into a book has a historic context. The thought that most st rikes the audience is Tendulkar’s ethical concern which is rather outstanding throughout the book-from his apprehension of relationships to efficaciously covering with the societal immoralities of those times that keeps us involved in the characters is their simpleness and realistic perceptual experience on the portion of the author. All the characters seem so much like the people we see or run into or hold met sometime. Besides Tendulkar is non a author who is struck with the Bharatmata Syndrome and explains the acrimonious world of the Indian society without glazing anything. The narrative begins with Ghashiram a Kanauji Brahmin coming to the metropolis of Pune to seek his fortune and derive some money from the so rich metropolis. His first visual aspect is in Bavankhanni a ruddy light country in Pune where he is dancing as a foil to Gulabi a lavani terpsichorean. Beginnning as gulabi’s retainer he graduates to going the retainer of Nana Phadavnis the adversary who is the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Peshwa. Initially. Ghashiram is portrayed as an obedient retainer to Nana but as clip goes by due to the ailment intervention he gets from Nana and the Brahmins in Pune he becomes power hungry. To the extent of giving his adolescent girl Lalitagouri to the old Nana merely to acquire the respectable sta tion of the Kotwal. Ghashiram who is oppressed ab initio now becomes the oppressor as power evokes a sense of laterality in him. Tendulkar cleverly portrays the societal immoralities in the society during the Peshwa regulation. Prostitution. corruptness. the power construction and the ignorance on the portion of people is rather apparent from an incidence when the full Pune Brahmins visit Bavankhanni while their married womans stay home waiting for the hubbies. What is different is Tendulkar’s manner of explicating the narrative efficaciously through the Sutradhar or the storyteller and the assorted characters and their changing relationships. What happens to Ghashiram in the terminal comes as a entire daze to the readers. All in all Ghashiram Kotwal is a dateless piece of composing. The issues that are chiefly dealt with in the book still remain the same even after so many old ages. Womans still continue to be the ruled 1s and the caste struggle has now become the category struggle where the rich dominate the hapless and the rhythm continues. It highlights the rough world that even when times change human nature remains the same. Greed and lecherousness for money were. are and will ever be in human nature†¦ In 1972. Tendulkar wrote another. even much more acclaimed drama. Ghashiram Kotwal ( â€Å"Officer Ghashiram†) . which dealt with political force. The drama is a political sarcasm created as a musical play set in eighteenth century Pune. It combined traditional Marathi common people music and play with modern-day theatre techniques. making a new paradigm for Marathi theatre. With over six 1000 public presentations therefore far in its original and translated versions. â€Å"Ghashiram Kotwal†remains one of the longest-running dramas in the history of Indian theatre
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