Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Ted Bundy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ted Bundy - Research Paper Example Most of those that turn out as murderers and serial killers have underlying traits that are beyond the rapport created. While it is not definitive pointer to a killer, extreme anti-social behaviour has been a classical indicator of the same (Crime Library, n.d). In line with this, it is critical that those that develop socially at a low pace are not subjected to unfair treatment, but those that fall from being highly sociable to isolation should warrant help. Potential serial killers also tend to develop voyeurism with the intention of dominating another being. In view of exerting dominance, most potential serial killers tend to harm animals such as cats, dogs, among others for the thrill of it. The above coupled with psychopathic tendencies are early indicators of serial killer traits. Such traits are coated by charm in an effort to mask their identity, which also works to lure victims. Ted Bundy was no different presenting with changes in his social behaviour that was worsened by a depressive disorder. Born in 1946, Theodore Robert Cowell confessed to numerous homicides around the country before his execution. He abducted his victims who were mostly young women and girls before raping and killing them in cold blood. Known best by the alias Ted Bundy, he left a trail of bodies during his active years of the 70s. Ted a normal childhood, being brought up by his grandparents alongside his mother, who he believed was his sister. However, as a teenager Ted isolated himself from his peers stating that he did not understand social behaviour among teenagers (Criminal Minds, n.d). He studied psychology and Asian studies in college and worked various jobs at the time. It is during this period that he met Ann Rule, who would later write a definitive biography on Ted (Rule, 2012). Ted’s social challenges became evident after relationship breakup where his partner claimed lack of ambition and immaturity as her reasons. Consequently, he was depressed and return to hi s hometown after dropping out of school. Which searching through public records, Ted discovered his parentage an aspect that had a profound effect in his life. His personality underwent a fundamental shift from a reserved and shy person to a more focussed, social and dominant one. It was during this period that he became a campaign manager for Nelson Rockefeller in his bid for the presidency. Moreover, Bundy enrolled as a psychology major in Washington and built a strong relationship with his professors and peers. Over the years, he also enrolled in the University of Utah in the school of law amid recommendation from his employer, Evan Davis and several professors. However, the newfound character was short-lived as he began skipping classes and keeping to himself. There is no consensus as to when Ted began his reign of terror as he refused to divulge information on his earliest crimes. This is besides confessing to later killings where he provided detailed specifics of the crimes. I n addition, different versions of the crime stories were told to different people indicating involvement in the murder of several people in the early 1970s. Nevertheless, it is agreeable that Ted’s first attempted murder was in 1974 after he bludgeoned his sleeping victim before sexually assaulting her. Despite surviving the attack, she suffered permanent brain damage and was not much of help in identifying the attacker (Greene and Heilbrun, 2011). The months that followed saw the disappearance of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Confirmation Letter Essay Example for Free
Confirmation Letter Essay The reason why i am seeking the rite of confirmation is because i have followed the catholic religion all of my life and want to be part of the catholic religion for the rest of my life. i would like to raise my children and family as catholics. I believe in jesus christ and all the teachings of the bible. I have been baptized, ive had my first communion and its only natural that i would take the next step to be confirmed. im looking forward to being seen as an adult in the eyes of the catholic church. I will attend church masses on a regular bases. Another reason why i want to be confirmed is because its one of the seven sacrements. Sacrements are signs of Gods life and love. Confirmation is the sign that gods holy spirit will love you and always be with you. The sacrement of confirmation is the strength to be faithful to gods will, to be a strong and perfect catholic. Confirmation is a stage in catholic religion after Baptism, and is completed in the reception of the holy eucharist in communion. One last reason why i would like to get confirmed is to recieve the holy spirit and you become more responsible. When you recieve the holy spirit you are recieving God and it will help you make decisions and it will comfort you and strengthen you. Getting confirmed will also make you become more responsible because if you say you want to be confirmed then you are responsible for coming to church each week, praying more and acting more like jesus.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Investigation: How does the concentration of acid affect the rate of reaction? :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
Investigation: How does the concentration of acid affect the rate of reaction? The aim of this investigation is to test how concentration affects the rate of reaction. My prediction for my investigation is that the higher the concentration, the faster the reaction will be. My reason behind my prediction is: Â · The higher the concentration, the more particles there are which will collide with enough energy to overcome activation energy, which is explained as the collision theory. Collision theory explains how chemical reactions occur and why rates of reaction differ. For a reaction to occur, particles must collide. If the collision causes a chemical change it is referred to as a fruitful collision. For a reaction to occur, the reactant particles must collide. Only a certain fraction of the total collisions cause chemical change; these are called successful collisions. The successful collisions have activation energy at the moment of impact to break existing bonds and form new bonds, resulting in the products of the reaction. Increasing the concentration of the reactants and raising the temperature bring about more collisions and therefore more successful collisions, increasing the rate of reaction. When a catalyst undergoes collision with the reactant molecules, less energy is required for the chemical change to take place, and hence more collisions have sufficient energy for reaction to occur, therefore the reaction rate increases. The four factors that influence the rate of reaction and therefore the experiment are: 1. The temperature. This is because; if the concentration is warmer, then the reaction rate may increase or decrease depending on temperature. 2. The Catalyst. This is because; if the catalyst is of a larger volume or size than the concentration then it may have an affect on the concentration and experiment that will differentiate results. 3. The concentration. This is a variable that will be used because we are trying to find if the concentration will affect the rate of reaction. 4. The surface area. This is because; if the surface areas of the calcium carbonate pieces are different then it will affect the results also because it will give off more gas, the greater the surface area. To achieve the most accurate of results possible I will use all sufficient equipment and data. For my prediction, that the higher the concentration, the faster the reaction rate, I will use pre-test results to help with my evaluation before I start my investigation. Before I started my investigation, I did a pre-test experiment that helped me to reach my prediction.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Evil, Faith, and Redemption in Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown Essay
Evil, Faith, and Redemption in Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown There are many things that go on â€Å"behind closed doors†in today’s culture. In many cases it is not closed doors that conceal what goes on, but the dark. Usually what is not seen is not considered good. During the time of early America, there was an event that came to be known as the Salem witch trials. This event has sparked many debates and many folk tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne writes in a way to show the error of modern culture. This style allows him to speak to everyone, including his own community. He does this by using the themes of the story to show the tendencies of modern culture. In Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†the themes of redemption, the source of evil, and the power of faith are developed and can be used to show the problems in today’s culture. The belief of redemption, in modern day culture, bases itself on human perspective over God’s intervention, and human perspective is how the main character in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†believed he found his salvation. This is not the actual way to find redemption. Redemption, according to the Bible, is the payment of sins through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The story begins as a man, Goodman Brown, leaves to go out to a meeting that turns out to be for witchcraft and finds himself torn between going to the meeting or deciding to stay at home. Brown wants to go home to his wife Faith and believes if he goes back he will not be punished for his sins. At first he comes to a decision to discontinue his trip to the meeting; he later changes his mind and chooses to move on his path to the meeting and sin. Brown decides to continue because of the shock he just recei... ...ut the faith they have. Hawthorne leaves the problem of faithless people unresolved. I believe he does this to show that faith is an idea that is so loosely thrown around that it has lost its meaning. Simply stated, redemption, the source of evil, and the power of faith are themes developed by Nathaniel Hawthorne that display problems in today’s culture. Although these issues occur frequently, many people decide to ignore them. Many of these difficult situations in today’s society present themselves behind closed doors or in the dark. These problems happen today, and they have happened in the past. It is best that we find a way to deal with these issues before they reach the future. Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown.†Making Literature Matter. Ed. John Schilb and John Clifford. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000. 1085-95.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Global Financing and Rate
Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Veronica L. Powell University of Phoenix MGT/448 Donald Joseph March 31, 2009 Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Currency is unreliable. In some countries the United States dollar is worth more than that countries currency, while in other countries the U. S. dollar is worth less. The exchange rate fluctuates on a continuous base which makes the term â€Å"funny money†more realistic each day. The purpose of this paper is to discuss hard and soft currency, the South African rand, Cuban pesos, and why the exchange rates fluctuate.Hard currency is a currency, usually from a highly industrialized country, that is largely accepted globally as a form of payment for goods and services (Investopedia, 2010). Hard currency is presumed to remain fairly stable through a short period of time, and to be considerably liquid in foreign exchange markets. Soft currency is another name for â€Å"weak currency. †The values of soft c urrencies fluctuate often, and other countries do not want to hold these currencies due to political or economic uncertainty within the country with the soft currency (Investopedia, 2010).Hard currency comes from a country that is politically and economically stable. The United States dollar and the British pound are examples of hard currencies. Soft currencies tend to be prevalent in developing countries. Often, governments from developing countries set unreasonably high exchange rates, pegging the currency of that country to a currency such as the United States dollar. South Africa had a fixed exchange rate for its currency until the latter part of the 1960s; afterward, the South African rand was pegged against major foreign currency.The value of the rand followed changes in the balance of payments and moved roughly with sterling and other weaker currencies until 1985 (Country Data, 1996). The foreign debt crisis of 1985 prompted the rand to depreciate at a bewildering rate, thus it fell to a value that was less than US$0. 40. In 1987 the rand began to recover reaching US$0. 43; however the rand continued to decrease steadily, with minor differences, until declining to US$0. 26 in the latter part of 1995. The rand is a parallel currency that was exclusively used for nonresident capital movements during the 1980s and 1990s.The financial rand was available to foreigners for investment only in South Africa was formulated by the sale of nonresidents’ assets in the country (Country Data, 1996). The two-tiered currency system insulated the country’s foreign reserves from politically stimulated capital flight, because all divestment by nonresidents were automatically met by new investment, and the price of the financial rand varied independently of the commercial rand (Country Data, 1996). Ultimately, South Africa’s economic growth depends upon increasing gold profits and foreign investments.The Cuban Pesos (CUP) is the official currency in Cub a. The American dollar is not accepted on government business in Cuba since November 2004. All of the stores that sold goods in American currency changed to the Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC). Pesos convertibles cost the equivalent of $1. 18 United States Dollars (USD). In Cuba, currency is exchanged every day, and it is a known fact that the pesos are unstable. The Cuban Pesos is equivalent to 100 cents (centavos). The notes can be of the following denominations: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 pesos; coins can be of 1, 5, and 20 centavos (Cuba Currency, 2005).The exchange to the Pesos convertible into United States Dollars are fixed, one to one equivalent of the $1 USD that was established by the Central Bank of Cuba. National currencies are important to the way modern day economies function. The national currencies allow businesses to logically express the value of a good, service, or product globally. Exchange rates are needed because one countries currency is not always accepted in another country. An exchange rate is simply the cost of one form of currency in another form of currency (Grabianowski, 2004).For example, if 1 South African rand is exchanged for 80 Japanese yen, the consumer purchased a different form of currency to use in while in Japan. Many centuries ago, currencies of the world were covered by gold. A piece of paper currency was issued by any world government agency that represented a real amount of gold being held in a vault by that government agency (Grabianowski, 2004). In the 1930s, the U. S. set the value of the dollar at a single, unchanging level: 1 ounce of gold was worth $35 (Grabianowski, 2004). Other countries based the value of their currencies on the U.S. dollar after World War II. Since everyone knew how much gold a U. S. dollar was worth, then the value of any other currency against the dollar could be based on its value in gold (Grabianowski, 2004). Currency worth twice as much gold as the U. S dollar was, subsequently, also w orth two U. S. dollars (Grabianowski, 2004). The two main systems used to determine a currency’s exchange rate are: floating currency and pegged currency. The market determines a floating exchange rate. For instance, a currency is worth whatever buyers are willing to pay for it.This is determined by supply and demand, which is in turn driven by foreign investment, import/export ratios, inflation, and a host of other economic factors (Grabianowski, 2004). Primarily, countries with stable and mature economic markets use a floating system. Floating exchange rates are considered efficient because the market will automatically correct the rate to reflect inflation and other economic forces (Grabianowski, 2004). The floating system is not perfect, if a country’ economy suffers from instability; a floating system will discourage investment (Grabianowski, 2004).To sum up, this paper discussed hard and soft currency, the South African rand, Cuban pesos, and why the exchange rat es fluctuate. Hard and soft currencies are both affected by the exchange rate which fluctuates on a daily basis. Though the notion of the USD not being accepted in Cuba seems unreasonable, it is the choice of Fidel Castro and is honored by American citizens. As countries continue to develop more currencies will become available and will also have the affects of the fluctuating exchange rate. References Country Data. (1996, May).South africa currency. Retrieved from http://www. country-data. com/cgi-bin/query/r-12162. html Cuba Currency. (2005). Cuban pesos. Retrieved from http://www. cubacurrency. com Grabianowski, E. (2004, February 06). How Exchange rates work. Retrieved from http://money. howstuffworks. com/exchange-rate. htm Investopedia. (2010). What does Soft currency mean? Retrieved from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/s/softcurrency. asp Investopedia. (2010). What does Hard currency mean?. Retrieved from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/h/hardcurrency. asp
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Better Player Essays - African-American Culture, Rapping, Reggaeton
Better Player Essays - African-American Culture, Rapping, Reggaeton Better Player Many different genres of music express different feelings and ideas about social behaviors. Even if the ideas are not commonly accepted, artists can use their music to express themselves. One type of popular music that does just that is rap. The beginnings of rap are believed to have stemmed from African rhythms, which were used as a form of communication by the native peoples. Rap evolved and gained in popularity in the 1960's when a few revolutionary DJ's, including Kool DJ Herc, DJ Lovebug Starski, and DJ Hollywood, began to work block parties in the Bronx. They would bring in large speakers, hook them up to a turntable and play two of the same record at the same time, repeating the same section of the vinyl over and over by scratching it. Other performers would chant and yell to the crowd. In 1979, music companies recorded rap for the first time. Such acts as The Sugar Hill Gang, The Fatback Band, and Grandmaster Flash were among the first to gain popularity. The early popularity of rap was hindered by an inability to reach new audiences. After much controversy, MTV began to run videos by black artists. These artists were showcased primarily on the new program Yo! MTV Raps. The rhythms and the lyrics attracted a spectrum of listeners, from inner-city minorities to suburban upper-class whites. Even with rap musics relatively large following, it is not commonly accepted by our society because many of todays rap artists use crude and offensive themes for their songs. Some rap artists even express how they feel about sex roles through their music. One such song by Too Short, Better Player, demonstrates how he truly feels about women. Although his feelings do not represent the whole rap community, many do accept and express them. Too Shorts song describes how no one is a better player than him. When he refers to player, he is talking about how smooth he is with women and how he is able to make them do things that he wants them to do. He refers to women more as possessions than as people often. One example of this is when he says, chilling at the club with all your women, which sounds like he owns the women and that they are not there on their own free will. The main theme of this song is that women are powerless creatures who are only good for one thing, sex. He proves this when he says, I be f*****g hoes every day of the week. He looks at sex from a different perspective than the average person. To him, sex is just something pleasurable with no relation to love. He also doesnt believe that sex should be reserved for one person after marriage. He demonstrates this when he says, I get some new hoes and do it again. The idea of dominance over women is also apparent when he refers to them as bitches and hoes. Most people would take serious offense to being called things like bitches and hoes, but it is an everyday thing among many rap artists. Although many people agree with Too Shorts standpoints on women, these ideas do contradict current social values. Current values hold women as equals to men, and sometimes even higher than men. Women have been held as low class citizens for many years, and if anyone should understand how this feels, African American rappers should. Maybe growing up in ghettos and being around drugs have caused these rappers to have so much disrespect for themselves that it seems nature to disrespect the opposite sex.
Monday, October 21, 2019
College Shower Dos and Donts
College Shower Do's and Don'ts Unless youve spent a lot of time at summer camp, theres a good chance youve never enjoyed the dubious pleasures of a shared shower. Dorm showers are a little nicer than camp showers, but while summer campers are children with few concerns about privacy and hygiene, college students are young adults. Standards are higher, and you need to know the unwritten rules of college showers. What College Dorm Showers Are Like Most dorms have large bathrooms for each hall. If youre in a single-sex dorm you may have two bathrooms on your floor available for your use. If youre in a coed dorm, there may be separate bathrooms for each gender or shared bathrooms. In most dorms, bathrooms include multiple sinks, toilet stalls, mirrors, and separate curtained showers. If youre living off-campus or in a fraternity or sorority house, the situation may be different. You may, for example, need to take turns using a single-user bathroom. Alternatively, you may need to create a bathroom schedule. The college shower is both a very private and a very public place. Whether youre in a dorm, an off-campus apartment, or even in a situation where you have your own room but share a bathroom with others, its important to know how things work so no one gets offended or embarrassed. So how can you make sure you know the dos and donts that surround the college shower? The Dos Do wear shower shoes. You may love every person in your residence hall or Greek house, but feet are feet and dirt is dirt. Wearing shower shoes can actually protect you from infections, so make sure you have an extra, shower-only pair of flip-flops at all times.Do bring a shower caddy. A shower caddy is a hanging bag or container you carry with you from your room to the bathroom and back again. Find one that works for you so you can always have your shampoo, conditioner, razor, and anything else you might need handy.Do bring a towel or robe to wear back to your room. Forgetting your towel can be a nightmare, so hook it onto your shower caddy, or even better, fold it on top so that you never forget one without the other.Do clean your hair out of the drain. Youre in a shared space now, so treat it with the respect youd want from someone else and do a quick swipe to make sure you dont leave hair in the drain for the next person. The Donts Dont take an unreasonable amount of time. Taking a ton of time in the shower may feel nice for you, but it creates a huge backlog of people who need to shower. Remember that youre part of a community and try to keep your shower time brief.Dont shower with a friend. Having, shall we say, romantic encounters in the shower is not only disrespectful to others in your hall, but its also inappropriate and, perhaps worst of all, pretty darned gross. With all the private spaces that a college offers, take your friend somewhere a little nicer and more personal.Dont expect too much privacy. Yes, youll have your own stall, and most likely it will have doors or a curtain. But you are sharing a bathroom with others, so just be prepared for people talking, using up the hot water, coming in and out of the bathroom, and basically eliminating the kind of privacy you might be used to back at home.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
5 Cases of Erroneous Usage
5 Cases of Erroneous Usage 5 Cases of Erroneous Usage 5 Cases of Erroneous Usage By Mark Nichol Writers who have misheard words and expressions or remember them imperfectly are prone to misrepresenting them in their prose. The following sentences include examples of such errors, followed by discussion and revision. 1. Trustees- jail inmates selected for jobs like food preparation and garbage collection- were sneaking drugs in on food trays. A trustee is a person or organization that manages money or property for someone else or a person who serves on a board. The appropriate term in this sentence is the plural of the noun trusty: â€Å"Trusties- jail inmates selected for jobs like food preparation and garbage collection- were sneaking drugs in on food trays.†2. Her tongue-and-cheek comment was inappropriate for the occasion. A writer unfamiliar with the idiomatic phrase denoting irony, insincerity, or whimsy has mistaken one of the words in the phrase for another: â€Å"Her tongue-in-cheek comment was inappropriate for the occasion.†3. The galley on this sailboat looks as if it could be a kitchen in a home in a housing track. Here, a writer has presumably misheard the term tract- referring in this context to a housing development, as track- and is unaware of the distinction: â€Å"The galley on this sailboat looks as if it could be a kitchen in a home in a housing tract.†4. In this type of story, the hero undergoes a right of passage. This sentence refers to a ritual, not something one is entitled to: â€Å"In this type of story, the hero undergoes a rite of passage.†5. Smith has a Masters of education and spent several decades as a schoolteacher. Masters is the plural form of master. Master’s is the possessive form, which is what is appropriate here. Also, though it is implicit that degree is what â€Å"belongs†to the master, it’s best to include the word and to use the pertinent preposition: â€Å"Smith has a master’s degree in education and spent several decades as a schoolteacher.†(Also, as shown in the revision, a word denoting a level of degree is not capitalized.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Usage Review category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowComma Before ButUsing "zeitgeist" Coherently
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Golden Fleece by Herbert Draper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Golden Fleece by Herbert Draper - Essay Example The first part is how the Golden Fleece came about and came to be hung in the woods in what today is modern Georgia, along the Black Sea coast. The second part is how Jason and the Argonauts searched for the Golden Fleece. The last of the second part of the story is what The Golden Fleece by Herbert Draper depicts. The second part of the story, beginning with Jason’s quest of the Golden Fleece is what will be examined. Jason’s father, Aeson, was king until Pelias stole the throne, killing all of Aeson’s descendants, but Jason. Jason was spared because his mother faked he was stillborn. Upon his return to the city, Jason was singled out because of a lost sandal. An oracle had told Pelias to beware of the man with only one sandal. Pelias wanted to kill Jason outright, but instead offered the option for Jason to go on the quest for the Golden Fleece (Colum, 13-14). Jason accepted taking a band of men on a ship called the Agro, thus they were known as the Argonauts. After many trials and tribulations, Jason arrived in Colchis. King Aeetes greeted them, but refused to give them the Golden Fleece unless Jason passed three tasks (Saberhagen, 174-176). Jason despairs, until Medea, King Aeetes daughter agrees to help him. Medea had fallen madly in love with Jason, because of Cupid or Eros’ arrow. Medea agrees to help Jason will all the tasks. The first task is use fire breathing oxen to plow a field. Jason would have to yoke the oxen himself (Apollonius of Rhodes, 88). Medea gave Jason some ointment to prevent severe burns. The ointment even protected Jason from the oxen’s flames. Jason would have burned to death without Medea’s help. The second task was to sow the field with the teeth of dragon. The crop sprouted into a massive army of warriors instantaneously (Apollonius of Rhodes, 88). Medea once again came to Jason’s rescue, by telling him how to defeat the warriors. She instructed Jason to throw a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Human development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Human development - Essay Example The sensorimotor stage starts from birth until 2 years of age. Preoperational stage lasts from the time child learns to talk to 7 seven years of age. From the start of school going age to adolescence is the concrete stage. Formal Operation is the stage of cognitive learning during adolescence. Lev Vygotsky’s theory of cognition relates cognition to be product of cultural influence on an individual thought. 2. What is a script (in relation to memory)? At what age to we typically begin to develop scripts? How might a script both support memory and interfere with memory? The term script was coined in relation to memory by Jack and Roepstorff. It is a response by the brain that allows the individual to retain particular information and regard it as relevant or irrelevant. It helps decide the brain to choose among what to retain and what to ignore (Frackowiak 1997). Children can develop scripts as early as 3 years of age, by forming a sequence of events and then recalling them the next time they are in that situation (Sigelman et al 2009). Scripts form the basis of memory as children recall more details of the events as their scripts become richer.
The standard policy of new technology applied in distribution power Essay
The standard policy of new technology applied in distribution power network - Essay Example not merely includes within its ambit, interlinked transmission systems, but moves ahead to encompass all the aspects of energy industry that is energy generation, transmission, distribution and consumption (Saint 2009). It includes within its scope, the energy related technicalities at the household and industrial level. It is a pity that in the last few years, much stress has been laid on developing efficient household and industrial complex distribution and transmission models; a commensurate enthusiasm was not shown in developing smart distribution networks. In this context, the concept of Smart Grid is path breaking and ingenious. There is no denying the fact that the US Energy Policy and Security Act of 2007 is a trail blazing strategy that has laid down the framework for standardizing policies pertaining to new technologies in the distribution power networks (Saint 2009). The strategy enshrined in this document not only aspires to achieve maximum reliability and obliterating an y barriers to the development and deployment of Smart Grid, but also intends to gain in terms of energy savings and making cost effective investments in the realm of Smart Grid (Saint 2009). The standard policy towards energy distribution in the developed countries around the world tends to encourage the modernization of transmission and distribution systems, while making way for dependable, fool proof and reliable power infrastructure that can adjust to and accommodate any future alterations in demand and technology. The crux of the Smart Grid is to facilitate a demand response that is in consonance with the ethos of free markets and economies, and also enables the consumers to have a proactive role in adjusting their energy needs to the changing prices (Saint 2009). At the same time it intends to exploit all the possible power generation and storage options, by it the wind, solar or bio energy (Saint 2009). The eventual idea is to forge such an approach towards energy generation and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Defining Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Defining Religion - Essay Example ?s explanation of his duties as a warrior and the ways where he can elevate his consciousness to the level of Krishna made the Bhavad Gita a structured theology for the Hindus just like the Bible to the Christians. In the Gita, as it is simply known, contains the guide on how to live one’s life which led Hinduism to be â€Å"a way of life†. In the Gita, Lord Krishna explains to Prince Arjuna why he has to fight the Kuruskshetra War to restore his karma; that there is a cycle of birth and death and the soul does not really die but only the body that decays during the cycle of birth and death. This is to allow a person to improve on their karma through their lifetime of action until enlightenment and vijnana is achieved. Darsan for Hinduism is a way of seeing with reverence and devotion that one may receive blessings. It is the equivalent of the Christian faith’s â€Å"vision†of something holy or the divine. In simple practice, Darshan only involves seeing the image of god so that the devotee may experience spiritual upliftment (Pattnaik). The New Testament’s Gospel of Mark and Gospel of John are one of the synoptic gospels of the life of Jesus Christ, the central figure of the Christian faith. The Gospel of Mark is the narration of Jesus Christ’s baptism to His nailing to the cross to ascension. The Gospel of Mark Chapter 14 – 16 is the prelude to Jesus Christ’s nailing to the cross when Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Jesus Christ knows about it as he already predicted the betrayal and had Last Supper with his Disciples before he was arrested. The miracles that Jesus Christ known to perform are also contained in the Gospel of Mark such healing of the sick. The Gospel of John on the other hand accounts the teachings of Jesus Christ when He was doing His ministry. It begun with Jesus Christ’s affirmation with St. John the Baptist and culminated with His resurrection from the dead. Gospel of John’s chapter 1 was Jesus Christ’s teaching
Joan of Arc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Joan of Arc - Essay Example For this reason, the world continues to remember these people long after their demise. One such person who epitomizes selflessness is Joan of Arc, also known as the Maid of France. Joan of Arc overcame challenges that appeared insurmountable at her time and got unheralded achievements. Joan of Arc lived in an era when women did not take a centre stage in matters regarding leadership with male dominance being the order of the day. In the same period, nations engaged one another in wars, which made it a challenge for women to take a leading role. This expose gives an analysis of Joan of Arc's life and the accomplishments, which made her break from the traditional self-image of women. Commonly referred as the Maid of France, Joan of Arc was born in 1412 to Jacques d’Arc and Isabeau Romee, poor farmers at Domremy in the valley of the Meuse (Newman 431). As a young peasant girl, Joan received an education similar to other peasant girls. In this regard, she did not learn how to read and write, but Joan learnt sewing, spinning and repeating the Ave Maria. For someone who went through an informal system of education, it is ironical that Joan of Arc became a subject to many literary works by acclaimed authors. More ironical is that Joan of Arc died at the age of nineteen years (Stanhope 4). Nonetheless, famous English writers such as Shakespeare and Holinshed reviled Joan of Arc, while Southey and Schiller idealized her work with Voltaire ridiculing her (Stone 3). However, for a young girl whose childhood activities included tending to her father’s flocks and working in the field’s, Joan of Arc became a symbol of what Mark Twain referred as a â€Å"peerless human being†(Stone 5). In addition, Mark Twain called her â€Å"the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced†with George Bernard Shaw calling her â€Å"the queerest fish among the eccentric worthies of the Middle Ages†(Knopf 151). As a young girl, Joan of Arc did not demonstrate any extraordinary acts of boldness and heroism. In fact, Joan of Arc appeared timid when speaking to strangers with her neighbors referring her as a simple-minded though a compassionate girl (Stanhope 4). Joan of Arc’s acts of compassion included tending and nursing the sick and accommodating any wayfarer who found their way to Joan’s home. In addition, Joan was an embodiment of a pious life, which in many cases made her a subject of ridicule by her neighbors and other people. In the fields, Joan would kneel and pray in solitude and go to church and make devotions, which made her spend her pastime in a manner different from the children her age (Stanhope 5). In effect, this young girl started defining her own path at an early age, differentiated from her age mates. Instead of spending time with her peers playing in the fields after spending the day herding or in the farms, Joan of Arc’s commitment to God at her age was exceptional. While Joan was growing up, France was undergoing a series of conflicts between them and England, in the famous period of the Hundred Years’ of War. During Joan’s life in particular, the infant King of England, Henry VI of England, was proclaimed King of France, leaving the rightful heir, Charles the dauphin, holding his weakened courts in a few French provinces (Barstow, â€Å"Joan of Arc†31). At this time, Joan was only thirteen years, and she had started experiencing visions regarding her being the person who would deliver France
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Defining Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Defining Religion - Essay Example ?s explanation of his duties as a warrior and the ways where he can elevate his consciousness to the level of Krishna made the Bhavad Gita a structured theology for the Hindus just like the Bible to the Christians. In the Gita, as it is simply known, contains the guide on how to live one’s life which led Hinduism to be â€Å"a way of life†. In the Gita, Lord Krishna explains to Prince Arjuna why he has to fight the Kuruskshetra War to restore his karma; that there is a cycle of birth and death and the soul does not really die but only the body that decays during the cycle of birth and death. This is to allow a person to improve on their karma through their lifetime of action until enlightenment and vijnana is achieved. Darsan for Hinduism is a way of seeing with reverence and devotion that one may receive blessings. It is the equivalent of the Christian faith’s â€Å"vision†of something holy or the divine. In simple practice, Darshan only involves seeing the image of god so that the devotee may experience spiritual upliftment (Pattnaik). The New Testament’s Gospel of Mark and Gospel of John are one of the synoptic gospels of the life of Jesus Christ, the central figure of the Christian faith. The Gospel of Mark is the narration of Jesus Christ’s baptism to His nailing to the cross to ascension. The Gospel of Mark Chapter 14 – 16 is the prelude to Jesus Christ’s nailing to the cross when Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Jesus Christ knows about it as he already predicted the betrayal and had Last Supper with his Disciples before he was arrested. The miracles that Jesus Christ known to perform are also contained in the Gospel of Mark such healing of the sick. The Gospel of John on the other hand accounts the teachings of Jesus Christ when He was doing His ministry. It begun with Jesus Christ’s affirmation with St. John the Baptist and culminated with His resurrection from the dead. Gospel of John’s chapter 1 was Jesus Christ’s teaching
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Teaching Process Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Teaching Process - Research Paper Example The researchers chose this problem because they have observed that the constant reminding and disruptions caused by talking out of turn interrupt and often deviates the flow of the lesson. It is time-consuming on the part of the teacher as s/he must focus on discipline rather than teaching the class. This constant reminding also depletes the energy levels of the teacher, which could be used for teaching instead. The researchers’ observations are reinforced by research from Fred Jones who found that 80% of the misbehavior in the classroom is comprised of talking out of turn. This proves that this particular behavior is a problem in the classroom and that there is a need to address it. Using the clip system created by the researchers will enable the teacher to remind and praise the student for raising his or her hand without disrupting the class or deviating from the lesson, thus encouraging decorous behavior and reducing out of turn talking.The study is significant because it p rovides teachers with a tool to teach students better classroom behavior through self-regulation without the need for constant reminders from The respondents of the study are the morning students of the preparatory class of the Raya School. For the scope of the study, the students will only be given clips during storytelling time. Storytelling time includes Genuine Love for Reading (GLR) and Critical Thinking (CT) time. GLR is the introduction of the book, the storytelling proper, and questions asked by the students before, during and after storytelling.
Financial circumstances Essay Example for Free
Financial circumstances Essay The company was a well growing established retailer industry in the market, how ever due to the scandal charges against Wickes. This caused a lot damage to company itself, it gave Wickes a bad status in the market and also they were black listed which meant that the company had a poor financial history so therefore in the future they will be refused on credit products and any other kind of financial circumstances. On the same day the company got black listed which was on the 25th June 1996, the announcement of the scandal was exposed to the public. The announcement of the scandal instantaneously affected the companys market value to 150 million pound and the stock was suspended from London market trading. So in order for Wickes to operate the business back to the way it was they refurbished its corporate management and also made emends with any shareholders and suppliers they had. This took the company a good two years of hard development. Bye the end of 1998 the companys profits increased by 653 million pound so therefore sales rise by 27%. They instituted three new stores and redesigned locations to include ornamental and garden commodities. The fraud scandal could have been preventable in many ways, Wickes became aware of this incident when scandal exteriors and auditors thoroughly checked the books and notice the major extensive changes. How ever this could have been notice at an early stage. Wickes could carry out monthly or yearly check ups on transactions account to notice any changes or misappropriate mistakes occurred in the business. Wickes could employee internal audit; internal audit will improve the function of the organisation and consulting action which will be intended to add value to the business, along side meeting the companys objectives. The organisations objectives will be achieved by bringing an efficient approach to evaluate and develop the efficiency of risk management, control and governance processes. Although to bring in an internal audit to check the operation of the business yearly will be expensive. In my opinion I personally think that Wickes will be able to pay for the expense of an internal audit as they are a fast established business which creates good profit. This will be beneficial for the business as a whole. Another suggestion to prevent the scandal could be to have good ethics and standards in place. The following charges which were made on the defendant were producing false statement and giving false information to the auditor (Arthur Andersen), so therefore Wickes could locate a system which contains a principle of governing morality and acceptable conduct. They could do this by producing a code of ethics which all the employees will have to fallow and can not be broken. Therefore the company will have strict rules and have control over their employees. This will help the business to be safe and prevent employee misbehaviour. An additional idea is to direct different position to different individuals; Henry Sweetbaum was the companys former chairman and chief executive. So therefore Wickes could have given two individuals them to positions instead of just giving it to one individual. If they were two individuals directed for them positions then they would have had an inter link with one another jobs and would have been aware of what each one is undertaking. So therefore I personally think that the incident of the scandal would have occurred earlier than later if the former chairman and chief executive roles were given to two individual instead of just one. In conclusion I personally think that the fraud scandal which arose in 1996 for Wickes was a huge turn around for the company and now due to this incident they will be more careful now in the future. Wickes will be more alert and aware of how to minimise the risks and the prospect which occur in a scandal. Referencing
Monday, October 14, 2019
Globalisation Effects on Trade
Globalisation Effects on Trade Globalisation is a real phenomenon of the new world system which has a powerful force in determining the world future image. Its dimensions vary from economic, political, social, and cultural applications. The term can be defined as a transforming process that converts local transactions and deals into global ones. This conversion results in increasing cross border trade, investment, tourism and cultural exchange. By applying principles of globalisation, several positive and negative effects have arisen today. This essay will discuss three means of globalisation, where the first two have mainly positive aspects and the next one has negative aspects. Then, the essay will evaluate these aspects that accompany globalisation. The first mean is that the multinational companies and organisations of rich countries are brought to poor and developed countries. This movement provides countries with extra employment opportunities for both genders and contributes the governmental efforts in fighting unemployment. In addition, it has liberated people from the strong bond to their own customs that refuse coping with other nationalities through exporting jobs and business deals. In other words, the enhancement of multiculturalism in global village makes womens work necessary for all countries. Surprisingly, females were struggling with their entire lives to have equality with men especially in closed environments where Saudi Arabia is a case of point. Nowadays, Saudi women make up a large volume in the labour force of the country and share the development of Saudi Arabia. The equality between sexes in jobs opportunities resulted from multinational companies has been expanded for higher payments, job satisfaction, se lf confidence and independence. As a result, some individuals become able to establish families and have their own house at the end of the age twenties. With more freedoms and opportunities, people can receive more income and improve their standard of living. In addition, presence of global goods over the shelves in the marketplace next to local ones shows the differences between products in terms of quality, price, size and shape. Today, most countries can export and import products in the global village. Manufacturers are motivated to produce the best merchandises with good quality and reasonable price. Moreover, global trade creates competitive environment between companies. Customers become more convenient and well satisfied with cross border services. They can share interests and brands of other nations. For instance, Egyptians can enjoy eating McDonald meals and drive Mercedes cars as similar to Americans and Germans. According to Buckley (1998) Global trade can strengthens the relations between nations and makes wars less likely to occur. To sum up, global brands seem to unit nations and make them dependant upon each other. According to the first two means, globalisation promotes business movement and global trade which both carry enormous benefits to societies. But on the other hand, TV broadcasting has serious effects on individuals. The third example of globalisation is the broadcasting of hundreds TV channels to all viewers around the world. TV has abundant amounts of unacceptable levels of sex and violence channels that cause harm to viewers. This content is extremely damaging for youth because they might apply what they have seen and commit crimes. Furthermore, some teenagers become more aggressive and involved in organized crimes. Also, group of adults are encouraged to have sex outside of marriage which has led to social and health problems. For example, it is proven that the cause of auto immune deficiency disease is mainly due to the multi sexual relations outside of marriage. In fact, the erosion in the values of a community will cause greater social problems in the future. It is obvious that making business in other countries will increase the overall national profits and will bring technologies to the targeted ones. Investments in developed countries have shown radical changes that attract tourists. Dubai city is a vivid example that proves the success of business movement between countries. Global trade of goods and services can cause significant reduction in prices and enable limited income people to buy them. Also, it will take little time to purchase a product from global village. Sharing interests and goods between nations may enhance peace and harmony. On the other hand, if the intensity of violence and sex on TV channels continues, there will be more criminals in societies. Governments may build new prisons to accommodate increasing numbers of offenders. In conclusion, this essay has discussed the main positive effects of companies investments in developed countries and the application of global trade, where the first represents a mean of globalisation that creates benefits such as, new job opportunities, higher payments, job satisfaction and independence. Global trade increases exports and imports between countries and enables people to share brands. It gives customers the freedom to buy favourable products. The essay has discussed negative effects of broadcasting TV channels. Violence and sex content increases crimes in societies. Such practices result in sever diseases and social problems. Some individuals have acquired aggressive behaviours and others become criminals.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Amos 9 :: essays research papers fc
Exegetical Paper: Amos 9:5-10      -I will be examining Amos 9:5-10 The message that the author is trying to convey in Amos 9:5-10 is that YHWH has proven himself to the people to be a trustworthy and loyal God. He helped resurrect Israel, the Philistines and the Arameans. In turn these people, particularly the Israelites, have betrayed his trust by acting sinfully toward the kingdom of Israel. The Lord YHWH will judge those people of Israel who are called to do right but who choose to do wrong. The wrongdoers being those that have acted sinfully. Amos, in vision, saw the Lord standing upon the altar at Bethel. God has come for one thing and one thing alone, judgment. There is no escaping the Lord now, for wherever he stands, one can be seen. YHWH has an inescapable presence. Those whom he opposes can find no shelter; wherever they go, his eyes will follow. Wherever sinners flee from YHWH’s justice, it will overtake them. Not only does God have an inescapable presence, he also has the power to do virtually anything imaginable with the Earth. As mentioned in Amos 9:5-6: â€Å"The Lord, the LORD Almighty, he who touches the earth and it melts, and all who live in it mournâ€â€the whole land rises like the Nile, then sinks like the river of Egyptâ€â€he who builds his lofty palace in the heavens and sets its foundation on the Earth, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the landâ€â€the LORD is his name.†Those whom sin or rebel against God will seek an unwanted response. W hether that unwanted resonse be an earthquake, volcano or any other natural disaster. If one is respectful of YHWH they will be respected back in turn and will someday be brought to heaven. Those whom God brings to heaven by his grace, shall never be cast down; but those who seek to climb up by vain confidence in themselves, will be cast down and filled with shame and embarrassment. That which makes escape impossible. YHWH will set his eyes upon them for evil, not for good. If one is honestly sin-free they will someday find heaven but as for those whom have sinned and then turn around and to try and make it up to the Lord, they will never seek his approval therefore not resorting to heaven.
Friday, October 11, 2019
E-Commerce :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
E-Commerce E-commerce is rapidly becoming an excellent way to do business. It incorporates elements which are similar to those of regular commerce. The hype surrounding this new way of doing business is constantly increasing for many reasons. There are some barriers to e-commerce, but the benefits seem to far outweigh the risks. There are many elements necessary to e-commerce. First of all, you must have a product. It is also necessary to have a place. The web sit displays the product and acts as the place. There must be a way to get people to view your web site. You can market your site both on and off the web. There should also be a method of accepting orders such as and on-line form. A secure ordering page and a connection to a bank are necessary for accepting payment. It is also necessary to have a fulfillment facility to ship products to customers. However, if you are just selling software or information, fulfillment can occur with a file download mechanism. It is also important to be able to accept returns and handle warrantee claims if necessary. There should also be a method of offering customer service through e-mail, on-line forms, on-line knowledge bases, or any other on-line mechanism. Many of these elements are necessary to perform commerce, but the specifications around e-commerce are noteworthy. There is a lot of hype surrounding e-commerce. "On the retail side alone, Forrester projects $17 billion in sales to consumers over the Internet by the year 2001." According to O'Reilly and Associates, "Worldwide business access to the Web is expected to grow at an even faster rate than the US market from 1.3 million in 1996 to 8 billion by 2001." It is also documented that, "Dell currently sells about $14 million in equipment everyday, 25% of which is over the Web." The hype concerning e-commerce is justified by many of its aspects. There are many reasons why e-commerce continues to grow at an exceeding rate. E-commerce has lower transaction costs by using automating processes. It is also documented that consumers participating in e-commerce have larger purchases per transaction. A web site that is well-integrated into the business cycle can offer customers more information than previously available. A company can build a catalog on the web exceeding what would be impractical for ordinary mail order businesses.
Keep It in Classrooms Essay
When it comes to the topic of discussing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in schools, most of us will agree that the interactions between whites and blacks in the book cause many controversies. Where the agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether Huckleberry Finn should be completely banned in schools. Whereas some people believe that keeping the book in school systems and developing a new curriculum solve the problem better, other people maintain that all schools must ban the book. The controversy over race, shown in Huckleberry Finn, takes place when Huck uses the â€Å"n-word†casually to talk about all blacks that he knows including Jim. The controversy over racism, also shown when the king, duke, and Huck go into a town and leave Jim and paint him blue so he looks ridiculous, may be argued because the king, duke, and Huck seem not to care about what they put Jim through. Some believe that when Jim stays at the Phelpses’ plantation in a cottage with many live animals, Mark Twain uses prejudices against blacks meaning they do not have many characteristics of humans because Jim live in a cottage and he cannot think for himself because Huck thinks for him. When my class started reading Huckleberry Finn, having an introduction to the book helped while we tried to understand how Twain writes. We discussed racism in our classroom which made me learn more from the class altogether. Although I grant that reading Huckleberry Finn may cause controversy and some discomfort, I still maintain that students should carefully read Huckleberry Finn with extra discussion and introduction about Twain’s background, style of writing, and ideas about racism. I believe that though Twain starts out the novel with some racist comments, by the end of the novel Twain proves to the audience that he is not racist. Franek and NiiLampti disagree with me in their article â€Å"Shoot the Author, Not the Reader†thinking that Twain never stops his racist comments and situations and â€Å"Twain’s other ‘hero’ †¦ acts] so stupid, naive, and subservient†(21). Though this depiction of Jim may be the way that Twain characterizes Jim at the beginning of the novel, by the end of the novel the views of Jim change because he grows during the novel and Huck also grows by accepting Jim into the novel. Franek and NiiLampti believe that by having a black character described stereotypically, black students in the class will feel uncomfortable. But instead teachers should take advantage of the moment to discuss racism in the setting of the book. The turning point for Jim’s rowth occurs when he helps the doctor by watching Tom so that the doctor can fetch more help. The doctor realizes that â€Å"he ain’t a bad nigger†(Twain 214). Jim, a noble friend to Tom, helps Tom and even risks his life in order to help out his friend. Huckleberry Finn studied in classrooms, the classic must be examined carefully and taken within the context before the Civil War although Twain actually wrote the book after the Civil War. The use of the â€Å"n-word†must be discussed before students start to read the novel because of course if the students see the â€Å"n-word’ for the first time, the written word will shock them. Huck uses the â€Å"n-word†on many situations and he does not think twice about saying the â€Å"n-word. †Huck explains how everyone respects Jim by saying, â€Å"Niggers would come miles to hear Jim†but while Huck praises Jim, he still uses the â€Å"n-word†because back when Huckleberry Finn took place, although the â€Å"n-word†derogatorily explained blacks, the negative connotation associated with the â€Å"n-word†today had not surfaced yet, and so people uses the â€Å"n-word†more frequently (5). Teachers and school boards should not ban the book just because the use of the â€Å"n-word,†and Paula Leider agrees with me in her article â€Å"Does Huck Finn Belong in My Classroom? †by saying that â€Å"when Huck Finn is taught in my classroom†¦ it must be explored with sensitivity†(50). If students start to understand the background of the book then the confusion about race will clear up; Leider explains that she likes to talk to her students about why Twain uses prejudices and what the problem is with them. Some of the same prejudices that were in place in the setting of Huckleberry Finn are still depicted today and the reasons for the prejudices stay the same. Twain has a firm attitude that depending on the situation the use of the â€Å"n-word†enhances the context and meaning. To make a more worthwhile class for students, teachers must make the students engage in conversation and provide the students with background information by starting the unit with a history introduction. Along with considering the context of the novel, teachers must note that Twain strengthens the book by adding literary value. A lot of what Twain wrote about had to do with the life that he lived and dealt with; he wants to inform the reader by telling an intriguing story. Katherine Schulten agrees while explaining that Twain uses satire to criticize prejudices from after the Civil War. Twain uses the literary tool of satire to poke fun at certain groups of people by using irony, but his irony must be obvious so that his audience understands that he is not serious. Huck and Jim talk on the raft about French people and Jim says, â€Å"Is a frenchman a man?†¦ Why don’t he talk like a man†(60). Using humor to poke fun at French people, Twain plays with French people because Twain did not like anyone foreign. In Huckleberry Finn the use of satire, a great literary tool that Twain uses, adds light fun and humor to the novel along with provoking thought. Huckleberry Finn has great literary value; the book can not be banned just because of racism. Marge Kraemer agrees in Schulten’s article â€Å" ‘Huck Finn’: Born to Trouble†: â€Å"I’d rather change my approach to a novel than lose the right to teach it†because in her school system the teachers decided to make a curriculum that pleases both sides of the argument (59). I agree with the decision that the Cherry Hill school community made because by keeping the novel the students can still study the literary value of the book. Students should read Huckleberry Finn in schools because the book has a great literary value and teachers can use the time reading to book to discuss racism. Suggestions to teachers may include: discussion of racism in the setting of Huck Finn, racism today, and how we deal with racism. To strengthen race relations, teachers need to convey to their students that they can speak up and disagree at anytime with what is said in the book because that makes the students more active readers. Ernest Hemingway says in his book Green Hills of Africa that â€Å"all modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. †I agree with his statement because the book leads all other books and if Huckleberry Finn is ban, future generations will not be able to study one of the greatest pieces of American literature.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Different types of business information Essay
Verbal Communication Speaking verbal to someone is speaking out loud. This includes talking face to face, in a meeting or in an interview. The advantages of verbal communication are it is a fast way to reach information but this information can be easily forgotten. Another advantage is that speech is direct and straight to the point. Another advantage is that if you ask a question you get answer straight away no need to wait around. However they are some disadvantages if you are talking to someone it may not be legal to talk to about specific topics. Another disadvantage is they are no proof to say you have spoke to that person. Also if you are speaking to someone who does not speak English it is going to take time and money to get a translator. Also another disadvantage is not everyone is listening. Face to Face Speaking face to face is a good way to communicate because you are they talking to them and you can ask those questions and get a reply straight away, also if you didn’t understand something you could just ask them to repeat themselves. However they are some disadvantages, if the person you’re talking to speaks a different language, words can be misunderstood. Phone Call Making a phone call to someone has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a phone call is you can tell someone information quick and easy and you would get an answer straight away. Another advantage is that you can get straight to the point and you can make a phone call anywhere. The disadvantages of making a phone call is your words could be misunderstood and your line could break up. Non-Verbal Communication Digital Email Email is very quick and a very easy way of getting in touch with other people. Once you send an email its sends instantly, so they will receive it a lot faster than if you would have sent it by a letter in the post. There are some disadvantages you need a secure internet link to send emails, also you have to type the correct email address in these complications mean many people prefer to make phone calls instead of emails. Non Digital Written Communication This is an old fashion way of communicating with other people, the advantages there is none we have faster and better technology to communicate. The disadvantages are is slow, the postal service takes up to 3 days just to deliver the letter that’s if it even gets to the address because nowadays post can get lost in the system.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Property Law and Practice - Report on Legal Liability Assignment
Property Law and Practice - Report on Legal Liability - Assignment Example Act, 1996 states that no landowner can carry out construction or repair work to his property, which might impact an adjacent property without adhering the procedures laid down in the Act. An owner who is willing to initiate construction work stipulated under the Act must serve a notice to adjacent owners about their plan in the mode as prescribed in the Act. If a minor repair work is carried on the party wall, there is no need to serve notice under the Act. The Act covers both residential and commercial properties. (Wood et al, p.205). It is to be noted that adjoining owners may accept or disown what is proposed. When the adjacent owners oppose, the Act offers a way for solving the issues. The procedure set at the Party Wall Act is distinct from getting planning approval or approval under building regulations. Under section 2 of the Act, the owner should serve a notice to the adjacent owner where the proposed construction work is to a subsisting party wall even where the work may not extend away from the centre line of a party wall. It is not necessary that a party wall shall inevitably to have a border line running through its centre line but can stand astride peculiarly over it. A owner should serve a notice on the adjoining owners of a party wall about the intended construction or excavation and where a disagreement arises as regards to a party wall under section 1, or when no written consent has been received within fourteen days from the date of service of notice under section 2, then, issue has to be resolved with the help of a surveyor through a dispute resolution mechanism. The primary aim is that by placing the matters out of the parties’ purview, and assigning them to the independent experts, the Act offers Owners with a magnitude of certainty and minimises the peril of work being prolonged by protracted discussions. The Act places more onus on surveyors as the surveyors are required to comprehend where Act is applicable, and what has to be adh ered so as to make sure that a property owner adheres with the Act as the non-adherence will have disastrous outcomes. In Roadrunner case, Court of Appeal held that non-compliance of the Act will not only attract damages for non-adherence but also the Court will not take a lenient view of the failure by a party to adhere with the Act. Thus, this case stresses that a property owner who fails to adhere with the provisions of the Act is accountable for damages suffered by another party in spite of nonexistence of concrete corroboration that repairs carried out by that party really responsible for that damages. (Hannaford & Stephens, 2004, p.xiv). The above Act provides some rights to building owners who intends to carry out some sorts of structural changes to a subsisting party wall in addition to the rights available under common law. In Holbeck Hall Hotel, the Court of Appeal viewed that there is a measured obligation of care or fairness between neighbours to assess the respective pr ivileges and commitments between neighbouring owners. If a building owner must be careful not even start repairing his own side of the party wall without informing the adjacent owners of the proposed repair or construction. (Hannaford & Stephens, 2004, p.xiii). It is to be noted that though the Act does not make it compulsory to serve a notice on the adjacent owners, but adjoining owners can prevent the construction work through a court injection or through other legal means. Further, it is to be noted t
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The Benefits of Universal Healthcare Plan for the United States Research Paper
The Benefits of Universal Healthcare Plan for the United States - Research Paper Example American Medical Women’s Association has come up with one of the better definitions of the term: â€Å"Access to health care should not be linked to a person's employment, place of residence, sex, age, marital status, or health status. Health care should be available to all persons on the basis of medical need rather than financial ability or employer contracts.†(Brown et al, 918-919) A universal system of health care is considered the most optimistic way out for the healthcare crisis in America. Under this system the government becomes responsible for repayment of almost all the services offered by the health practitioners in clinics and hospitals. It is believed that this system would give everyone a chance at health insurance and provide significant cost savings if related administrative expenses could be reduced. This end could be achieved by promoting preventive medicine. Also required would be universally available electronic medical records (Diamond, 921). On th e other hand, many people are opposed to the idea of Universal Healthcare and consider it an impractical ideal that can’t be achieved. The biggest reason perhaps is that historically government bureaus have been known to become difficult and over-bearing rather consistently. It can also be argued that just because a person has access to preventive healthcare education, it doesn’t mean that they will adhere to its guiding principles; so there is a huge potential for costs going rampant. And lastly, the single-payer health system can put a huge toll on the quality of healthcare, something American will not be willing to put up with (Diamond, 921). Many people believe that despite all of its good intentions of â€Å"healthcare for all†, the current health reform movement is not the best method of achieving the desirable objective of universal health coverage as it is government controlled. History is witness that governments just aren’t prepared to do this j ob. It is argued that once the government gets the power to rule over the practice of medicine, it would signify the end of medical profession as known to mankind. Simply put, those against universal healthcare are afraid that it will bring a humiliating end to the best medical care in the world (Diamond, 922). It is commonly believed that health insurance cannot make healthcare more accessible in the United States. It cannot make people adhere to their recommended therapies, nor can it convince people to get to their doctor’s appointments on time. It can also be argued that medical problems are almost always a part of the bigger picture. A person’s health issues can be related to the conditions prevalent in the society. And universal healthcare may not be the solution at all if pregnant women remain ignorant of the advantages of prenatal care, and if asthma patients neglect to take their inhalers on time. It would indeed be better to educate and change people’s perception of health care and medical professionals. It would also be beneficial if the risk factors are weeded out of society so people can be healthier and more receptive to healthcare in case they do need it. We must stop people from smoking and educate them on the disadvantages of eating an unhealthy diet. The fact of the matter is that universal health coverage and medical advice will not have any effect no matter how strictly implemented. These measures would only work if the patients
Monday, October 7, 2019
CVP Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
CVP Analysis - Research Paper Example In order to bring a revolution in the existing business practices of the company, it is important that a new pricing strategy is devised that is based on the strategic objectives of each product individually. Furthermore, the decisions for the allocation of funds for the Research & Development (R&D) of each product should be taken individually and on annual basis to achieve the desired objectives of the product and the company. However, my strategic decision making for each year has resulted into 60% profitability in case of product X5 and 50% profitability in case of product X6. Furthermore, the increased spending on maintenance, support, enhancement and discovery for product X5 and X6 showed improved product which resulted in higher customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the discontinuation of product X7 through the four years helped in the success of the first two products. Nonetheless, a new strategy needs to be determined using contemporary strategy determining tools like Cost-Volu me-Profit (CVP) analysis. 1.1 Aim The aim of this report is to discuss the new pricing and R&D allocation strategy for the core products X5, X6 and X7 using CVP analysis and calculator. 1.2 Objectives To analyse the subsequent performance and life cycles of each product due to the difference in the decisions. To determine the new pricing decisions and R&D budget allocation strategy for each core product, namely: X5, X6 and X7 taken in 4 years (i.e. from 2012-2015). To provide rationale of the proposed strategy with theoretical support. 2 Analysis of Pricing and R&D Allocation Strategy Used in Phase 2 2.1 Penetration Pricing Strategy In order to enter into the established marketplace, Tablet Development Corp. has to undertake the penetration pricing strategy. A penetration pricing strategy is used when the company has to enter into an established marketplace and to attract the market in a substantial manner through low-pricing techniques. In the year 2012, the price of product X5 was set at the lowest possible price of $180 and it was increased by $5 every year. Similarly, the price of X6 was set at $300 only and was increased by $10 each year. The product X7 was discontinued in four years. 2.2 R&D Budget Allocation Strategy Strategic distribution of the R&D budget over the years is key to the success. Therefore, only first two R&D activities require substantial investments whereas the last two requires little investment to keep it going. The R&D budget allocation was increased for product X5 and X6 in the subsequent years whereas, product X7 was allocated less percentage of the R&D budget. The less amount shows the R&D allocations for the maintenance of product X7. 3 Determining New Strategy for Core Products of Tablet Development Corporation Apple Inc. and Microsoft have been involved in developing new products on a regular basis. In this wake they incurred fixed costs related to R&D expenditures and other costs of new product development. In order to remain competitive in the global marketplace, they adopted a new method to determine the prices and R&D allocations for multiple products on a unit cost basis (Morse, 2003). They assumed that the costs of all the products will remain fixed and thus, determine a profit or a loss situation for the new product. The
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Role of Social Media Before, During and After Emergencies Dissertation
Role of Social Media Before, During and After Emergencies - Dissertation Example Adequate preparedness has been important in mitigation of the destructive consequences of disasters. Social media has been used to share critical information and facilitate coordination between disaster response teams when other forms of communication are unavailable. Further, due to the universal communication capabilities of social media, it has been extensively used to aid recovery following a disaster, as it is possible to appeal to people all over the world to donate towards the cause through a brief social media campaign. As it is the case with other communication technologies, usage of social media tools in disaster management is not devoid of limitations. These limitations which are centered on technological, regulatory and reliability perspectives of communication lower the quality of information in the social media, thus rendering it ineffective for crisis management. The challenges can be overcome through the enhancement of technological and regulatory frameworks underlyin g social media. Social media should not be used as the alternative to traditional media but should rather be used as a complementary media to enhance the overall communication in the disaster management cycle.Recently, the world has witnessed the myriad chain of disasters. From Hurricane Katrina in the United States, deadly earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, Katrina in U.S, earthquake in Haiti, exceedingly cold winter in Europe, and terror bombings in various parts of the world. With the rise of disasters in the past few years, it can be expected that their frequency will increase in the future years, especially with respect to natural disasters that may not be averted(Keim, 2011). Due to the frequent disasters, there has been an increased need for communication as people seek to reach their families and friends in the crisis zone, and get information concerning shelter, food and accommodation and transport. Social media has been instrumental in the dissemination of information about these crises by allowing the sharing of information and calls for help.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Group Behavior in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Group Behavior in Organizations - Essay Example During its production of goods, the company has a history of using group work for effectiveness and efficiency in production. Productivity is the most important component in any organization; members of the group should learn how to work together. For organization’s initiatives and goals to be achieved, group productivity should be enhanced (Kowert, 2002). Any successful supervisor or manager should be in a position to guide his employees in a way that encourages an increase in performance. Being a hired consultant in Johnson and Johnson, I found that the organization has four main problems which will be analyzed in this paper. Thesis statement: This paper will analyze in essence the problems in Johnson’s and Johnson’s Company, the effects caused by the problems upon the group’s production, as well as recommendations to be adhered to in order to increase the productivity of the groups in the organization as seen below. Role conflicts occur in organizations due to individuals having many conflicting responsibilities in the organization. Research has depicted that most role conflicts come as a result of multiple obligations being given to varied groups (Kowert, 2002). Through the research carried out in Johnson and Johnson Company, it is clear that mid-level supervisors are given a lot of roles which include working with the employees they supervise. This has led to many role conflicts with the supervisor. This is due to the fact that the supervisor is expected to report underperforming employees and to collaboratively work with the group. Moreover, conflict roles are also caused by employees being asked to perform tasks which contradict at the same time. For instance, an employee can be asked by one supervisor to increase quality control on Johnson’s baby powder.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Character Sketch - Juliet Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet Character Sketch Juliet Essay Juliet Capulet is one of the main characters in Romeo and Juliet, a famous play written by Shakespeare. Juliet is a beautiful, young 13 year old girl. Despite her age, she is pressured from the very beginning of the play to get married, preferably to a young nobleman named Paris who is a relative of the Prince of Verona. During the opening scenes of the play, Juliet seems to be an obedient and naà ¯ve child who always obeys her parents wishes. However, throughout the play we see Juliets sense of independence develop when she makes the outrageous decision to marry Romeo behind her parents backs, and fake her own death. She evolves into someone who is capable of making their own decisions; however her actions are also defiant and rebellious. Juliet is a 13 year old teenager, who will be 14 years old on July 31st, also known as Lammas Eve. I imagine that due to her young age and wealthy family that Juliet is a very small, dainty, well-kept and polished teenaged girl. Juliets appearance is not described in detail in the play, however in Romeos soliloquy at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2, he describes Juliet as bright when he says It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Referring to her as the sun is a metaphor for her being bright. He gets more in depth and describes her as a fair sun in line 4. Therefore, I imagine she has pale, white skin. Romeo also says in Act 2, scene 2 The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars which proves that she has pink rosy cheeks. Romeos soliloquy in Act 2, scene 2 proves what a beautiful, bright, and fair young girl Juliet is. However, dont be fooled by her dainty appearance; Juliets actions throughout the play would paint a different, more mischievous picture of her in your mind. Juliets actions change quite drastically throughout the play. At the beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet seems to be a very obedient teenager who follows her parents orders and does not stand up for what she really wants. For example, in Act 1, scene 3, Lady Capulet asks Juliet Can you like of Paris love? Juliet is quick to agree with her mother by saying: Ill look to like, if looking liking move. This proves that Juliet is naively obedient, and will do as her parents say even if what they want for her is not what she wants. Juliet has given no thought to the idea of marriage, especially to Paris since she is only 13 years old and does not know him, yet she follows her parents orders to give him a chance. However, after Juliet meets Romeo at the ball, her obedience and loyalty to her family dwindles away. Juliet begins to disobey her family, and evolves into someone who can make their own decisions, whether they are good or bad. She falls in love with Romeo; a Montague, a member of the Capulets feuding family. She makes plans to marry him the day after she meets him without telling her parents and they spend their wedding night together in her room at the Capulet mansion. This shows that she is rebelling against her parents by marrying someone from the feuding family, and someone who is not Paris. Furthermore, Juliet makes another defiant decision towards the end of the play. When Lady Capulet tells Juliet about her wedding arrangements with Paris in Act 3, scene 5, Juliet adamantly and angrily refuses the proposal by yelling He shall not make me there a joyful bride. Shortly after Juliets argument with her mother and father about the wedding, the nurse suggests that Juliet marry Paris to please her parents. Juliet does not take the nurses advice and responds with Ill to the friar, to know his remedy; if all else fail, myself have power to die. Juliet takes matters into her own hands and is finally standing up for what she wants. She is not letting her parents or even the nurse influence her decisions anymore. All of these actions show Juliets maturity, and growing sense of independence, but also her new defiant, disobedient ways. Juliet is quite a courageous, passionate, and dramatic person. Throughout the play, Juliet deals with emotional situations quite dramatically and is quick to make drastic decisions on impulse. For example, the second Juliet lays eyes on Romeo, and in their next few encounters, she is so very passionate about how she feels about him. In Act 2, scene 2, she expresses how much she loves him, which may seem overly dramatic since she barely knows him. Juliet makes the impulsive decision to marry Romeo, without really thinking it through which shows how quick she is to make drastic decisions. Juliet makes an extremely courageous and very risky decision in Act 4, scene 3. She decides to take the poison Friar Laurence made for her which will knock her unconscious for 42 hours, despite all of her worries about it not working or possibly killing her. She takes the poison because she is so passionate about being with Romeo that she would do anything, even fake her death in order to be free of her family and able to leave Verona to be with him. Despite Juliets young age, she is truly a brave and passionate girl who does not let anything stop her from getting what she wants. Furthermore, one of the major events of the play takes place in Act 5, scene 3 when Juliet stabs herself with a dagger after waking up to find Romeo lying dead beside her. Juliet makes the drastic decision to end her own life after finding Romeo dead. This shows her fast decision making skills, and also her passion and love for Romeo. She did not kill herself out of weakness from what she had just seen, but because she would not feel right living without the man that she loves so deeply. Killing yourself out of passion for another human being shows extreme courage and bravery which Juliet has plenty of. Although Juliet is portrayed as a naà ¯ve 13 year old girl at the beginning of the play, Shakespeare made it a very prominent part of Romeo and Juliet to show how Juliet evolves into an independent, brave and passionate young woman. She begins to rebel like most teenagers do and defies her parents, but nonetheless she did it to stand up for what she wants and believes in and I think that shows extreme courage, bravery, and independence.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Economic Interdependence between European countries
Economic Interdependence between European countries Why is economic interdependence necessary? When we talk about economic interdependence between countries the first and foremost factor that comes to mind is the exchange of goods and services then the flow of labour, capital, technology, and finally the flow of funds. Helpman (2011) describes the economic fortunes of a country being intertwined â€Å"†¦via trade, foreign direct investment, and financial capital flows†. Helpman also talks about how the global crises of 2008 illustrated the importance of this interdependency between countries when it caused the volume of international trade to fall by almost a quarter which then adversely influenced even the countries with a sound financial system. Coming to the first aspect of the exchange for goods and services (trade); it is indeed, essential to trade in order to derive maximum benefit from the efficient use of scarce resources available and as economic development and progression takes place resultantly because of globalisation, international trade is becoming i ncreasingly popular particularly when it comes to European countries. Piggott and Cook (2006) talk about the need for international trade quite comprehensively: â€Å"exports and imports can smooth demand fluctuations in the domestic economy, and growth via exports could increase competition at home. Therefore basically trade allows firms to escape the confines of the domestic market, so reducing costs, improving quality and hopefully leading to higher sales and profits†. Furthermore, this leads to the countries’ then helping even their businesses or organisations obtain a competitive advantage through specialisation and giving them access to international markets which in turn helps boost the economy even more. Europe’s global economic position Most of the countries in Europe have a significantly high GDP per capita and are considered to have extremely developed economies when it comes to the Global market; examples of which include Germany, France, Netherlands, and so on. In fact, the International monetary fund in its latest report in 2018 places most of the European countries in the advanced economies’ category whether it is in final domestic demand, stock building, or foreign balance. It is especially impressive that most of these countries progressed themselves post communism particularly with European countries like Hungary and Latvia undergoing financial crises as Grzegorz Ekiert (2012) puts it â€Å"†¦these countries’ political and economic achievements have been in stark contrast to the failures seen in other post-communist states.†The most important role in economic development however, has to be acknowledged as well which is the economic interdependence between these European countries. Economic interdependence and its importance â€Å"Economic interdependence is occurring due to specialization of countries, as they are dependent on others in the purchase of products which are not manufactured nationwide.†(Surugiu, 2015) It should be of a common understanding that progress cannot be achieved by being alone or confining to a limited way of approaching desired economic objectives and it proves to be true in the global economy as well. As more countries pool in their share of different scarce resources and bring about extra demand as well from their economies they do in fact help in reducing the wastage of resources. Needless to say, this really does synchronise with efficiently allocating these available resources too. When we talk about globalisation and economic interdependence the most critical element to have are good international relationships between countries due to the aforementioned fact that it is not only international trade that influences the countries’ economies but also other economic factors such as the flow of labour, easing of trade regulations or even financial tie-ups. These relationships are usually quite diplomatic and do involve a collaboration from both sides, it could even be argued that this relationship in itself is an exchange in order to achieve mutually favourable growth thus, these can also be the difference between maintaining peace and economic well-being. Paul Wilkinson(2007) talks about how paramount these can be in his book â€Å"†¦some of the major problems and challenges of international relations reveals that we live in a very dangerous world, and that many of the most serious threats to our peace, security, and economic and social well-being are the result of human actions.†How and why European countries are economically interdependent Being geographically close such as the countries within Europe gives them an advantage to not only make trading easier and quicker but it also provides them with a strategic advantage of achieving their political missions and their businesses with a competitive edge in the international markets. When countries do intend to come together in order to achieve economic progression they usually end up forming an alliance/trading bloc or in Europe’s case most prominently a regional trading bloc (European Union) which overtime proved to be of immense significance to their economic and political environment. This proved to be extremely pertinent in making sure that the countries involved not only maintained peace and excellent diplomatic ties but also that they assisted each other’s economies with regards to growth and exchanging of resources allowing them to specialise more distinctively and get an even higher trade advantage. This enabled the member countries to contribute to the union financially and in return the union invested in its members’ economies accordingly. As stated by European Commission (2018) the EU adopted budget aims to invest (in its member countries) about EUR 160, 113.52M in several areas including sustainable growth, competitiveness for growth and security amongst others. The European Union could arguably be one of the most powerful economic integrations. Over the years, it has not only helped its members in areas like capital accumulation, and technical progress but it has also maintained common and standardised policies for trade and as attested by European commission(2018) itself the EU making one of its main aims to become economically interdependent and avoid any future conflicts between its members. Consequently, countries such as Germany, Spain and France who were at war for centuries have now ensured that they now work in harmony to attain mutual benefit (Mankiw, 2016, p.528). Some other examples of European economic integrations include the European Economic Area (EEA) with around 32 members, European Union Customs Union (EUCU) with 28 of the EU and 3 non-EU members (Turkey, Andorra, and San Marino), and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with currently 4 members. The most compelling benefit however, is provided by there being a single currencies’ adoption by the European Union members which brings with it the convenience of eliminating transaction costs, reduction in price discrimination and the stability of the foreign exchange rate (Mankiw et al, 2016, pp.531). Threats economic interdependence presents While recognising the pivotal aspects of European countries having to be economically reliant on each other we must also look at the limitations it brings with it. Some of these limitations include a 5% decrease in intra EU trading during 2000-2014, Europe’s internal crises in 2015 which was triggered by the euro crises a few years prior, not giving the countries involved to make independent political decisions without undermining their relationships with a majority of their trading partners, and it taking just one opposing country to threaten a powerful alliance like EU as Greece tried to in 2015 against EU sanctions placed on Russia (The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2016). This can also cause a free rider problem as well which Mankiw, Et al (2016) explains by giving the example of the Greek recession where the government borrowed more than they could pay back and eventually the EU had to bail them out. Most impactful though, are the difficulties that arise because of there being a single currency (Euro) adoption within the selected EU countries; these are including but not limited to fiscal federalism (Mankiw et al, 2016) describes it as the fiscal policy in the currency union working like that of a single economy, they also give up their right to have an individualistic monetary policy, and finally the macroeconomic adjustment generating from the external value of their currencies also known as automatic stabilisers (Investopedia, 2018). In conclusion, it can be said as Monnet (1978) suggests; the process of economic integration in Europe has always been incremental in nature, and often ‘forged in crises’. The main aims of these integrations also keep changing with respect to the challenges the economic environment brings with it and that being said, as long as these aims are met and all countries feel like they are benefiting mutually they will always understand that there are more pros than cons of economic interdependence for them, if not then they can always choose to leave like the UK did with the EU in June 2016. It goes without saying that trading blocs are an integral part of economic integration and political reasoning might also be a huge element in deriving its existence. However, as long as the collective European economies continue to prosper by depending on each other economically and the consequences of abandoning this interdependence do not surpass the benefits of remaining it would not make any sense for a country to be an independent economy. Reference List: European Free Trade Association (2018) About EFTA: The European Free Trade Association Available from: [Accessed 21 April 2018] European Commission (2018) Budget: Annual budget. Available from: [Accessed 19 April 2018] European Commission (2018) The EU in brief: From Economic to Political Union Available from: [Accessed 21 April 2018] European Commission (2018) Taxation and Customs Union: Customs Union Available from: [Accessed 21 April 2018] Helpman, Elhanan. (2011), Understanding Global Trade, Harvard University Press Available from: ProQuest EBook Central, International Monetary Fund (2018) World Economic Outlook cyclical Upswing, Structural change: statistical appendix table part A. Available from: [Accessed 20 April 2018] Investopedia (2018) Automatic Stabilizer: What is an ‘economic stabilizer’? Available from: [Accessed 21 April 2018] Mankiw, G. Taylor, M. Ashwin, A. (2016), Business Economics: The Global Economy, 2nd edition, Cengage textbooks. Monnet, J (1978), Memoirs, London. Piggott, Judith. Mark, Cook. (2006), International Business Economics: A European Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan. Surugiu, M. and Surugiu, C. (2015) International Trade, Globalization and Economic Interdependence between European Countries: Implications for Businesses and Marketing Framework, Procedia Economics and Finance, 32 (1), pp. 133. Available from: [Accessed 19 April 2018] The German Marshall Fund of The United States (2016) Policy Brief: How Economic Dependence Could Undermine Europe’s Foreign Policy Coherence. Available from: [Accessed 21 April 2018] The Icelandic Directorate of Immigration (2018), Home: EEA Member Countries. Available from: [Accessed 21 April 2018] Wilkinson, Paul. (2007), International Relations: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
The Importance of Ion Channels Essay -- Disease, Disorders
Oculocutaneous albinism is the lack of color in an individual skin hair and eyes. This is a condition that exists from birth. This a The Importance of Ion Channels: An Analysis of the Long QT Syndrome Inheritance method Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) is an uncommon congenital heart condition in which patients affected by this syndrome are at high risks for cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death due to mutations in cardiac ion channels (Crotti et al., 2008). There are two particular variants to the Long QT Syndrome; one is called the Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome (J-LN), which is associated with deafness, and the other has been named the Romano-Ward Syndrome (R-W), in which there is no connection with deafness (Crotti et al., 2008). The Romano-Ward Syndrome is known to be the more common type of LQTS and is autosomal dominant (Russell et al., 1996), whereas the Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome is less common and is autosomal recessive (Crotti et al., 2008). Gene(s) responsible or implicated in the disorder The research community has divided the Long QT Syndrome by types, depending upon the different mutations in four of the cardiac ion- channel genes, KVLQT1, HERG, SCN5A, and KCNE1 (Zareba et al., 1998). Mutations within these voltage-gated ion channels ultimately disrupt the normal nerve impulses that take place within myocardial cells. Sodium and potassium channels play key roles during action potentials as it is through these channels that their respective ions are able to enter and leave the cell in order to generate electrical excitation or inhibition throughout. Such channels are composed of subunits of proteins, and damage within even one subunit can alter the overall function of the action potential, which will alte... ...ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007: 52. Priori, S., Napolitano, C., Schwartz, P., (1999). Low penetrance in the long-qt syndrome. Circulation 99, 529-533. Russell, M., Dick, M., Collins, F., Brody, L,. (1996). KVLQT1 mutations in three families with familial or sporadic long QT syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 5, 1319-1324. Westenskow, P., Splawski, I., Timothy, K., Keating, M., Sanguinetti, M., (2004). Compound mutations: a common cause of severe long-QT syndrome. Circulation 109, 1834-1841. Zareba, W., Moss, A., Schwartz, P., Vincent, M., Robinson, J., Priori, S., Benhorin, J., Locati, E., Towbin, J., Keating, M., Lehmann, M., Hall, J., Andrews, M., Napolitano, C., Timothy, K., Zhang, L., Medina, A., MacCluer, J., (1998). Influence of the genotype on the clinical course of the long-QT syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine 339, 960-965.
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